/ / Daily planning in the preparatory group for January by GEF

Daily planning in the preparatory group for January by GEF

Once in preschool education wereintroduced new educational standards, daily planning in the preparatory group for January on the GEF has become a prerequisite for the work of teachers. There are exemplary programs "From Birth to School", created under the editorship of N. Ye. Veraksy, which help teachers carry out their own planning.

daily planning in preparatory group for january

Goals of daily plans

The modern scientific concept of preschool education involves the full development of the child’s personality, his comprehensive preparation for life in society.

Daily planning in the preparatory groupin January, created by the teacher, should ensure the formation of the personality of the preschooler, disclose his individual characteristics, contribute to the creative development of the child.

At the forefront is the concern for psychological andphysical health of children, the formation of a sense of pride in their land, country, ability to self-development and self-improvement. The teacher seeks to create in the group a benevolent and humane atmosphere conducive to the disclosure of the creative potential of each child.

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Current trends in preschool education

Sample planning in the preparatory groupFor January on GEF should meet all requirements. It includes not only goals and objectives, but also information about the possibility of reflection in each individual developmental lesson. Detailed planning for each day in the preparatory group helps the caregiver to build individual educational trajectories for each child, monitor the self-improvement of children, the development of their social qualities. With the help of the integration of diverse types of activities, the teacher is able to fully implement the goals and objectives that are provided for by the new educational standards introduced into the Russian pre-school education system.

Planning in the preparatory group for Januaryinvolves a variety of activities related to winter. Regardless of the educational material chosen by the educator, its content must fully comply with the age characteristics of the children and contribute to the creative development of the children.

Daily planning in the preparatory group for January is made taking into account the continuity, does not allow physical and mental overloads of children.

The teacher pays special attention to the early diagnosis of giftedness, developmental assistance to talented children.

daily planning in preparatory group for january

The importance of daily planning

Daily planning in the preparatory groupin January it allows the teacher to use mobile and didactic games, monitor, conduct diagnostics on various types of developmental activities, analyze the results obtained

Such work helps the teacher to planwork taking into account the social environment, natural conditions, own educational experience. Detailed planning for each day in the preparatory group for January is indispensable for novice teaching staff.

planning for each day in the preparatory group

Events for January

When choosing topics for January, as a basisThe teacher can choose the time of year (winter), on its basis develop educational and educational activities. Preschoolers get the opportunity to improve their skills and abilities, to develop a conceptual apparatus, to form logical thinking.

Planning for each day in the preparatorygroup for January, you can start with activities related to the New Year holidays. This topic allows you to introduce into the educational process elements of the regional component, to form in the younger generation a love for folk traditions.

We offer planning for every day inpreparatory group, compiled with all the requirements of the GEF, as well as the requirements of SaNPiN. A separate training session should not exceed 30 minutes in duration, held in the morning. In total, there should not be more than two developmental activities in a preschool group every day.

daily planning in the preparatory group for the month of January

First week

Daily planning in the preparatory group for the month of January, you can start with information that will give children the opportunity to enrich their knowledge about the features of winter nature.

In the topic "Winter" the teacher gives childrenthe idea of ​​frosts, strong winds, snowfall, safe behavior on the ice. For the formation of research skills, children are invited to grow salt crystals, defrosting and freezing water.

On Monday, you can hold a lesson onacquaintance of preschool children with the outside world on the topic "Two vases". The guys get acquainted with glass and ceramics, learn to establish causal relationships between the material and the product, which can be made from it.

Planning in the preparatory group for this day involves carrying out physical education classes in the form of a mobile game.

On Tuesday, the formation of the simplest mathematical skills. Creating applications on winter topics, preschoolers form an idea of ​​the square, circle, rectangle, oval.

It is advisable to spend on this day and a music lesson in which kids will learn new year songs.

Wednesday's daily planning inThe preparatory group for January can include the development of speech. The teacher checks the children's ability to distinguish sounds and pronounce them correctly, conducts a lesson in the form of a role-playing game.

Physical training involves working out a complex of gymnastic exercises that help kids form coordination of movements.

On thursday's daily planning atthe preparatory group for January on the GEF teacher includes a combined lesson in mathematical logic, the surrounding world, artistic creativity. At first, children analyze images of animals, solve elementary problems, then mold animals from the clay shown in the figure.

On Friday, you can hold an application sessioncharacters on the theme "Frosty patterns." Children learn paints and brushes to depict various types of snowflakes, developing fine motor skills of fingers. For physical development, outdoor games are organized in the open air.

 preparatory group planning for january

Second week

Monday is dedicated to meeting with the reserveby nature. The teacher tells about the reserves and reserves that exist in the region, acquaints children with animals of the region (krai) listed in the Red Book.

Physical culture is dedicated to fortifying exercises, hardening.

Tuesday is supposed to be a classthe formation of mathematical concepts. Armed with water, a bucket, children get an idea of ​​the volume, solve problems of subtraction and addition. The development of logical thinking can continue to draw. Children depict a bucket, a watering can, a glass with which they learned to work.

The environment is dedicated to the development of speaking skills. Children learn to make stories about the New Year, replenish their vocabulary.

At the musical lesson, the theme of which also applies to the New Year, the children are learning the song “A Christmas Tree Was Born” in the Forest.

Thursday is dedicated to the formation of fine motor skills. Children are offered charcoal pencil, brushes, white gouache, gray paper. Getting drawing skills with a charcoal pencil,

On Friday, a lesson on the theme of "New Year's holiday". Armed with blanks of colored paper and glue, the children, under the guidance of the caregiver, create mosaic panels.

Third week

All classes are associated with observations of nature, the formation of safe behaviors in the winter, ideas about healthy lifestyles, and social adaptation of children.

On Monday, children are offered an outdoor activity, the purpose of which is to observe the winter nature. The game "Snowman" helps to develop the physical health of children.

Tuesday is the first reading class.fairy tales "Snow Maiden", then in drawing the children show their emotions, obtained during the reading of the book, learn to care for the feeders. Outdoor games on the theme of "Winter-Winter" are aimed at the physical development of the younger generation.

On Wednesday, it is supposed to clean the tracks and benches from snow, bird watching.

Thursday is dedicated to the formation of environmentalculture. The lesson on the topic “we are responsible for those who have been tamed” is aimed at the attitude of caring attitude towards wildlife. Together with the teacher, the children feed the birds, develop their ideas about the winter inhabitants of their land.

On Friday, fun starts, in which parents take an active part. Family teams perform comic contests, the holiday ends with a tea party.

preparatory group planning for january on phgos

Fourth week

Given the long New Year holidays,when planning developmental and educational activities for January, the teacher tries not to overload children with mental exercises, tries to give maximum attention to the development of creativity and the formation of ideas about the winter nature.

The main event of the week can be an environmental holiday, which exhibits all of the children's work performed during the month.


GEF daily planning ismandatory element of the work of teachers. It enables the caregiver to carry out consistent and systematic work aimed at the diverse development of the younger generation.