/ / Spiritual Moscow Academy: address, photo, history

Spiritual Moscow Academy: address, photo, history

The Moscow Spiritual Academy is the place whereone can learn spiritual culture and become a spiritual guide for hundreds of people. What is the history of this place? Can everyone connect their lives with God and what is needed for that? The answers are in the article below.

Short introduction

Moscow Theological Academy and Seminary isHigher education institution of the Russian Orthodox Church, which is engaged in the professional training of teachers of the word of God, clergy and theologians. The history of this university begins in 1685 on the basis of the Trinity Lavra Seminary and the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy. In 1919, after the revolutionary events, the seminary was closed, but in 1946 its activity was resumed.


Moscow Orthodox Theological Academy andSeminary in its original form was founded in 1685. Up until 1814, it was called the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy and was located in the center of Moscow. The first issue of clerics glorified the academy for many years to come. Today, graduates of this school are talented clerics, preachers, and church writers throughout Russia.

Moscow Theological Academy

In the spring of 1685, the monks Ioannikiy and SofronyPeter and John, who are welcomed in two languages, appear before the kings with a proposal to create a theological school. The brothers brought with them to the capital many learned books that were written by the best priests. Already in the winter of the same year, the future spiritual Moscow Academy was inaugurated. Two years later, new buildings are being built, the number of students is significantly increasing.

The brothers created their own education system,which consisted of three steps. At the first, students were taught to write and read in Greek. At the second stage, they were waited for in-depth acquaintance with grammar. And only after that, the students were taught rhetoric, physics, drinking and logic. The spiritual Moscow Academy gives the Greek language the primary role, while Latin leaves only as a supplement.

In the late 1690s, the school experiencedDifficult times, since the founding brothers had to leave its walls. Teaching passed into the hands of the best students - Fyodor Polikarpov and Nikolai Semenov.

Latin imposition

With the beginning of the reforms of Peter I in schoolstop teaching students in Greek. The head of the Academy is Metropolitan Stefan Yavorsky, who, during his leadership, significantly improves the material condition of the Academy, as well as some learning points. Unfortunately, the Greek language became allowed only in 1738.

Moscow Theological Academy and Seminary

The history of the Moscow Theological Academy comes toits bloom under Metropolitan Platon (Levshin), who was appointed to the post of director in 1775. He does everything to return his native language to the academy and he succeeds in this. The introduction of a regulation for pupils is considered to be a great achievement. Each of them had to strictly observe fasting, stevening, the rules of prayer and remember the time to be given to prayer.

Metropolitan selected the best minds among the poorpupils who were obedient and capable. They were called "Platonists." Their way of life was different: the “Platonists” lived separately, had their own library and intensively studied languages. Subsequently, they were to become the best spiritual ministers.

In 1775, thoughts of movement began to appear.Academy in another city. Metropolitan Platon wanted a new place to become the Ascension Monastery, but in the circles of the higher authorities this option was not approved. The final decision was made in 1812, when Moscow was seized by the French. Zaikonospassky monastery was almost completely burned, and the monks were killed. In the spring of next year, everything was more or less restored, and school life continued in Sergiev Posad.

history of the Moscow Theological Academy

The reign of Alexander I is characterized bymany innovations and upgrades that have had a positive impact on the academy. The Moscow Theological Academy, the photo we see in the article, was solemnly opened in the fall of 1814 in Sergiev Posad. Then followed a quiet time for the school, when much attention was paid to expanding and improving the educational process. At this time, many rules are in place that are still valid today. Then comes rector A. Gorsky, who is considered one of the best rectors of the academy. He did a lot of useful and good not only for the university, but also for many students. Gorsky is also the creator of a new Russian church history.


The end of the XIX century was characterized by someIn decline, but at the beginning of the last century, life in the academy was gradually improving. The educational process suffered, because the newest reforms were highly questionable. For some time, the school even had to close. But in 1946, it received a "second wind". Until today, the academy has gone through many difficulties, but it survived - and this is the main thing.

Moscow Theological Academy address

Icon Painting School

At the Academy there is an icon painting school, whichavailable for men and women over 35 years old. Iconographic school is an educational institution of the Moscow Patriarchate. Education has a two-stage program. The first stage of study is three years. After that, the person receives a diploma. The second stage of study lasts only 2 years. Theological Seminary of Moscow invites to the second stage of training only those who graduated with honors from the first.

Applying for training in the iconographicschool, the student should know the initial, morning and evening prayers, as well as the prayer of the Mother of God. It is important to be able to read the liturgical books in the correct Church Slavonic language. There is a special creative competition, which aims to test artistic abilities: within 6 hours a student must reproduce a certain part of the icon. When evaluating the work takes into account the proportionality of the image, the correct transfer of color and character, as well as rational placement on paper.

Moscow Theological Academy photo


The head of the school is the ArchbishopEvgeny Vereisky. The rector is appointed according to the decree of the Patriarch of Moscow. The academy is managed on the basis of the Charter and with the help of vice-rectors, who are also appointed by the Patriarch. The rector has the right to establish the rules and schedule of work, determine the powers of certain departments, as well as give instructions that are possible within his professional competence.

Academic Council of the Academy deals with issueseducational process and research activities. He also regulates the principles of the development of the university and its priorities to achieve the maximum effect of the educational and educational processes.

Moscow Orthodox Theological Academy and Seminary

Information for applicants

Spiritual Moscow Academy invites peoplewho want to connect their lives with the service of God. You can study at the undergraduate and graduate. Also, anyone can continue their studies in graduate school or in the regency school. For admission the applicant must submit all the necessary documents that are listed in a special list on the website of the educational institution.

Contact Information

Where is the Moscow Theological Academy?The address is as follows: Sergiev Posad, Krasnogorskaya Square, 1. The educational institution is located in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Opening hours from 9 am to 18 pm all week, except weekends and holidays.