/ / Educational system of the school

The educational system of the school

Education - a creative process in whicheducators, students and their parents purposefully influence the child to improve their social and cultural values, development and self-realization of the individual. At the same time, they are trying to create favorable conditions for the implementation of this process. The educational system is a set of components that, when interacting, are capable of purposefully and efficiently growing out of the students a harmoniously developed and outstanding personality, capable of thinking, working and constantly improving.

What are the components of the educational system of the school? First of all, it is:

  • certain tasks for the solution of which a special system is being created;
  • activities that ensure the successful accomplishment of these tasks;
  • subjects that organize and participate in this activity;
  • relations arising during this activity, the integration of actors in society;
  • The immediate environment in which the subjects develop;
  • Management, which integrates the components into the system and develops it.

The educational system of the school is purelyit is created in every educational institution and can not be brought from one to another. It depends on many factors inherent in this or that educational institution. These include the following:

  • tasks and ideas for the sake of which the school was created;
  • educational potential of teachers and management team;
  • type of educational institution (professional orientation);
  • material basis for the upbringing of the younger generation;
  • the social order of the parent collective;
  • The characteristics of the environment, from which most students leave.

The educational system of the school is conditionally divided into 4stage, on which the success of the activities directly depends. The first of them can be attributed to the formation of an educational system. At this stage, a pedagogical team is formed, capable of carrying out a successful process of positive impact on students. This team must be one and humane to create a good microclimate.

The educational system of the school and its furtherthe formation is very much dependent on the planned nature of the first stage, since it is during this period that the pedagogical collective begins to be created, the basic concept is developed, and the goals of education are formed. This process should be such that the graduate who graduated from this school, had the qualities that were formed in the first stage and firmly entrenched in all subsequent.

System of educational work in the second stagecharacterized by working out its structure and activities. At this time, the all-school collective is intensively developing, communication between children of different ages is improving, the initiative is developing and school traditions are beginning to emerge. The teacher at the second stage must have the skills of a psychologist, so the school needs a professional who is ready to provide social and psychological assistance. It is necessary to monitor the well-being of children and adolescents, their attitude to the events taking place around them, how they participate in various activities, and what emotions play a leading role for them.

At the third stage, the system of educational workcomes to its end. Children are beginning to be interested in much more than they receive in the lesson. Educational and extracurricular activities begin to integrate, and the class goes into a new, better state.

In the fourth stage, the tasks become more complex, and the goalsare being improved. Relations between children become more diverse and branched. Students and teachers begin to show a common sense of pride in the school and understanding of the same tasks. At this final stage, teachers raise the system to a new level of development.

The educational system is gettingeffective result in the process of interaction between the pedagogical collective and students, therefore, from its organization in the future will depend on how perfect our society will become.