/ / "Name the sources of replenishment of the treasury after the Troubles": a brief answer to the question

"Name the sources of replenishment of the treasury after the Troubles": a short answer to the question

One of the most common questions onschool lessons on the history of the Russian State is the following: "What are the sources of replenishment of the treasury after the Troubles." As a rule, students find it difficult to answer, because this transitional stage is difficult enough to understand: all spheres of society have undergone such profound and strong changes that it is extremely difficult to fit this topic on the pages of a school textbook.

Therefore, it is necessary to draw the attention of students toThe most important aspects of the country's economic condition at the beginning of the 17th century. Schoolchildren should take into account the fact that the country was in a difficult situation long before the start of certain events due to the decline of the agrarian sector of the economy, as well as the redistribution of land funds during the reign of Ivan the Terrible. Some compensation was the development of Siberia, which made it possible in part to improve the property status of certain categories of the population. The latter circumstance should be mentioned when studying this topic in schools.

Consequences of the crisis

In the first place during the peasant uprisings andRiots suffered villages and villages that, in fact, fed the country. This led to famine, which in turn provoked an explosion of social discontent. The lack of central authority also adversely affected the state of society. Therefore, as a rule, at the end of the section on the topic under consideration, you can read the assignment: “Name the sources of replenishment of the treasury after the Troubles.”

To answer, the student must analyzestate of the country at the beginning of the century. Peasant riots and wars, foreign interventions brought the country's economy into decay, from which she could not recover for a long time. It took several decades for the Russian economy to become competitive again.

name the sources of replenishment of the treasury after the distemper

The agrarian sector was particularly hard hit,which, even during the years of the oprichnina, was exhausted by the land redistribution and the distribution of plots among the landowners. Trade ties between the cities have weakened, the market has almost ceased to exist. Therefore, the government of the new king faced a difficult task - to raise the country's economy to the level at which it was before the terrible upheavals.

Tax policy

Taking money from the public has always been important.problem for the tsarist government and before the events considered. The government did its best to attach additional categories of the population to their places of residence so that financial receipts to the treasury would be uninterrupted and regular. Therefore, after the establishment of the new government, the king and his boyars had to return to this old measure, despite the fact that the majority of the population was already exhausted by the war.

Ответ на вопрос:"What are the sources of replenishment of the treasury after the Troubles," - should start with a reference to the management of measures to restore finance. Of course, for this, we had to raise some taxes, increase corvee and dues, and also add new categories of population to the taxpayer lists (for example, the so-called “Belomesttsy” - people who lived on land exempted from monetary taxation). In addition, the government introduced new customs duties, as well as engaged in the wine and tobacco trade, which it had never done before. These measures have somewhat stabilized the economic situation in the state.

Resumption of trade

The task "What are the sources of replenishment of the treasuryafter the Time of Troubles "implies a comprehensive description of the economic state of the country after the accession of the new dynasty. An important phenomenon of the time in question was the restoration and growth of cities that became the center of handicrafts and commerce.

name the sources of replenishment of the treasury after the unrest briefly

It was at the time in question that began.folding the All-Russian market largely due to the emergence of small-scale production. Therefore, by the middle of the century Russia had come out of the crisis state and entered the stage of active recovery. That is how the conclusion of the answer to the question "What are the sources of replenishment of the treasury after the Troubles" should sound. You can briefly describe the situation in the country with the help of maps and tables.