/ / Veliky Novgorod: population, living conditions, infrastructure

Veliky Novgorod: population, living conditions, infrastructure

In Russia there were several large and significantcities, one of the most famous among them is Veliky Novgorod. The population here over the centuries of existence has increased significantly, the area of ​​the settlement has also increased. What is it like to live in this ancient city today? We will tell about the features of the city, its population, the living conditions of people.

Employment Center Great Novgorod

Geographical position

Veliky Novgorod, whose populationwe are considering, is located on the Volkhov River, in the north-west of the Russian Federation. About 500 km separates it from Moscow. The flat terrain of the city is determined by its geographical position: it is located on the Priilmenskaya lowland.

Ecology and weather

Великий Новгород находится в зоне temperate continental climate. Therefore, there are quite cold winters here, sometimes the thermometer drops to -30 degrees, and in warm summer, with average temperatures around +20 degrees. Winters are quite snowy, and summer is often rainy, the total amount of precipitation per year is 550 mm.

Ecological situation in Veliky Novgorodgenerally characterized as prosperous. In the suburbs there is a potentially dangerous chemical plant "Akron". But there are constantly carried out the necessary checks, so that he is not a threat. The city has a lot of greenery, which allows you to keep the air clean enough, despite the growing number of cars.

social protection of the population of great Novgorod

History of settlement

The official date of the appearance of Novgorod is considered859 year, although many historians insist on an earlier date. Archaeologists here find evidence of the residence of the Finno-Ugric tribes in the 5th century. In the 8th-9th centuries there were already a number of people there, trade was conducted.

Зажиточное поселение постоянно привлекало the invaders and Veliky Novgorod, whose population gradually grew, were often subjected to devastation and siege. This hardened the people of Novgorod, and they became very skillful warriors, they could resist the most modern forces of that time.

From 12 to 15 century the city was the capital of the same nameof the republic. The independence and wealth of Novgorod did not give rest to the states surrounding it: the Livonians, the Tatars, the Swedes, the Muscovites. And under strong pressure in 1478, the republic was annexed to the Moscow principality.

As part of the Russian state, Novgorod had tosurvive a lot of difficult periods. But he always remained a city of military glory. At different periods, the city belonged to different administrative units of the country. And only in 1944 the Novgorod region was formed, and the settlement became the capital.

Veliky Novgorod population

Administrative-territorial division

Территориально Великий Новгород, численность whose population is distributed unevenly in different parts of it, is divided into 9 districts. These are several villages, absorbed by the city, and the original parts: the center, the railway station, the west.

The most attractive for living is westerndistrict, social infrastructure is well developed here, high-quality but not new housing, high availability of transport. The city center is famous for its attractions, which are nice to see, but living here is quite expensive and problematic due to traffic difficulties and crowdedness.

The most populated area is the so-called Trading side, there are really a lot of shops, banks, restaurants. But there is a lot of residential real estate.

City infrastructure

Комфортность города обычно оценивают по development of its social sphere. Social protection of the population in Veliky Novgorod notes that a sufficient number of social facilities operate in the city. In Novgorod there are many kindergartens and schools, there are enough health centers and hospitals. The city is not bad with roads and transport, traffic jams, of course, are, but not catastrophic.

Veliky Novgorod population of nationality

Population dynamics

Veliky Novgorod, whose populationIt began to be calculated in 1571, today it belongs to small Russian cities. 222 thousand people live in it in 2017. Least of all residents in the city was in 1671 - only 200 people. And the maximum number was recorded in 1992, then there were 235 thousand people. Since 1993, the number of Novgorod has decreased slightly, but not as much as in many other cities. In the past 10 years, the balance of numbers has been fluctuating either upward or downward, but these changes are quite small.


The attractiveness of any city for residentsdue to the availability of working places. The Employment Center in Veliky Novgorod notes that unemployment here is at levels lower than in the whole country. But the crisis leads to an increase in the number of unoccupied people. The main employers are the Acron plant, as well as a developed trading infrastructure. In recent years, employment provides tourism.

Demographic indicators

If you aim, find the average city of Russia,then it may well be Veliky Novgorod. The population, whose nationalities fit into the general indicators of the country, here is characterized by typical indicators. The Employment Center (Veliky Novgorod) cites the following data: the average age is 67 years, 88% of the population is Russian, the increase in population shows a negative trend, the death rate drops slightly, but still overtakes the birth rate.