/ / All cities of Kamchatka: Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Elizovo, Vilyuchinsk

All cities of Kamchatka: Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Elizovo, Vilyuchinsk

What cities in Kamchatka do you know?They are, in fact, not so much. In this article we will tell about each of the cities of the far peninsula. When they were founded, how many people live in them, what interesting things can a tourist see there?

Kamchatka Peninsula: cities, natural conditions and tourist resources of the region

Kamchatka Territory - a subject of the Russian Federation, one of the mostsparsely populated. For many people in Russia, and indeed the entire planet, it is literally perceived as "the end of the world." Nevertheless, it is very difficult to find a person who would not hear about the peninsula of volcanoes and geysers.

The total area of ​​Kamchatka Krai is 464 thousandsquare kilometers. The peninsula is washed by the waters of two seas at once - Bering and Okhotsk. The climate in the north of the region is subarctic, and on the coasts - moderate sea with some signs of monsoon. At least 14 thousand rivers, streams and streams flow through the territory of Kamchatka. But the main natural feature of the region is volcanoes. Within the peninsula they can be counted about three hundred, 29 of them are active.

cities of Kamchatka

In the Kamchatka region lives only 317 thousandperson. Almost 80% of them are citizens. The cities of Kamchatka are small in terms of both area and population. We will talk about them in more detail in the following sections.

Kamchatka is visited annually by thousands of visitorstourists and wildlife lovers. All of them come here to visit the unique natural parks of the peninsula, to see for themselves the authentic villages of the local Aborigines, and admire the views of the highest volcano in Eurasia. Extreme tourists go to Kamchatka to raft on one of the local rivers.

Kamchatka: cities (list and population)

As mentioned above, only every fifth residentKamchatka Territory lives in the villages. The cities of Kamchatka (there are only three) are small, in two of them there are fewer than 50 thousand inhabitants. The villages and towns in the region are much larger - 85.

Kamchatka cities list

All cities of Kamchatka are listed below. In parentheses are the population of each of them, as of 2015:

  • Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky (181 thousand people);
  • Yelizovo (38.6 thousand people);
  • Vilyuchinsk (21.7 thousand people).


The largest city of the Kamchatka PeninsulaIt is located on the shore of the Pacific Avacha Bay. It was founded in 1740. Modern Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky is a fairly large and prosperous city with a population of 180,000 people.

Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky - one of the fewcities in Russia, which has retained its original (historical) specialization. The main branch of the local economy is still fishing and fish processing. The catch is processed at the Akros, Okeanrybflot plants and several smaller enterprises.

Kamchatka Peninsula city

Along with this, the city is developing rapidlyand tourism industry. After all, the demand for travel to this amazing region is growing every year. Travel companies are developing new routes with a visit to the famous Valley of Geysers, hot springs, volcanoes and other natural wonders of the Kamchatka Territory. Unfortunately, the infrastructure of the city and the region is developing very slowly. About 20 thousand tourists come to the peninsula annually, while nearly a million travelers visit neighboring Alaska. Although the tourist potential of Kamchatka is not inferior to the US state.


Yelizovo is the second largest city in Kamchatskythe edges. People settled here and lived a long time. This is evidenced by finds of traces of ancient sites on the banks of the local river Avachi. But the history of the modern settlement began in 1809, when the first settlers from Central Russia settled here. The main sources of income for the city budget Yelizovo are fisheries, as well as tourism.

which cities in Kamchatka

Что же интересного можно увидеть в этом городе?Here is the only international airport and zoo on the peninsula. In the vicinity of Yelizovo there are 20 of 29 active volcanoes. In the city you can buy original products from fur and leather of deer, made of walrus bones.


Vilyuchinsk is the smallest of Kamchatka cities, the only one in which the population does not decrease every year, but increases. Today, almost 22 thousand people live here.

Vilyuchinsk is known as the city of submariners. Back in the 30s, a large base of diesel submarines was created here. Today in Vilyuchinsk nuclear submarines of various projects are also based.

The city has a technical school and four secondary schools, a cultural center, there is a large library and its own museum. In 2007, a water park was built here, and in 2010 - an ice center.


Cities of Kamchatka - small in numberpopulation. In the largest of them lives less than 200 thousand people. In total, there are three cities within the Kamchatka Territory. These are Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky (the administrative center of the region), Elizovo and Vilyuchinsk.