/ / Seals of King Solomon: history and reality

Seals of King Solomon: history and reality

Only the deaf have not heard of King Solomon and hisseals. It remains only to figure out what it is and why they were created. And for this it is worthwhile to grasp the essence of the legend, which covers these seals with a mystical veil and creates an alluring aura of mystery. And to be honest, what do we imagine when we say "King Solomon's Seals"? Any signs used in TV shows and horror movies? Koldunov, alchemists who are looking for the philosopher's stone? Everything is much easier.

Seal of King Solomon

Seals of King Solomon. Legend

According to the legend, this seal wascreated by the king known at all times to command the spirits, which in his homeland were called genies. And after applying this sign on the signet ring of gold, known to everyone, the king could not only command genies, but also talk to animals.

If we talk specifically about the signet, then here is the versiondiverge. According to some assumptions, in addition to the seal of King Solomon, the name of God and precious stones were also placed on the ring. Another assumption is that instead of divine

King Solomon's prints how many triangles
the name there was a star of David (we’ll dwell on this later).

At all times this seal had the mostvarious meanings and interpretations, among which was the combination of Hellas, Egypt and Mesopotamia in the press, which are plainly hidden in the ornaments. Christians said that the press depicts seven centuries of the history of the world, which, naturally, were ruled by the archangels and the seven planets. Muslims did not bother much about its meaning and simply attributed to it the properties to make a person wiser (than, strictly speaking, King Solomon was distinguished). At all times, these seals were used wherever possible and impossible. Books, household items, architecture, labyrinths, jewelry and much more had the hidden or explicit seal of King Solomon.

Seal of King Solomon. How many triangles and how to build a picture

The seal structure of King Solomon in modernThe variant has one common element - it is the star of David, which is inscribed in a circle. There are dots between the stars. If you believe the legend, then in their place were gems. Now it is either points or other symbols that are determined by the intentions of the adepts using the seals of King Solomon. Literally a red thread passed letters that came to us from the time of the king’s life. Accordingly, there are two triangles in the star of David, and therefore, in print, as a rule, there is a six-pointed star. But in some cases, as already mentioned, they used a seven-pointed star.

Universality does not happen

the famous seal of king Solomon

Every famous seal of King Solomon was notuniversal. Its purpose was directly determined by the content that the mystic put into letters and drawings. This image is applied, as a rule, on circles made of noble metals (or metals corresponding to the planets to which the magician refers). In the old days they were made by hand, and now they can be purchased from the masters. In this case, you will receive specific letters, and printing can be performed as decorations, goldfield or wall plates made of stone. In general, most modern stamps have already changed so much that it is very difficult to see the original in them, but their meaning and power have increased with the centuries of their existence.