/ / Commodity-money relations as a tool for the development of public relations

Commodity-money relations as an instrument for the development of social relations

The history of this relationship begins with the ancienttimes. The surplus products were exchanged for other types of goods of the subsistence economy and, thus, commodity-money relations arose. But initially there was no production. These relationships can be called commodity exchange. With the development of society and the division of labor, the production of goods appears, and such exchange becomes regular.

So, commodity-money relations are those that arise in society as a result of the production and exchange of goods.

Before the appearance of a single equivalent of exchange, the scheme of these relations was simplified. Surplus manufactured goods were exchanged for other necessary goods in a certain proportion.

As a result of the exchange of goods appeared separatetheir species, which have begun to play the role of a common equivalent. These were products that were in special demand. This is the next stage in the development of commodity-money relations. But they still can not be called complete. There was a barter exchange, the economy was basically natural.

The next step was the emergence of a singleequivalent for all nations. Initially, its functions performed precious metals (silver or gold). Naturally, such relationships were not always convenient. There was a need for a unit of measure for all types of goods in order to simplify the exchange. So gradually money appeared.

At this point, there was a transition from the “commodity to commodity” scheme to the “commodity-money-commodity” scheme. Thus originated commodity-money relations.

Money also made its way of becoming.Originally it was metals. Then began the official release of money. Gold was chosen as a material due to its properties (not to darken, not to rust) and a uniform consistency. Gold was one of the most expensive and valuable metals, which also became the basis for choice. Initially, high-grade coins were produced, but over time they began to cut and reduce the metal sample. It was necessary to reduce the cost of coinage itself. Then began the release of money from paper. They are also called inferior, because the cost of their release is much lower than the assigned one. After that, they began to mint coins of less precious metals, which also reduced the cost of their production.

This process was the beginning of the development of forms of value.

It must be said that commodity-money relations,played a huge role in the development of society. They have become the main stimulus for the origin of ties between individual segments of society, people and states. The markets that arose as a result of this relationship became cities over time. The need for exchange and trade was the impetus for the development of shipping and transport. There was writing and, as a result, accounting of trade operations. Therefore, monetary relations are the engine of development of all stages of human activity.

Today, these relationships have taken more modernform. But we can not say that they are stable. As a result of their imperfections crises occur, which have a significant impact on the world community. But reaching a modern level, commodity-money relations have come a long way of development.

For the normal functioning of societycommodity-money relations must be subject to a certain law. The amount of money released into circulation ideally corresponds to the quantity of goods and covers its value. Only in this case there will be no inflation or oversupply of goods unsecured by the money supply.

Summarizing, we can say that commodity-money relations are a necessary condition for the full development and normal existence of society and social relations.