/ / Essay "How characterizes caring for wildlife?": Writing secrets, recommendations

Composition "How does a person care about living nature?": Secrets of writing, recommendations

“Take care of wildlife”, - they say to uskindergarten and school. This law is obligatory to observe, because the world in which we live suffers from human intervention, and everything must be done to minimize the detrimental effect on wildlife.

So that children can really deeplyTo understand this important problem, students are given various tasks at school. For example, they may be an essay on the topic "How characterizes the care of wildlife." But since this question is quite extensive, let's look at how to complete this task together.

Draw up a plan

as characterizes human concern for wildlife

First you need to make an approximateplan for the future essay. You can add your items, modify ready, make subsections and try in every way to diversify your work. Pay attention to the proposed version of the plan - it can be used as a basis for your essay.

  • Ask yourself the question: “How does caring for wildlife characterize man?”
  • Why is the planet on which we live in poor condition?
  • How does nature, animals and plants suffer from human intervention?
  • What useful things can everyone do to preserve the “health” of our planet?
  • Why should man take care of nature?
  • What will everybody get in return if he pays attention to the concern for the health of the world around him?

After you make a plan, remember the structure of any essay.


Introduction is the beginning of your essay on"How characterizes caring for wildlife?" It should not be too big. Any entry takes no more than ¼ of the entire text and is approximately 3-5 sentences.
In it you have to ask the beginning of your essay, briefly outline the essence of the work, describe the main topics and questions that you plan to cover in the main part.
You can write an introduction in various ways. The student can ask a specific question, how the answer to which will be built the entire main part.
Also, a schoolchild can take as a basis a quote or statement from an author, philosopher, scientist, etc. In addition, you can write an introduction only on your own reasoning - this is also a good option.

For example, the introduction may sound like this:“How often do you think about the place where you live?” For example, about a house or apartment. Often enough. Man and the natural world are in constant interaction. We do regular cleaning, try to keep it clean, repair what has broken. But are we doing the same for our main home, our planet? Not always. And it becomes a really big problem. ”

Main part

man and the natural world

The main part needs to be given enough attention.It takes at least ½ part of the volume of the text, because it is here that the student must paint in detail his opinion, present the arguments and give examples.

The main part is signed depending onwhat type of entry you have chosen. If you put a question at the beginning, then the main part should serve as a detailed answer to it. Also, if you take a quote from a scientist, it is necessary for the climax to explain the meaning of this statement.

An example of what the main body might look like:“Caring for wildlife characterizes an individual as a positive person. Only a broad-minded person can take care of the whole world around him, because he does not live in him alone. If everyone will devote a bit of their attention to our planet, then it will become much cleaner and better. ” Of course, this is very little for the main part, it is necessary to continue in the same vein.

Final part

essay on how to characterize human caring for wildlife

The conclusion should summarize your essay.on the topic "How characterizes caring for wildlife?". It should not be too large, 3-4 sentences are enough, in which the student gives the final answer-conclusion. It may look like this: “Yes, in the bustle of everyday work, not everyone wants to devote time to caring for the living: homeless animals and plants in a flower bed that do not have enough moisture. But absolutely you can always make this a moment. And I think that it is the duty of every self-respecting person. "

That's all. It remains to check your essay on literacy and punctuation.