/ / Stalin's 42nd bunker on the Taganka

Stalin's 42nd bunker on Taganka

Most governments take care of theirsecurity in case of war. In any case, under the ground are created quite comfortable conditions to which the high leaders are accustomed. For ordinary citizens, shelters are also being built, but they are much simpler and not enough for everyone.

Stalin's bunker

The desire to preserve the performance of structuresmilitary and political management in the event of a threat of air attack is quite rational and justified. The main target of any aggressor is headquarters and communications centers, military and industrial facilities are being hit in the second place.

Construction of underground governmentresidences began in many countries long before the advent of nuclear weapons, but the design features of most of them can withstand atomic bombing. Hitler’s bunker in Berlin (now not preserved) built in the 30s near the imperial office was struck by its excessive strength.

Stalin's bunker in Moscow

Бункер Сталина в Самаре (тогда Куйбышеве) был cut in rocks, the work was done in the strictest secrecy. To disguise such a large-scale construction, they even erected a hydroelectric station, which, however, came in handy too. The safety factor would allow today to use this facility for its intended purpose.

But such an object was not one, there were several of them.It is known about the mysterious underground headquarters of Hitler near Vinnitsa, allegedly built by the Germans in record time, in just a few months. Its dimensions are so impressive that it remains only to assume that in fact it was Stalin’s secret bunker, dug before the war and used by the enemy. It is almost impossible to carry out such large-scale work in the occupied territory and at the same time keep the secret, not to mention calculations and design.

Stalin's bunker on taganka

About how carefully producedpreparation for the war, says the fact that in the secret branch of the Moscow metro in advance was created an environment that completely repeats the Kremlin interior. Visiting Stalin's bunker, the general, marshal, chief designer, or another guest was sure that he was not underground, but in the “master's” office, this was very important psychologically and gave confidence in the ultimate victory.

В послевоенные годы возникла вполне реальная the threat of a nuclear strike. It would be strange if those who were responsible for the security of the Soviet leadership did not respond to it. Requirements for facilities have become even stricter, in particular, has become an urgent problem of providing people in a shelter with non-contaminated air. The new Stalin’s bunker in Moscow was conceived as a place from which to manage troops in the event of a conflict with the use of atomic weapons.

Stalin's bunker

Total builders of the forties could not take into account,during the Cold War, the building was repeatedly subjected to modernization. The size of the underground object is huge, so that it can be quickly examined, it takes at least an hour and a half. Its depth reaches 70 meters. In those days, the maintenance of communications equipment and encryption was much more laborious than it is today, and only electronics specialists required about six hundred, the entire staff consisted of 2500 soldiers.

Сегодня бункер Сталина на Таганке превращен в the museum. There are many who want to visit the "Object 42", the mere mention of which six decades ago could cost life. Today the price is more modest - only 700 rubles. For this money, you can examine everything, familiarize yourself with thematic videos and even launch a nuclear strike on the USA, of course, for fun. This exercise, by the way, was repeated many times by officers on duty in the 50s and 60s, and each time no one informed them whether it was a training start-up or a combat one.

It is known that in Moscow there is another bunkerStalin, in the Izmailovo district, however, the “father of nations” himself never honored him with his presence. Apparently, it was built as a reserve, and it is possible that his appointment was completely distracting. In any case, the quality of work and materials is so high that any of these objects is quite suitable for use today. And how many of them were built - the mystery today.