/ / Where does penguin live? Where do penguins live apart from Antarctica?

Where does the penguin live? Where live penguins, except Antarctica?

We are accustomed to believe that non-flying birds liveonly in Antarctica, have a suit and very clumsy. Is it really? Where do penguins live apart from Antarctica? Let's figure it out. We will immediately determine that the question of where the penguin lives has a broad answer: in the southern hemisphere. If you determine its habitat, thus, the error is excluded. In addition, you need to keep in mind that there are many penguins: sixteen species. Naturally, they occupy different territories. Let's look at the habitats of certain species.

Who among them lives in Antarctica?

where does the penguin live
На заснеженных просторах можно встретить emperor penguin. This is the largest view. They reach a height of 120 cm. They swim very well, but do not like to be far from the coast (this applies to all types of these birds). I must say that the place where the emperor penguins live is taboo for other birds. The antarctic penguin also lives here. Its distinguishing feature is the “helmet” on the head. This is a peculiar color of the plumage, which is a dark-colored cap, from it to the neck is a leash. What is more interesting is not where the penguin of this species lives, but how it breeds. It turns out that these frost-resistant birds hatch chicks during the coldest time, warming the eggs with their bodies. Mom and dad, replacing each other on the most important watch, touchingly take care of the offspring. Most penguins only have one chick. Here lives the most famous species - Adele. After D'Urville was acquainted with this bird, Europeans became interested in the question of om, where the penguin lives. The fact is that this Frenchman was the first to describe this amazing species.

Where do penguins live apart from Antarctica?

These birds can be found on almost everyone.islands where a moderate climate reigns. On the pieces of land, formed in the Southern Ocean, royal penguins nest. They are decorated with orange spots, resembling quotes, located on the neck. The bird, adjacent to the royal congener, has a white strip on the crown.

where do penguins live apart from antarctica
She was called a Papuan penguin, although to thesetribes it does not have a relationship. Although they are found on the Antarctic Peninsula, they prefer a milder climate. Humboldt's penguin lives in Peru. He was discovered and studied by a German geographer, by whose name a bird is named. These representatives of birds have a horseshoe on the back of the head in white. It must be said that all penguins differ visually from each other, having certain features characteristic only of this type.

Where do white penguins live?

Among the diversity of these birds, some are different.with greatness, others in size, and still others in extraordinary plumage. So, in the east of New Zealand there is a white-winged penguin. The upper part of his body is covered with a bluish feather, the lower part is snow-white. And in the area of ​​the Chatham Islands a baby nests, whose height does not exceed forty centimeters. This is a blue penguin.

Habitat Africa

where do white penguins live
Studying where the penguin lives, one can not turnattention to the hot continent. Do not be surprised! Africa also sheltered representatives of this feathered variety. There lives the donkey penguin. They called him so for the voice, very similar to the cry of a prototype animal. You can see it only in the northernmost areas of the continent. More krikun not nest anywhere. The Galapagos Islands took another look into their arms. There is the birthplace of the eponymous penguin representative. And his relatives do not claim to these territories. The Galapagos Penguin is the full owner of the islands.

Unusual birds

There are a number of penguins that stand outcompletely "unconventional" appearance. Thus, the crested is the owner of the golden "hair". He has many yellowish feathers on his head. He also lives on the islands. Interesting description of his movements. Unlike the rest of the fellow he does not know how to walk. When walking, pushes with both paws, and dives "soldier". Therefore, he earned the title of "jumper on the rocks." The golden-haired penguin has grown even more hair. She covers it to the back. It is widely distributed: from Antarctica to the islands of the Indian and Atlantic zones of the Southern Ocean. It looks like a penguin Schlegel living on the island of Macquarie. Only under the golden head of his adorn

where do emperor penguins live
white sides. In New Zealand, three species of penguins possessing a tuft nest. They differ in size, but in general are similar to each other. “Iroquois” of feathers flaunted on their heads.

Where can I see birds?

It is already clear that in order to learn the habitsdifferent penguins, you need to make a trip to the southern hemisphere. Do not be confused. In the Arctic, these birds do not live (they were never seen there). Their area of ​​distribution is the territory near the South Pole. To study this species of birds will have to go to Australia, New Zealand or South Africa. And there already develop a route, according to the goals and objectives defined for the expedition. See all species in a small area will not work. Penguins do not like to travel long distances. They live in a "generic" place, defined, so to speak, historically. New Zealand has sheltered the most species. You can also look at the unusual yellow-eyed penguin, who was nicknamed the magnificent.

Do birds live in captivity?

If you are interested in zoos, then you know: penguins there perfectly exist and breed. An interesting fact is established.

how many penguins live
When scientists wondered how muchlive penguins, it turned out that bondage contributes to the duration of their century. That is, in nature, birds die faster. Most likely, this is due to the difficult conditions of existence, the difficulties of obtaining food, a lot of enemies in natural areas. Now special nurseries are being created, the purpose of which is to recreate the number of those populations that reach a critical level due to human progress. If birds are protected from natural predators, the survival of the offspring is greatly increased. So, scientists have calculated that only half of the hatched chicks live to a year. If you consider the loss of eggs, then twenty percent. However, the species live and reproduce beautifully. Apparently, the main task of man is not to interfere with penguins to decorate the planet with their beautiful variety.