/ / How to write correctly: in front or in front? We find out together

How to write correctly: in front or in front? We find out together

How to write correctly:in front or in front? The answer to this simple question is found in the materials in this article. Also we will present to your attention the rule of the Russian language, to which the mentioned word is subject.

in front or in front

general information

"In front" or "ahead"?To answer this question, it is necessary to find out to which part of the speech the given word belongs. It's the only way to find the right rule. For this you need to ask the appropriate question. In our case, this is "where?" - ahead. As you can see, this is an adverb that has spatial meaning.

From what word was the word "ahead" formed?

Before you talk about how to spell the word"In front", it is necessary to find out exactly how the given adverb was formed. The information obtained will allow us to find a rule that indicates its correct spelling (whether it is a merged or a separate one).

So, the word "ahead" has the following meaning: in some direction or at some distance. This lexical unit was formed by means of a prefix-suffix method, namely:

  • в- - this prefix;
  • forward-the root;
  • -and-suffix.

in front as written
Next, it is necessary to determine that part of the speech, fromwhich the named word has occurred. As can be seen from the analysis, the presented unit of speech was formed on behalf of the noun "before". Accordingly, we need to look for a rule that narrates the spelling of adverbs formed in this way (prefix-suffix, on behalf of the noun).

Spelling of Adverbs in Russian

"Ahead" or "in front": how do you spell it? In order to determine whether this word is combined or separately, it is necessary to use the relevant rules of the Russian language, namely:

  1. Separate spelling of adverbs.
  2. Slot spelling of adverbs.

Let us consider them in more detail.

Separate spelling of adverbs

The word "ahead" as it is written? The answer to this question can give us the following rules of the Russian language, which argue that adverbs are written separately in the following cases:

ahead or in front as written

  • When a combination of a preposition and an adverb is used, which is used in the meaning of the noun. Let's give an example: He passed the session to "good".
  • With a combination of the preposition "by" and the collective numeral, which ends with -e. Let's give an example: They were built in a column of five.
  • With a combination of a preposition and a pronoun. Let's give an example: Rain poured all the days that they spent on a hike.
  • With a combination of the preposition "c" and the complex word, which in the first part has a "gender", and in the second - the name of any unit of measure or an indication of time. Let's give an example: She was half a meter tall. We agreed to meet in the first half.
  • With a combination of a preposition and a complete adjective, which stands in the case form. In this case, the preposition at the end must have a consonant letter, and the adjective must begin with a vowel. Let's give an example: She openly criticized the authorities.

Since it is necessary to write correctly:in front or in front? Unfortunately, we can not answer the question with the help of these rules, since the expression for them does not fall. In this regard, we can safely conclude that it is written together, but not separately. To be sure of the sound of the conjecture, we recommend that you still find a suitable rule.

ahead as it is written

Slit spelling of adverbs

Earlier we found out that the word ahead isAn adverb that was formed on behalf of a noun by means of a prefix-suffix method. Moreover, such an expression has a spatial significance. Therefore, it is necessary to search for a rule that will correspond to all the features of the given word.

So, adverbs having a temporary andspatial values ​​in which the prefix is ​​attached to words in the form of nouns (back, top, front, bottom, far, side, near, high, eyelid, depth, beginning, breadth), it is necessary to write only together.

In order to make the presented rule clearer, let's give an illustrative example: backward, upward, forward (forward), down, far, sideways, near, up, forever (forever), deep, at first, in breadth. It should also be noted that other forms of these adverbs are also merged (with other prefixes): at the top, top, side, up, down, up,top, bottom, top, bottom, bottom, bottom, bottom, front, front, back, rear, behind, side, firing, far, up, up, up, away, forever, far away, forever, at first, at first and etc.

how to spell the word ahead

Learning the above rule, you can safelyanswer the question of how it will be right: "in front" or "ahead"? Such an adverb should only be written together. If you doubt this even after so many arguments, try to put any word or question between the preposition "in" and the word "forward." As you can see, nothing happens. This is another confirmation of the fact that the presented adverb is written together.

Let's sum up the results

"In front": how do you spell this word? Now you know the answer to the question. If you are in doubt about writing similar words, then we recommend using the same analysis:

  • Determine the part of the speech of the verified word (for example, in our case it was an adverb).
  • Determine the origin of the verified word (in our case, the expression "in front" was formed on behalf of the noun using the prefix-suffix method).
  • Find the appropriate rule that explains the spelling of the word (in this case we are talking about the merging of adverbs having spatial and temporal meaning).