/ / What is zoning? Division of territory or water area into parts (districts)

What is zoning? Division of the territory or water area into parts (areas)

One of the scientific methods says that for deepresearch of an object should be broken down, dismembered, divided into smaller parts. This method is often used by geographers and economists in the integrated study of large areas. They simply divide them into separate parts - districts.

What is zoning? What kinds of it stand out? What is the current regionalization of Russia? All this will be discussed in our article.

What is zoning?

Zoning - as the term sounds in Englishliterature. However, the Americans are considered the “inventors” of this method. So what is zoning? In what areas and spheres of human activity is it used?

Под районированием подразумевается деление any territory into separate parts, differing from each other in one way or another. However, it can be not only a land area, but also a sea or ocean area. Components obtained in this process are called differently: areas (most often), regions, neighborhoods, zones, areas.

what is zoning

It is important to note that zoning is not onlyprocess, but also the result of dividing the territory into areas. At the same time, specific goals are set for him. They can be both practical and purely educational.

Today zoning is enoughIt is widely used in various sciences and areas of practical human activity: in geography, economics, landscape science, urban planning, architecture, urban planning, interior design, etc. This term is also used in breeding. However, there he carries a completely different content.

The essence and meaning of the term "district"

With this concept, we often meet in everyday life. Districts can be residential and working, formal and informal, dormitories, industrial, recreational, financial and business.

The term itself has French roots (rayon).In the broadest sense of the word, an area is an area that stands out among others by one or several signs. There are other definitions of this concept. For example, one of them states that an area is a section of space to which an action or phenomenon applies (natural, economic, social).

District is one of the main units.administrative and territorial structure of a number of states of the world (most often - of the second order). In particular, it is distinguished in many countries of the post-Soviet space (in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and others).

Today, the term "district" is used in various scientific disciplines and areas of human activity, from botany to military science.

Types and directions of zoning

Какие же виды районирования существуют?First of all, it can be cognitive or constructive (transformative). And if in the first case the method of zoning is used for the purpose of research, studying the locality, in the second - with the aim of developing a concept of rational use of the potential of a given territory.

geographical zoning

The zoning may also be uniform ornodal, one sign, or multi sign. In turn, the signs by which areas are allocated may vary in content, tasks, coverage, etc.

Based on the signs of the allocation of areas, there are the following types of zoning:

  • natural;
  • geographic;
  • climatic;
  • demographic;
  • military;
  • economic;
  • recreational;
  • tourist, etc.

economic zoning

The main principles of territorial zoning

The scientific and practical method of territorial zoning occurs according to three basic principles:

  • national;
  • administrative;
  • economic.

The national principle of zoning takes into account the ethnic composition of the population in a particular territory, their traditions and historically established features of work and life.

The administrative principle implies somethe unity of the economic and political-administrative structure of the country or a particular region. With its help, favorable conditions are created for the independent development of individual regions of the state.

Наконец, экономический принцип районирования considers any area as an integral part of a single economic complex of the country with a specific set of industrial enterprises and infrastructure facilities.

These three principles are fundamental and generally accepted. They are taken into account for all types of territorial zoning.

The essence and levels of economic zoning

Economic regionalization is a process.the allocation of areas or zones of the country (region), which reflect the existing division of labor. The main goal of this process is to create conditions for a rational socio-economic policy. When economic zoning of territories it is important to take into account many factors. First of all, we are talking about deposits of mineral and fuel resources, climatic conditions, the level of soil fertility, and demographic indicators.

types of zoning

Economic regionalization is carried out at three levels. It:

  • macro level (allocation of large economic zones);
  • meso level (allocation of economic regions within one state or region);
  • micro level (allocation of industrial centers, complexes and units of economic activity).

Essence and types of geographical zoning

Geographic zoning is the process of identifying separate systems and complexes on the ground, which are distinguished by their internal unity and a set of specific natural features.

Принято выделить несколько типов physiographic zoning. So, it can be zonal (latitudinal) or azonal, complex or industry-specific. In the case of sectoral (component-based) zoning, the terrain is divided according to topography, climate, vegetation, etc.


The most elementary part in the hierarchical systemphysiographic zoning is the facies. This is the simplest form of any landscape, which is located within a single biocenosis and is distinguished by homogeneity of the geological structure, water regime, microclimate and soil cover.

Modern zoning of Russia

The very first attempts to district territorycountries were made in pre-revolutionary times. However, the most striking example of the use of this method in practice was the so-called GOELRO plan of 1921 (the All-Union electrification plan). It was based on the principle of the unity of the administrative and economic division of the state.

climatic zoning

Современное географическое районирование provides for the allocation within Russia of twelve physiographic countries. Each of them is distinguished by a uniform relief, similar climatic and biogeographic features. Here are these countries:

  1. Russian plain.
  2. Caucasus.
  3. Ural
  4. Fennoscandia.
  5. Island Arctic.
  6. Western Siberia.
  7. Central Siberia.
  8. Northeast Siberia.
  9. Koryak-Kamchatsk-Kuril country.
  10. Baikal country.
  11. Altai-Sayan country.
  12. Amur-Sakhalin country.

Modern economic zoning of the countryIt also provides for the division of the territory of Russia into 12 economic regions. All of them differ in area and their specialization. We list all these areas:

  • Central.
  • Central Chernozem.
  • Northern.
  • Northwestern.
  • North Caucasus.
  • East Siberian.
  • West Siberian.
  • Far Eastern.
  • Volga.
  • Ural.
  • Volgo-Vyatka.
  • Kaliningrad.

regionalization of Russia


What is zoning?This is the process of dividing a locality into parts (districts), distinguished by certain features. Based on the goals and objectives, this process can be informative or constructive. Based on the internal content, it is customary to single out geographical, economic, demographic, climatic zoning and its other types.