At the dawn of human existence, people did not have modern comfort, but even then their hearts were drawn to creativity. The first people who possess the germ of the mind are the first artists of the earth.
Rock paintings of the Paleolithic era
The oldest rock paintings refer to the eraPaleolithic. It was then that the first painters of the earth took to the hands. The MHK began its long road to development. Heroes of the stories are people and wild animals, which were both a food source and totem patrons of the family.
The most famous monument of the Madeleine era -Cave Lasko in France. Scientists dated the drawings to the 18th millennium BC. its value is so great that the cave was turned into a real museum. In the vast expanses of the hall, a whole herd of bulls, horses, bears and deer whirls around the walls in an insane dance. On the scale it is often compared with the Sistine Chapel. Even the vaults of the cave are decorated with an ornament resembling plants.
Despite the fact that the first artists of the earthThey created their masterpieces from memory, they conveyed the proportions of animals with extraordinary accuracy. Even then, the masters used the perspective and chiaroscuro for giving realism to the images. In the arsenal of the artist there were several colors: black, yellow, red, which were made from minerals.
Mesolithic painting
In the Mesolithic, human life has changed a lot.Large cattle became less and less, and the life of the entire tribe depended on successful hunting. It is hunting that becomes the central plot depicted by the first artists of the earth. It was a kind of ritual. Many historians believe that people were trying to attract luck by portraying a successful cattle paddock.
The Mesolithic leaves multicolored and voluminousforms. Images become more graphical and formalized. The drawing is now only executed in black or only in red. By the end of the period, there are also more peaceful subjects - harvesting fruits, honey, dancing by the fire.
The most striking monument of this era is the grottoZaraut Kamar in Uzbekistan. Thanks to the art of the Mesolithic we can learn more about the way of life and representations of ancient people. For example, it was thanks to the drawings that the approximate time of onion appearance was established.
Neolithic art
The Neolithic Age was marked by active thawingglaciers. Man again had to enter into a fight with nature for better conditions for life. The first artists of the earth in the ancient civilization of northern Europe increasingly go into symbolism. The image of a person becomes more schematic, sometimes with exaggerated primary sexual characteristics.
It is in the territory of the north of Europe thatmost of the monuments of this period. Appear images of marine animals - seals, whales, fish. Most likely, this is due to the fact that life in this region was more connected with the sea.
The first artists of the earth left after themselvesa lot of petroglyphs - stones with a hollowed out pattern. Small traces of paint indicate that before they were painted. The severe humid climate left in integrity only a relief. We will never be able to see them in their primeval beauty.
The role of the artist in ancient society
Now the artist is a person who aspires toto realize oneself through art. But was it possible at that distant time? People were so busy with the struggle for life that they hardly had time to create. Most likely, the drawing was also subordinated to the general goals of survival.
Whatever it was, the oldest artists possessedhigh talent. It is simply impossible to imagine that it was possible to draw everything like that. Therefore, it is assumed that the creators of rock art were not only the first artists, but also the first shamans - priests. They performed special sacral functions. Drawing the hunt - lured luck, collecting fruits - a plentiful harvest in the surrounding forest, dancing women - as a symbol of the continuation of the genus and strong offspring.
The first artists of the earth are unusual people,which became pioneers. It was they who transferred the inner image of the world to the plane of the stone. This was a great step in the development of all mankind and its emotional sphere. Thanks to them, we now enjoy masterpieces of world art.