/ / “Neither down nor feather!”: The meaning of a phraseological unit and its perception by different people

“Neither down nor feather!”: The meaning of a phraseological unit and its perception by different people

Today there is hardly a person who neverI have not heard the phrase: "Not a single fluff, no feather!" The value of the idiom is known to all. So people wish good luck and success in business. But does everyone do it? And why do some try to avoid such expressions?

neither fluff nor pen meaning of phraseologism

Let's believe in the best

Достаточно часто мы задумываемся о том, как tune in to work positively, how to motivate yourself correctly to achieve your goal, and why some people are lucky all the time, and they easily achieve their goals, while others remain unlucky. Many are absolutely sure that the more they believe in the best, the worse the result is. And you are lucky only when you don’t even dream of the good. But there are such individuals who are absolutely sure that you need to think only positively - and then a good result will not take long to wait.

How do we usually wish good luck?


Everybody knows the expression "No feather or feather!"We use this parting word at especially important moments. We just got used to talking to him. But oddly enough, some people do not use it at all. They are not afraid to boldly declare their plans and victories. They boldly set rather complex goals and quite often achieve them. They never stop at what has been accomplished, but seek to get even more than they already have. Such people are absolutely sure that what you wish for will surely be fulfilled. Others never share their plans with others. They always try to make the goal less meaningful and do not focus on it due attention. And they, too, oddly enough, achieve their own. Why do we treat the same phrase differently? After all, in fact, we wish a person that he does not have any down or feather. We interpret the meaning of a phraseological unit in our own way. And where it came from, we don’t have the slightest idea.

Ancient superstition

Long ago so wished good luck or success.However, the origin of "No fluff or feather!" Is quite different. It is based purely on superstition. When the hunters went hunting, so as not to "jinx" their result, they were told to follow this phrase. By feather was meant a bird, and by down, a beast. Usually, in response to such a wish, one could hear the well-known phrase: “To hell!”. So they tried to deceive the spirits so that they would leave them alone. Today, they often promise to a schoolboy before the exam: “Not a single feather or a feather!”. The meaning of the idiom in this case is such that the student will necessarily have good luck. They additionally try to scold him while he is taking the exam itself.

expression neither fluff nor feather

Features of the use of expression in the modern language

Today we use idioms, ohwhose origins never even wondered. For example, when we wish good luck, we use the well-known phrase: “Not a single fluff or a feather!”. And the answer is, as a rule: “To hell!” Although it originated a long time ago, it is quite often used now. Such a wish is usually heard by those people who go to some important event. These can be students who go to the exam, or a person who goes to an important meeting. Although this wish is very unfortunate, but it is quite popular among modern people. We do not even think about what we say the usual spell that ancient people used to somehow turn away evil spirits from themselves at a particularly crucial moment. So why does this expression remain so stable? Despite the fact that man has become civilized, he does not cease to be a hunter in the soul. He is hostile to the world around him and is absolutely sure that he needs to defend himself from the evil that exists in him. This idea is confirmed by many other conspiracies and superstitions, which are very steadfastly preserved among the people.

origin of neither fluff nor feather

The origin of the negative image

Having carefully studied what the phraseological unit means“Not a fluff, not a feather!”, We can confidently state that we are all different people. Even the great classics portrayed the wealthy peasant as a cunning little man who tries to hide his good and deceive his neighbor. After all, he will certainly try to deceive him. Here we see a negative image. In contrast, the poor peasant is good-natured and very quick-witted. If he is deceiving someone, it is only so that his family does not need anything. Working people have always been open and fought for justice. They were not afraid to speak for their rights. And the well-off all the time feared the evil eye, trying to keep luck by the tail. In every modern family there will be representatives of both groups. And retraining is not worth anyone. After all, they achieve their goal. We often hear “No fluff, no feather!”, We learned the meaning of a phraseological unit, and it is up to us to decide whether to speak it to our loved ones or not. The main thing is to believe that luck will definitely turn to us.