Every year, millions of mothers bring their children to school. It is quite difficult for first graders to get used to a completely new life for them. They are afraid of how classmates will accept them, whether they will like the teacher.
10 rules of etiquette student
Every student should behave properly. You must comply with certain etiquette. There are a lot of important rules. There are 10 main ones:
1. It is time to come to school.
2. Necessary things should be neatly folded in a satchel.
3. At the entrance to the school wipe their feet. Upon entering the class, greet the teacher.
4. For the answer it is necessary to raise your hand.
5. Talking with friends and teachers should be polite.
6. It is necessary to protect all school property and in no case do not spoil it.
7. It is forbidden to run and shout at recess.
8. Greet all adults.
9. The boy passes the girl in the doorway ahead, and the schoolboy passes the adult.
10. All rubbish should be thrown into an urn.
How to behave in the classroom?
· Лучше всего приходить в школу заранее.Before the lesson must be at least 10 minutes. This time is just enough to leave the outerwear in the wardrobe and come to the classroom. It is important to prepare for the lesson.
· It is necessary to perform all homework. The diary must be filled out schedule.
· At the time of the lesson you need to forget about the existence of a cell phone.
· You can not utter indecent words and show uncultured gestures.
· You can leave lessons only with the permission of a doctor or teacher.
· If classes are missed due to illness, you must bring a note from the parents or a certificate to the school.
· At the beginning of the lesson, the teachers are always welcome. For this, the whole class necessarily rises. Other adults are welcome in the same way.
· During the lesson you can not interfere with others to talk.
· If you need to go out, you need to raise your hand.
· On the desk is important cleanliness and accuracy. To lie on it should only what is needed in the lesson. All foreign objects are removed in a satchel.
How to behave in the break?
Long sit and listen carefully to the teacherquite tiring. Change is necessary for rest. But this does not mean that you need to run and shout. This is not just wrong, but also dangerous. It is imperative to follow the rules of etiquette for schoolchildren regarding the correct behavior at the breaks.
What not to do during a break?
The rules prohibit changes:
· Push others.
· Lewd.
· Throw in any other items.
· To engage in fights or to be their instigator.
· Move over or over the railing. It is very dangerous. The stairs go down or up only on the right side.
· Sit on windowsills.
With teachers and parents always greeted.
How to behave in the dining room?
In the dining room usually accumulates a lot of people. The change is only 15 minutes, and during this time you need to have time to eat. It is important to follow the rules of etiquette for students at the table:
· You should not strive to get here first. It is necessary to come along with the class. No need to rush to sit down at the table first, even if you really want to eat.
· It is necessary to comply with all.
· It is necessary to go on the dining room accurately. In this case, be sure to look at your feet. If you have a plate in your hands, you need to be doubly attentive.
· Always wash hands before eating.
· It is necessary to use the plug very carefully and in no case swing the plug.
· There is a soup and tea should be carefully, not spilling it on yourself or on neighbors.
· You should sit at the table straight, without pushing at the same time sitting next to each other. Do not put your elbows on the table.
· Everyone after the meal must clean up the dishes.
Rules of etiquette for younger students
Particular attention should be paid to the correctbehavior in elementary school. It is at this age that all norms are laid. If students are not taught how to behave in certain places, then it will be much more difficult to do so at an older age.
Public transport
· Enter any transport carefully, without pushing anyone.
· It is necessary to give way to older people and pregnant women.
· You can read an interesting book on a trip.
· You can not speak loudly, because it interferes with others.
· Do not try to talk to strangers.
· Do not litter.
· Forbidden to make noise.
· Do not be defiant to behave.
· Should not loudly comment on the film.
· You can not talk during a session on the phone.
There are certain norms of behavior and inother public places. Etiquette rules for 4th grade schoolchildren are extremely important as children grow older and go to secondary school. By this time they should be already brought up.
The rules of etiquette in pictures
Children should know and follow a huge number of various rules of etiquette. Training must begin at an early age. It is quite difficult for children to remember everything at once.
To make the rules of etiquette for schoolchildreneasy to learn and make learning as interesting as possible, you should use clarity. The rules of etiquette for schoolchildren in pictures will allow children not only to quickly assimilate them, but also to visualize how to behave. It is also necessary to apply and pictures that depict the wrong behavior. Children will understand that such behavior is far from the generally accepted norms. Visual learning will allow you to learn the material quickly and easily.
The child should be coming to school with alreadyformed etiquette skills. If at the preschool age certain norms of behavior have not been imparted to the child, it will be very difficult for him in the team. Bad manners and rudeness will cause others only irritation and the indispensable rejection. That is why parents should be the first to teach children etiquette.
Why are behavioral norms important?
Preschoolers do not always behave correctly. For them, it is excusable. Everyone has long known that if parents have a good upbringing, then the child will gradually learn all the necessary norms of behavior.
To learn the rules of etiquette for students is quite simple. Learning polite communication is not difficult at all. Everybody can dress neatly.
Usually parents require children tobehaved decently. This is important when the children are alone in a public place. The rules of etiquette for schoolchildren at school are important to strictly observe. Children need to know what to do in a given situation. This is where their maturity is manifested.
Also do not forget that the behavior of childrenjudge parents. Don't make them blush. We must try to be polite and well-mannered. For this and should learn the rules of etiquette for students.