/ / Biography of Ozhegov Sergey Ivanovich for children

Biography of Ozhegov Sergey Ivanovich for children

Great and mighty Russian language. There are people who love him more than others. We will talk about one especially outstanding person.

Family and childhood

Биография Ожегова Сергея Ивановича ведет свой countdown from the ninth (in the new style - the twenty-second) of September nineteen hundred. The birthplace of the future lexicographer is Kamennoe. Tula province - the biography of Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov begins counting from this region. The current name of the settlement is Kuvshinovo.

Sergey Ozhegov biography

Biography Ozhegov Sergey Ivanovich extremelyinteresting and significant. Three years before the birth of a linguist, Maxim Gorky stayed in his homeland for a while. The linguistic family is the brightest representatives of the intelligentsia. Interesting people often gathered in the house and discussed burning topics.

Biography Ozhegov Sergey Ivanovich mentions that he had two brothers. Among which Sergey was the eldest.

Средний обучался на архитектурном отделении.Junior - at the Institute of Communications. The linguist was Ozhegov Sergey Ivanovich. Biography for children is interesting because it teaches love for their work and dedication.

Ozhegov's father worked at a local cardboard and paper mill. Mother was a midwife in a hospital.

Outstanding scientist was Ozhegov Sergey Ivanovich -biography is proof of that. Relatives of the linguist were representatives of a wide variety of professions - artisans, clergy, steelmaking workers.


Childhood spent in the Tula province Ozhegov SergeyIvanovich The linguistic biography continued in Petersburg, where in 1909 the linguist's family moved. Actively attended a chess club, participated in sports events.

Successfully graduated from high school and enrolled inUniversity in Petrograd Sergey Ozhegov. The biography of a famous scientist says that it was not possible to finish my studies - a linguist took part in the hostilities of the First World War.

biography of Serge Sergeevich Ivanovich

Received awards for fights in Karelia and Ukraine.

Но даже война не остановила тягу к знаниям.After serving in the Kharkov Military District, he returned to Petrograd. Soon Sergey Ozhegov appeared among the students. The biography of the scientist is developing more than swiftly.

Career growth

1926 - the year of graduation from the Faculty of Linguistics andmaterial culture. The outstanding graduate did not hesitate to take the history of the languages ​​of the West and East into graduate school. The teachers Lev Shcherba and Vladimir Vinogradov recommended admission.

In 1929, among graduate graduate students numberSergey Ozhegov. The biography of the scientist says that these years have passed more than fruitfully. The linguist got a wonderful creative boost. He continued his scientific activities.

The successes of the linguist spread far beyond St. Petersburg. Already in 1936, Sergei Ivanovich moves to the capital.

ozhegov biography

From 1937 began his Moscow scientificactivity. Sergei Ivanovich worked at the Moscow Institute of Philosophy and Literature named after Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky (MIFLI) and the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute (MGPI).

In these years, in addition to teaching, Ozhegov was engaged inthe edition of the Dictionary of the Russian Language edited by Dmitry Nikolaevich Ushakov. Partly for the sake of creating this monumental work, the writer moved to the capital.

Scientific activity

In 1939 an important event takes place. Sergey Ivanovich is invited to the educational institutions as a research assistant. Namely - the Institute of Literature, as well as the linguistics of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

In 1941, despite the entreaties to evacuate,decided to stay in the capital and continue teaching. Not changed his decision until the victory. The family was waiting for a difficult time with relatives in Tashkent.

In 1952, the Department of Speech Culture at the Institute of Native Language was founded under the auspices of Sergei Ivanovich. The scientist became the first head.

During this period, the scientist paid close attention to the style, lexicography and biographies of such eminent writers as Ivan Andreevich Krylov, Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky, Plavilschikov Peter Alekseevich.

Engaged in active editorial activities.

 Ozhegov Sergey Ivanovich biography

In 1955 the work “Russian literary pronunciation and stress” was published.

In 1956 the fifth edition of the Orthographic Dictionary of the Russian Language was published.

In 1962, "The correctness of the Russian language."

In 1955-1965 Sergei Ivanovich was the founder and editor of the collection "Questions of the culture of speech."

In 1958, Sergei Ivanovich became the inspirationcreate a help desk. Any person or organization could make inquiries regarding the correctness of the formulation of certain rules of the Russian language and receive a qualified answer.

Already after the death of the scientist, the world saw his work "Dictionary to the plays of A. N. Ostrovsky".


The most monumental creation of the scientist was"Dictionary of the Russian language." Created on the basis of the work of Dmitry N. Ushakov, together with G. Vinokur and V. Petrosyan. Also in the creation of the initial edition was involved Academician S. P. Obnorsky as the chief editor.

Sergey Ozhegov biography

In total, six editions were published during the lifetime of the linguist. The first is in 1949 with a volume of 948 pages.

The circulation of the second edition in 1952 was already 150,000. Third, in 1953, 400,000.

Ozhegov Sergey Ivanovich Biography for Children

With the release of the dictionary, the name of Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov was put in one row with the names of Dmitry Ushakov and Dal Vladimir Ivanovich.

The fate of the dictionary

The work of Sergey Ivaega was continued by Natalia Yulyevna Shvedova, lexicographer, linguist, doctor of philological sciences.

Until 1992, publications were issued with additions and corrections. In the twenty-first variant, the number of words used increased from 57 thousand to seventy.

The edition in the last edition saw the light in 1997.

The dictionary has become a reference book for several generations. Words and idioms formed the basis for translations from foreign languages, translators dictionaries.

There is no person who everinterest did not open it. Truly this work is useful for everyone, from worker to minister. It is amazing how with such a sufficiently small volume the book has such a high information content.


Sergei Ivanovich was on commissions forrenaming the streets and enterprises of the capital, the Russian language of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR, the rules of spelling and punctuation, the correctness of spelling of foreign names, titles, names. Ozhegov was a consultant to the State Radio and Television Society.

Sergei Ivanovich was not on the fifteenth of December1964. He died in Moscow at the age of sixty-four years. His death was a surprise to friends and relatives. The ashes of the great linguist rests on the Novodevichy cemetery.

The memory of descendants

Already after the death of Ozhegov becomes the winnerAlexander Pushkin Prize for the most monumental work - "Dictionary of the Russian language." The award is timed to the ninetieth birthday of the linguist. Natalya Shvedova became the second prize winner.

In memory of grateful descendants, the outstanding linguist Sergey Ozhegov will remain forever. The biography for schoolchildren of this remarkable person is interesting and instructive.

Sergei Ivanovich received many awards and titles.The most significant of which is the doctor of philological sciences (by the way, this is a unique case where the title was awarded without protection of work, for a huge contribution to science).

According to the memoirs of contemporaries, Sergei Ivanovich was a cheerful and cheerful person, there were always guests in his house who came to talk in a benevolent, friendly atmosphere.