/ / English is great! English week at school, event plan

English is great! Week of English at school, plan of events

While learning a foreign language beforethe teacher arises a certain number of difficulties, among which is the stimulation of motivation and the maintenance of interest in the subject. How do you need to organize an educational process to direct children's energy in the right direction? This week will help the English language at school, the plan of activities and the teacher’s creative approach.

English language week at school

What is subject week?

Subject week is a complexevents with a communicative and creative focus. This is a project in which all fans of the subject can take part. The most important problem of learning is the activation of cognitive interest, motivation and desire to learn in general. The week of the English language in the school, the plan of measures for which is prepared carefully, is precisely engaged in solving this problem.

Thanks to an effective tandem of students andTeachers' ongoing activities contribute to the purposeful development of the cognitive and creative abilities of schoolchildren and promote the value of such a resource as knowledge. In their nature, the subject week is referred to as extracurricular activities that have not only educational, but also educational goals.

English language week plan

The main goals and objectives of the subject week

Well prepared plan for the weekEnglish is the key to the success of contests. This type of event is aimed at solving a number of tasks. In addition to its entertaining goal, the week of a foreign language motivates students to master the language, develops speech, promotes vocabulary expansion, and also has a positive effect on mental and speech activity and broadens the mind.

Participation in various competitions, scenes,Competition activities develops the ability to work in a team and at the same time further improves the educational level of students. In a playful and interesting manner, new knowledge is acquired about the language, the country of the subject being studied, its features and traditions. It is also important that children develop their abilities for creative ideas, non-standard approach to business.

English language week of English

The process of preparing a foreign language week

First you need to choose a topic for the subjectof the week. It may depend on a number of factors, including the age group of participants, season, level of knowledge and skills. Events can be timed to any holiday or studied at the moment topic on the subject. The next and important step is thinking through assignments and selection of materials. Sources of information can serve as a worldwide network, books, magazines, social services and, of course, the violent imagination of children and the teacher himself.

subject week of English

Action plan

English week at school, planevents, in the development of which pupils themselves also take part, are always accepted with a bang and, as practice shows, always finds positive responses among those who want to participate in a common cause. Even preparation for events, writing a script, as well as direct participation provide an opportunity to see what a student is capable of. Everyone can creatively express himself, even with mediocre knowledge of the subject.

The action plan is developed in such a wayto fully meet the objectives of the event and level of training. To form students' interest and desire to learn a foreign language, the most fascinating games and contests are selected that can develop logical thinking and improve the skills of the learned material. The plan usually includes such events as olympiads, games, thematic associations, contests of poems and wall newspapers, various music and other creative performances.

English language week at school

The development of creative abilities of students

Learning a foreign language should be student-centered.

Out-of-class work on the subject contributesdevelopment of cognitive interest, as well as the expression of creative abilities of each student. To this end, schools annually hold a week of a foreign language where students can show their knowledge and skills acquired during the course. At the same time, the level of proficiency in the language does not play a significant role, since even not very successful students with a creative approach can reveal their potential.

English subject week impliesscale participation of classes of all parallels. Children with different levels of training are given feasible tasks corresponding to their level of knowledge. Everyone who wants to expand their horizons and apply their knowledge and skills in practice can take part in the events that are held daily for 7 days.

English language week at school

Proven effectiveness

English language week at school (planactivities should be coordinated with the administration of the school), as a rule, is made in advance in the annual curriculum for the correct distribution of the student workload.

Through the use of a wide variety of formswork, including steam room, group and individual, any student can choose a feasible task of interest. During this creative week a special favorable atmosphere is created, corridors and classrooms of a foreign language are made out in an interesting way. Students with great pleasure to participate in competitions of a different nature. All this contributes to the development of interest in the language, and the awards and certificates received will please their owners for a long time.

English language week at school

Well organized contests and other.Activities will help students take a fresh look at a subject like English. A week of English at school is a great way for children to develop their creative and research talents, and for teachers it is a chance to replenish their methodical moneybox with creative ideas.