/ / Is it possible to construct a Tesla transformer yourself?

Is it possible to construct the transformer of the ades by hand?

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, there was aa remarkable world-class physicist Nikola Tesla. Being a Serbian by birth, in the very end of the XIX century he left for the United States of America for research in the field of electromagnetic phenomena, where he achieved great success. His inventions are still the most grandiose, many of them can not be repeated until now. In his notes he left a lot of notes about his research in the field of electromagnetic pulses, but the most famous of his inventions is the so-called Tesla engine. There are also testimonies that the genius scientist has given far not all that he discovered in the world of electrical physics. Many of his discoveries, he preferred to take with him, because he was confident that humanity is not yet ready for this kind of information.

Today, all scientists who specialize inthis area, has long been discovered the opportunity to create a transformer Tesla own hands, and it can be produced not only in the laboratory, but also in the open air. Numerous successful experiments prove that it is quite possible.

However, it should immediately be warned that suchthe device is quite life-threatening, since the electrical impulses arising in the voltage winding reach several thousand volts, so simple lovers should not take on such a thing. So, the Tesla transformer with its own hands is a classic resonant transformer, which operates at a high frequency and at the same time produces a very strong voltage, sometimes reaching several tens of thousands of volts. It is noteworthy that Tesla himself was a supporter of the “ether theory”, according to which the whole world is a finely concentrated matter, interconnected by tiny particles. This air carries a huge energy reserves, using which you can create entire power plants with the production of many megawatts of voltage. Unfortunately, at the moment a lot remains only on paper, because scientists are still not able to completely unravel the nature of electric magnetism and the reasons for its occurrence. Therefore, the Tesla transformer with its own hands remains the only invention that scientists were able to repeat.

Практического применения этому источнику generation of high voltage electromagnetic pulses yet. Most often it is used as a fun, the discharges arising in this case can be of a variety of color shades, which is associated with a different gas environment.

Tesla coil has gained great popularity among observers and researchers of electrical pulses, since it can be used to create discharges of various types:

  1. Streamers are dimly luminous discharges that go straight into the air and contain ionized gas atoms and free electrons.
  2. Sparky - spark discharges that go directly into the ground, representing a bundle of brightly glowing filamentary spark channels.
  3. An arc discharge also occurs between the tesla coil and a grounded object located nearby.
  4. Corona discharge is a beautiful bluish glow of air ions in a high voltage field.

Scientists engaged in research in this area quite often create a tesla transformer with their own hands to conduct numerous studies in the field of electromagnetic phenomena.

So Nicolo Tesla, whose physicstoday it is applied in the widest fields of science and technology, it is one of the most famous researchers in the field of electromagnetic radiation. The richest potential inherent in his writings has yet to be deciphered by future generations of scientists. I would like to hope that soon new discoveries of scientists will delight us all with new sources of energy that modern humanity will learn to draw directly from the etheric space of the Earth.