The mainstream is what?

music mainstream
The speech of modern youth is full of differentincomprehensible to the simple man of the words, which have already become a kind of slang. One of today's popular words is "mainstream." What's this? - you are surprised. But surely it is already at your ear and often came to your attention. This is teeming with the whole Internet, they talk about it, and it's fashionable. Today, among young people, not knowing what the mainstream is, even embarrassing. Therefore, if you want to keep up with the times, let's figure it out.

The mainstream is what?

To begin with, this term is not absolutelynew. It appeared quite a long time ago and initially related directly to art, or rather, to literature. The mainstream originated somewhere in the 1940s in the United States of America. The author of this term is not known for certain. There are versions that it was an American writer and literary critic William Dean Howells (1837-1920), who gave his preference exclusively to works written in a realistic way.

Итак, что значит мейнстрим?In literal translation from English, this is the "mainstream", the "main lines". If we speak in scientific language, we can give the following definition: this is the predominant trend in any kind of activity (literature, art, music, science, politics, etc.) for a certain period of time.

The modern mainstream is what?

what does mainstream mean
Today, the mainstream is called mass trends,which are popular in society. Trends relate mainly to culture and art. The word "mainstream" is used to show the contrast of popular culture with an alternative, an underground and other non-class directions. In other words, the mainstream is designed for a large number of consumers.

In the modern world, the mainstream is a fashion forcertain things, behavior. For example, recently it became actual to read books or prepare exotic dishes, or work "on remote", or take pictures and upload pictures to social networks.

The musical mainstream in Russian music is, undoubtedly, Bi-2, Zemfira, Mumiy Troll and Chaif.

mainstream is this
The mainstream on the Internet is Vkontakte, Instagram and Cats. Recently, the world has been obsessed with these furry animals! Their photos filled almost the entire Internet.

The mainstream in cars is Ford Focus, in tourism - Turkey and Egypt, in business - tax evasion, etc.

The negative mainstream is what?

In addition to the above, there is a mainstream andnegative values. This is a kind of fashion for mass stupid behavior. For example, very common strange behavior of girls who take pictures of themselves in the restrooms and at the same time make "lips a dent." Negative is manifested mainly in Internet communication. In this vein, the concept of "mainstream" is seen as a fashion for the aggressive and greedy majority, which can not understand and accept some other views. Sometimes this concept is also called bruising and banal, which are negative shade and imply something dull and annoying.

Thus, the mainstream is something that in its field is considered the most common and popular.