/ / Day of the press in Russia - history and modernity

Day of the Press in Russia - History and Modernity

Official day of the press in Russia began to celebrate with1993. The President of the Russian Federation signed a decree approving January 13 as the day of the press in 1992. Until this day, this holiday was celebrated on May 5. Day of workers of the press is not in vain celebrated on January 13. This date has its own history.
Print business calculates its history from a distant1703, when on January 13 Peter I signed a decree, which referred to the beginning of the publication of the first newspaper Vedomosti. But not immediately the issue of the newspaper became regular. The name of the first issue was very long and difficult to remember. This newspaper was issued in circulation not constantly and did not have an official name. It was printed alternately in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The content of the newspaper, too, left much to be desired. It printed excerpts from foreign publications, as well as decrees of the tsar and the Duma.
But, nevertheless, the beginning of the printing business in Russiawas laid. Over time, the newspaper developed, and already in 1719 she had her own journalist and translator, Yakov Sinyavich. This fact has significantly changed the face of the newspaper. There appeared many articles about what is happening in the capital and in Russia, in general. Also began to publish interesting facts and solve numerous questions.
Since 1728, the newspaper received itsthe name of "St. Petersburg Gazette". Her circulation was about 4 thousand copies. From that time on, the printing business began to develop everywhere. In 1813 a newspaper appeared in Astrakhan, and in 1870 began to publish periodicals.

Since then, the journalist's profession has become morein demand. Therefore, the day of the press in Russia is a national holiday, celebrated everywhere. Everyone hastens to congratulate relatives and acquaintances on their professional holiday. The President of the country notes the merits of journalists and grants and awards to those who have distinguished themselves in professional field.
Colleagues on work also do not ignorethis festival. The management notes the most worthy and arranges concerts and corporate parties. Organize a holiday, developing for him a special scenario. The day of the press is celebrated all over Russia.
Профессия журналиста очень важна для всей жизни countries. Covering all the events of the political, spiritual and social life of the state, they do not ignore even the most insignificant news. It is thanks to them that we learn about everything that happens in the world and the country. We are in the thick of events and can fully participate in all activities.
Отмечая день печати в России, всегда вспоминают those who gave their lives, illuminating what is happening in dangerous areas and hot spots. The profession of a journalist is always a certain risk. They show the truthful side of what is happening, and such a statement of the question is not to everyone's liking. But this is the meaning of the work of people in this profession.
Independence journalism and all printpublications is the main condition for objective coverage of everything that happens in the world. This, congratulating on the day of the press in Russia, is always mentioned by the president of our country. Only then can we receive true and reliable information about all events. And only in this case the profession of a journalist makes sense.
There are many talented journalists in our country andreporters who can raise global issues relating to the life of our state. Thanks to them, many problems are solved and do not remain closed. They help people achieve justice when they are faced with arbitrariness and indifference. Printed publications carry out numerous actions to help sick children and people with disabilities. Thanks to them, many of them have found a second life.
The role of publications in our lives is enormous. Each of us must look through some newspapers and magazines. Therefore, we can say that this is a common holiday. The holiday of independence and objectivity.