Происхождение английского языка напрямую связано with the development of England. When the Romans left the British Isles in the distant 410, in those lands there were only indigenous inhabitants of the island - the Britons. They used Celtic languages for communication.
Уже в 449 году на острова совершили набег предки modern Englishmen - Angles, Saxons and Utahs. All of them spoke different dialects of the Lower Germanic language. The languages of the indigenous people and conquerors mingled and the Anglo-Saxon dialect turned out.
One can only guess how would developthe history of the English language, if the descendants of these tribes had not experienced frequent attacks, since the invasions of the Vikings and the Normans, together with the missionary movement, had greatly changed it. As a result, English acquired the most numerous vocabulary, and in grammar, the construction of the sentence itself did not play a leading role.
In the 8th century AD on the British Islesviolated the Vikings. They used North Germanic language and came from Denmark, Sweden and Norway. Their mode of communication differed from Anglo-Saxon as much as modern Spanish differs from Italian. Despite the presence of discrepancies in endings and pronunciation, both had common roots.
After a small battle, the Vikings became peacefulcoexist with the locals in England. Languages gradually mixed up, forming a new, devoid of most endings. He acquired the name of Old English.
Already in 1066 the history of the English language acquiredcontinued in the face of the Norman army. They spoke in one of the French dialects. Their invasion brought with them French as a state, but the Anglo-Saxons did not accept this innovation and continued to use Old English.
It was the Normans who played the most important role ineducation of the British, so the most diverse German and Celtic tribes had to find a way to communicate. From the merging of existing adverbs and through simplification of grammar, English was born.
He was not limited to the development of writing,because of what is very quickly changed and simplified. Several endings were supplanted by the standard word order in the sentence, as well as the strengthening of the meaning of functional words. At the same time, it included a lot of borrowings from the French language, which have become more delicate and polite variants of the Anglo-Saxon counterparts.
In the medieval era, ubiquitousThe spread of Latin was reflected in the development of English. Many Latin words borrowed from Christian priests have fallen into spoken language. Often, scientists did not find suitable ways to express their ideas in English and used Latin words in their works. Due to this, the language in question has acquired a significant number of Greek and Latin words.
The history of the English language has gained significantpush with the invention of typography. Of particular popularity was the London dialect, with the help of which manuscripts and, in general, writing were created.
The first grammar was written in 1586especially for foreigners and English-speaking students who were going to learn Latin. At the same time, they were not used for teaching the native speakers. The first attempts to this were undertaken already in 1750.
Unfortunately, linguists of the 18th century were based onwrong theories, considering the death of the endings a sign of degradation. They could not return the long-lost endings to the language, but succeeded in preserving the existing ones. If it were not for their direct influence, modern speech would not be abundant in so many irregular verbs.
The history of the English language today hasmany different dialects and related languages, formed as a result of attempts to train the colonies. It is official in the UK, USA and Australia, as well as on the nearby islands.
The history of the development of the English language allowedbring it to the second position by the number of carriers (after Chinese). It is central to more than 400 million people, and about a billion people use it as a “second”. Also, English has acquired the status of the most studied in Europe.