/ / 1612: facts, events, consequences

1612: facts, events, consequences

The events for which the year 1612 is famous entered intohistory as the end of the Time of Troubles and the beginning of the liberation of the country from the Polish military presence. This year was the main for future events, laid the foundation for the final expulsion of the Poles. At present, it is believed that precisely in honor of this event, the celebration of national unity is celebrated in November. The history of 1612 cannot be considered without an analysis of previous events. This is logical, since in many respects this time is the final period of a certain stage in the development of the state. Like all key years in history, the 1612th was far from easy.

1612: how it all began

Despite the fact that the times of the Troubles in many textbooks are designated 1605-1612, the seeds of the problem were sown immediately after the death of Ivan the Terrible, the last representative of the Rurik dynasty.

1612 history

After the death of a strong leader, notleft behind a similarly strong successor, the country began to suffer under the oppression of civil strife in the circle of the boyars and the increasing frequency of raids by numerous neighbors. The heirs of Ivan the Terrible were, but they died, so the power passed to Godunov. It was a difficult time, because at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries, famine erupted, which was accompanied by rampant gangs and high mortality among the common population. Combined with the constant Lithuanian and Polish invasions, this makes the times of the Troubles a truly dark time in the history of Russia. Against this background, the circle of boyars overthrew Godunov from the throne, declaring that he seized power illegally, and that his rule contradicts the will of God. After that, the allegedly rescued and surviving descendants of Grozny, False Dmitry, appeared twice, but they did not reign for long. In the wake of the unstable political situation, Russia has become easy prey for foreign invaders. Poland did not miss the opportunity to seize power in a weakened country without a ruler.

Raising the spirit of liberation

A few years before the moment when they developedthe events of 1612, the liberation uprisings against foreigners began. To provide military support, Shuisky bought the Swedish army at the price of the Karelian district.

November 1612

This combined army was defeated largely because of the betrayal of the German mercenaries and their transfer to the enemy. This opened the way to Moscow.

Heroes of the People - Minin and Pozharsky

Minin was elected to the role of senior organizationthe militia of Nizhny Novgorod. He collected a large sum for the needs of the army - each farm was obliged to contribute about 20% of its value. Pozharsky became a military leader. He was not associated with foreign interventionists, so people rallied around him. Perhaps this has decided what the year 1612 will remain in history. The leaders sent letters of appreciation to join the rebellion. People responded to the call. People from all over the country began to gather in Yaroslavl to prepare for the march. The militia stood there until the end of the summer. Pozharsky was engaged in military affairs, and Minin took over the management of the economy. The army marched on Moscow in the second half of August.

The Siege of Moscow

Despite the fact that the siege of the militias began inAugust, it ended only in October in the old style. So, the Poles settled in the city. For them, the year 1612 was far from the best - the provisions were ending, and the arrival of carts was long to wait. The day after the arrival of the rebels, the long-awaited carriage arrived. Contrary to expectations, the militia defeated this battle. They largely owe their victory to Minin, who acted as a valiant warrior and a competent strategist. The remnants of the broken wagon train retreated, and the Russians had at their disposal the provisions so necessary for the starving Poles and boyars behind the Kremlin walls.

events of 1612

The complete lack of food caused not only high mortality, but also numerous cases of cannibalism in the garrison.

Sturm of Moscow

The assault on the weakened garrison began on October 22, andPoles were knocked out of China Town. The Russians entered the Kremlin on October 24th. It was November 1612, namely, the 4th in a new style. This date is celebrated today as a holiday of national unity in Russia.

Zemsky Sobor

1612 laid the foundation for further events.After the end of the siege, Minin and Pozharsky convened a Zemsky Sobor, the purpose of which was to select a new king. According to the decision, in the Council, in addition to the clergy, people of different classes from different cities will participate. The decision on the choice of the king was to be taken unanimously, and the date of the elections themselves was determined on February 21, 1613. According to the results of the Council, Mikhail Romanov, who highly appreciated the merits of Pozharsky and Minin, became the tsar. So, the boyar title was granted to the first, and the second was elevated to the rank of dummy boyars.


Minin in the new post collected taxes up tohis death, and Pozharsky continued to lead the troops in the liberation campaigns against the Poles. The year 1612 was fateful for them and for the entire state. Thus ended the Time of Troubles, which brought much suffering to the Russian land.