/ / 10 interesting facts about ants. The most interesting facts about ants for children

10 interesting facts about ants. The most interesting facts about ants for children

More than 100 million years ago, ants are alreadyinhabited the Earth and practically did not undergo evolutionary changes. And today, these insects accompany people, wherever they are: in their dwellings, on the way to work, on vacation, and all because with their extremely small size they make up 25% of the biomass living on the surface of the planet.

Although there are more than 13,000 of their species, and they are distributed almost everywhere except in Antarctica, people do not know all the interesting facts about ants.

Hardworking insects

There is a science of studying habitat andlifestyle of these insects, which is called myrmecology. Dozens of world-class scientists, starting from the 18th century, have devoted themselves to their study, but so far insects are surprised by their ability to adapt to the circumstances, the environment and the ability to completely restore their anthill even if it is destroyed.

The data collected by scientists can be combined into 10 interesting facts about ants, although they are much more.

interesting facts about ants

The first fact, which is peculiar to almost allAnts, no matter where they dwell, is an amazing hard work. To the outside observer it may seem that insects move erratically from an anthill and back, but in fact each of them has obligations, for non-fulfillment of which punishment and even the death penalty can be imposed.

Construction of the nest, its protection, complianceCleanliness and food extraction are not the only responsibilities of these industrious creatures. The base of the colony is a formed family, each member of which belongs to a particular caste.

Ant family

Interesting facts about ants relate to the position of insects in the family hierarchy. This is the second point, allowing the colony to exist for many years and expand their possessions.

Any anthill begins with a smallthe number of individuals, which increases to several million, occupying large areas. Conventionally, the family of these insects can be divided into females, males and "hard workers".

interesting facts about ants for kids

No matter what the position of the familyinsects occupy, all must properly fulfill their duties - the queen can also be killed, as well as a working ant. Everything is subject to the concept of the benefits and significance of each individual for the development and strengthening of the colony.

The external difference between representatives of different castes is manifested in the presence of wings in males and females and their absence in working individuals.

The mode of birth also depends on the "origin".For example, queens and workers are born from fertilized, and males from unfertilized eggs. Therefore, red, red and black ants have 3 stages of maturation - an egg, a larva and a pupa. No less interesting facts from the life of ants relate to their queens.

The life and activities of the ant queen

Each anthill can be from one toa few queens, it all depends on the size of the colony. The third important factor for the full growth of the family is the livelihood of his female. It is surprising that the queen mates only once, and the resulting sperm should be enough for her until the end of her life, which lasts from 12 to 20 years.

interesting facts from the life of ants

In some species of ants, the female mates withone male, going after him on the mating flight, while others have it with a few dozen males. After fertilization, the queen chooses whether to stay in the same anthill or organize a new one.

If she leaves the nest, she should find noonly a fitting place for organizing a new colony, but also to arrange a “delivery room” where the first eggs will be laid. To maintain their life, the females of some species of ants, leaving the old nest, take for the organization and cultivation of the garden spores of mushrooms, which they planted in a new place. Isn't it interesting facts about ants for children?

The ability to grow and breed food

Only 4 types of creatures on earth consciously bred“Cattle” and plants are grown so that when they are sedentary, the family does not need food, such as ants, bark beetles, termites and people. At the same time insects for several million years more experience than people. This is the 4th fact from the life of these insects.

Some species of ants not only grow mushrooms on their own plantations, but also treat them with pesticides, which they themselves produce.

10 interesting facts about ants

As noted by the Mirmecologists, regardless ofwhat countries and on which continents there are colonies of ants who can grow mushrooms, they do it in exactly the same way, as if they are sharing experiences with each other.

В подобных колониях ведется отбор рабочих, who could qualitatively carry out the duties of breeding and growing mushrooms, for which already trained ants become “teachers” for the young labor force. Think that's all? No, we continue to continue to consider interesting facts about ants for children and not only.

Training young

As it turned out, for most species of antsit is customary not only to distribute duties between workers, but also to train them, for which they have special mentors. This is the 5th fact from the life of these amazing insects.

According to the Mirmecologists, ants are not bornwith certain skills that would determine their future activities in the anthill. When an insect grows up, it is sent to the "brigade" to perform any work, such as harvesting, protection, food extraction, etc.

the most interesting facts about ants

Чтобы научиться непривычной для себя деятельности and work out the skills, the young growth repeats what the tutor does. They learn like human children. Each new task is more difficult, and it is given for practicing previous skills.

During this process, constantcontact between a mentor ant and his student. These are also interesting facts about ants, since such behavior is peculiar only to humans and higher primates. The difference from the human school is that those who slowly fulfill their duties or do not cope with them are not left next year, but sent to other jobs where they can be useful to the colonies.

Breeding other insects for food

The sixth item is the ability to graze and multiply their food. There are interesting facts about ants, specially breeding aphids, caterpillars and mealybugs.

interesting facts about ants for children

Trained individuals not only graze their livestock and drive them to new pastures, but also collect nectar from them, which they eat.

This function is so important for the colony that the ants overtake their “herds” in case of leaving the anthill.

Ant slaves

В седьмой и восьмой, самые интересные факты о the ants, included clauses that they have slaves and wage wars. Only a few species of ants practice slavery, but it depends on the number of captured working individuals that life in their colonies depends on.

Hence the 8th fact that the antswage wars of conquest in order to gain foreign territory or many slaves. Prisoners do the same as in their anthill, they only provide their labor with the lives of other individuals and raise not their offspring.

Cloning and dumping

There are not so many animals on Earth thatburied their dead kinsmen. This 9th fact puts ants next to people and elephants. Special cleaners of an anthill take out the dead individuals from it and put it outside the territory of the colony. This is a precautionary measure to prevent healthy ants from getting sick, and the hygiene of the home.

The tenth fact is the unique abilityants clone themselves. This is typical, for example, of fire ants and the Amazons. Entire colonies of females use parthenogenesis to reproduce their own kind without the participation of males.