/ / On the threshold: how to spell correctly?

On the threshold: how to spell correctly?

Learn about how to spell "in the lead", it is possible from textbooks, reference books, the Internet.Information about this a lot, and find it is absolutely no problem. And every self-respecting person should know these rules, because literacy directly testifies to his education. And during the admission to a new job, the ability to write correctly can become decisive. Therefore, we will try to figure out how to spell "in the lead".

Vocabulary is of no small importance

In order to understand how to write correctly, do notmaking absolutely no grammatical errors, one should pay attention to the lexical meaning of this word. And it means a place in front of an entrance to a certain room, a building and the like. That is the space in front of the door.

on the threshold of how it is written

As a simple example, mention can be made ofthe threshold of the church, temple or theater. This, of course, is outdated meaning, that is, in modern language the word is not used in such context. Now "vestibule"in Russian means the beginning of an event or the time preceding something, some event.

But in the modern Russian language, as well as inobsolete concept, "vestibule" is a noun of the middle kind, the second declension. And if the noun of the second declension is used in the prepositional case, then the ending must be "e". But not in this case.

Derived excuse

How can you understand how to writecorrectly "on the threshold"? After all, this noun is usually written in the ending "and". Why is this happening? Why does this happen? And all because of that, this is not the usual noun in the second declination, but the one that ends with the "Ie". It is these in the three cases - genitive, dative and prepositional - and end with the letter "and", not the "e".

as it is written on the eve of the holiday

But that's not all that is worth mentioning in this article. Modern Russian, used today, considers "in the lead"Not as a noun, but as a derivativepreposition (this term means that it was formed from an independent part of speech). It can be used with nouns in the genitive case, meaning the situation on the eve of something, directly before something. I.e on the eve of an event.


Initially, the word "vestibule" in itsthe origin is the most common noun. But among them there are those who have become derivative prepositions in the prepositional case, but they still retained its ending. These include:

  • for;
  • at the end;
  • compared.

The very word "vestibule" has at the end two letters -ue (do not confuse them with the ending). And here it is just necessary to recall that it is such nouns - the middle genus of the second declension, which end in -y, -ie in the prepositional case, have the ending -I. In contrast to the declension of nouns of the middle genus, which is always used (you can compare: in the lake, about horse riding),

That is why it will be perfectly correct to write: in anticipation of the beginning of the concert, films etc. It is in this case "on the eve of" that it will be a derivative excuse.

On the eve of or the vestibule

So, how do you spell the word "in the lead"?" Let's analyze its composition: "at"Will be a simple pretext,"before" - console, "the door"Is the root.From all this it follows that "on the eve of" it is necessary to write with two letters "d". It can also be used as a pretext that points to an event expected soon, that is, which should happen. The main meaning of this word is: "before something." But there is a second, that is, a figurative meaning - the "beginning of something".

Now we need to carefully figure out how to spell "on the eve of the holiday"(that is, the meaning of the beginning of something, some event.) Since here we are talking about a preposition, in addition, the word has a figurative meaning, in the end it is necessary to write the letter" and ".

how do you spell the word on the threshold

But the spelling of the word under consideration can also be with the letter "e" - in the event that the named word denotes a certain place, which has already been mentioned above.

From the above text can be donesimple conclusion: choose the right spelling - with the letter "and" or with the letter "e" at the end you can, knowing what the meaning is. Therefore, it is necessary to look into the context with which this or that end of the word agrees.


We hope, from this article it became absolutely clear how to write "in the lead"It is used, as a rule, with an indication of a certain time, a certain event or period that is either expected or should already occur in the near future.

And absolutely no need to endlessly argue forabout what letters will be written in the end of the described word. Indeed, depending on what it will mean, and the end of this word will be determined.

as it is correctly written on the threshold

Now, you will not think long, if necessary write "in the lead"- how to spell this word, and what letters should be in the end.It's not difficult to remember the rules.It is no less important not only to remember, but also to apply them correctly.