Since ancient times, people are honored and endowedmagical and healing properties of stones. Hyacinth is also among the minerals that have always been popular with both the poor and the royals. It is a transparent crystal of red or yellowish-brown color. Although the hyacinth never entered the list of the rarest and most expensive precious minerals, it is in the list of the bib stones of the High Priest from the Old Testament, was revered by people in different countries of the world.
In the Middle Ages, hyacinth was considered a symbolconstancy, wisdom. People believed that the stone prevents thunderstorms, protects against pestilence, plague and other infectious diseases. He was also worn as a talisman, bringing happiness and good fortune, pleasing the soul, establishing good relations with others. A complacent welcome and hospitable shelter is provided to those who wear such stones. Hyacinth greatly improves the mental abilities of its owner, awakens hidden talents in him. For this reason, it has long been considered the mineral of scientists, for it contributes to the pursuit of new discoveries, the study of science.
Some peoples believed that helping with blindnessand restores poor vision stone hyacinth. Photo jewelry attract to itself today, looking at these beautiful crystals, it is impossible to say that they are not precious. Many peoples endowed hyacinth with magical properties, even legends exist that stone was found in the belly of a sea serpent or on the continent of Lemuria, which died before Atlantis.