/ / Interesting facts about the terrestrial planets

Interesting facts about the terrestrial planets

In the solar system, there are four objectswhich are called the terrestrial planets: Mercury (the smallest), Venus and Mars, and Earth (the greatest). They are also called internal, solid-state, opposing the external gas giant planets.

facts about the terrestrial planets

General characteristics

Facts about the terrestrial planets are mainlyrelate to their objective, visual characteristics, due to the fact that the physical presence of man is possible so far only on one of these space objects - the Earth.

It is known that these celestial bodies possessconsiderable density, consist of iron and silicates, as well as oxygen, silicon, magnesium, aluminum. Facts known to us about the terrestrial planets state that all these objects have a certain structure. In the center is a core containing iron and nickel. Then is the mantle, which includes silicates. It covers the crust, also consisting of silicate rocks, but enriched with other elements. Mercury has no bark, which was, as scientists assume, the result of meteorite bombardment of a space object. Earth and Mars have satellites. Mercury and Venus do not have them.


Most scientists believe that the most goodconditions for the emergence of biological life exist precisely on the planets of this group. That is why the search and comprehensive research of these space objects attracts increased attention of scientists from all countries. Examples of terrestrial planets are the so-called super-earths. As of 2012, more than fifty of them were found. On each of them, according to scientists, the emergence of life is theoretically possible.

terrestrial planets interesting facts

Facts about the terrestrial planets

But back to the solar system. Native Earth - the third in a row from the sun. It is the largest of solid-state planets in terms of density, diameter, and mass. We learn a few facts about our planet:

  • Today it is the only cosmic body known to man on which biological life is found.
  • Earth was formed long ago - more than four and a half billion solar years ago. And life on our planet appeared, as most scientists believe, after about half a billion years after that.
  • Together with the magnetic field, the ozone layer attenuates the harmful solar radiation. This is one of the conditions for the possibility of life on the planet.
  • The crust of the Earth is made up of tectonic plates moving at a speed of several centimeters per year!
  • More than 70 percent of the planet’s surface is occupied by water. Sushi accounts for less than 30 percent. Water is vital for all known living forms.
  • The poles of the planet harbor arctic ice and an Antarctic ice shield.
  • According to some scientists, the conditions for lifebiological organisms the Earth can save for quite a long time: more than two billion years. Unless, of course, to try to artificially break these conditions (as a result of the pernicious and thoughtless human activity and its impact on the biosphere).
  • Our planet wraps around the Sun in about 365.26 days, which is a sidereal year.
  • The moon, a satellite of the Earth, causes the tide phenomenon, and also stabilizes the earth's axis, gradually slowing down the rotation of our planet.
  • The fall of the asteroids has repeatedly causedextinction of various species of organisms, leading to significant changes in the biosphere. These and other facts about the terrestrial planets have become known thanks to the activities of scientists who are constantly studying the processes taking place in the solar system.

2-3 interesting facts about the terrestrial planets


  • Everyone knows that God was called wars. Another common name is the Red Planet (due to the shade of the surface that iron oxide imparts).
  • The atmosphere of Mars is rarefied. The surface has volcanoes, valleys, deserts. At the poles - glacial caps.
  • Two satellites of this terrestrial planet are known.Interesting facts related to Phobos and Deimos: this was the name of the sons of the god of war (translated as “fear” and “horror”). Their size compared to, for example, the moon, is small. Both have an irregular shape.
  • What other interesting facts about the planetsearth group? The Egyptians called Mars - the Red Mountain, in Babylon it was known as the Death Star, the Jews called the planet - the One who blush. The reason in all cases was the bloody shade of this celestial body.
  • The month of March is named after Mars.
  • Interestingly, water cannot exist on this.the planet in liquid form due to the rarefaction of the atmosphere. But she is present here in the form of ice. This made it possible for scientists to assume that life once existed on Mars.
  • A man who got to Mars without a special spacesuit would have died instantly, since with very low pressure all the oxygen in the blood would turn into bubbles.
  • In the atmosphere of the planet, the ozone layer is absent. There is very strong radiation, deadly to humans.
  • Wind speed in dust storms on the planet reaches 200 kilometers per hour.
  • Some scientists believe that intersecting canyons on the surface of the planet are of man-made origin.
    interesting facts about the terrestrial planets


This celestial body also belongs to the classcalled the terrestrial planets. Interesting facts about the research of its composition and surface attract the attention of many scientists at all times. Consider the main ones:

  • Venus is the brightest of the planets. On a clear moonless night, she is able to cast a shadow on the earth's surface.
  • Venus has no satellites, like Mercury. Its sphere is almost perfect, unlike the earth, flattened.
  • The sun cannot be seen from the surface of Venus due to the constant clouds. Also, there is no per se change of seasons.
  • Scientists suggest that earlier on Venus were large reserves of water, but it has long evaporated as a result of increased solar radiation.
  • Life on Venus is impossible because of the very high temperature.
  • Day on the planet last a little less than the earth year!

terrestrial planets all the facts about space


Consider another 2-3 interesting facts about the terrestrial planets.

  • Mercury is the smallest (according to 2006 data, when Pluto lost the status of a planet) and the planet of the Solar System closest to our main star.
  • This body is the least studied. So, scientists only in 2009 made complete maps of the surface of this celestial body.
  • A day on the planet is twice as long as a year!

Here are 2-3 more interesting facts about the terrestrial planets:

  • Deimos, a satellite of Mars, rises and sets twice in a day.
  • When Mars approaches a close distance to Earth, they record the largest number of UFO appearances.

This is how you can describe the terrestrial planets.All the facts about space, provided by scientists, have recently caused great interest among the general public. This is connected with the possibility of the emergence of biological life on other planets and with the ever-increasing ability of mankind to comprehend the secrets of the universe.