/ / Vegetative reproduction: hyacinth and its "babes"

Vegetative reproduction: hyacinth and its "children"

Hyacinth is called the flower of love, happiness and lightsadness. The name of the flower in Greek means "flower of rains", with it is connected the Greek legend about the favorite of the god Apollo - a young man named Hyacinth. According to legend, Apollo and Hyacinth participated in the sporting competition, and when Apollo had a heavy metal disc, he accidentally touched the nearby Hyacinth. In the place where the blood of the deceased youth fell, wonderful red and violet flowers grew.

Let us consider in more detail what kind of flower is hyacinth, andas well as its multiplication. Hyacinth is from North America, South Europe, Asia. It refers to perennial onion plants of the lily family. The plant can reach 20 cm in height. Flowers with curved blades, bell-shaped, collected in the inflorescence. Interestingly, this plant reproduces. Hyacinth propagates vegetatively - "babies" are formed near the base of the mother bulb. It's pretty slow. In an adult bulb a year, an average of 3-4 "babies" are formed. Gardeners complain that the most beautiful and bright varieties formed a little onions for the season.

The question of how to multiply the hyacinth worries manygardeners. There is artificial reproduction - a plant with this method will give more daughter bulbs. To artificial variants carry: excision of the bottom, ring and cross-shaped incisions, division of bulbs into parts. There is also a method used in the laboratory - this is the method of tissue culture. Consider the two most common methods.

What do experienced gardeners do to speed upReproduction? Hyacinth (bulb) is dissected by the incision method of the bottom. This procedure is carried out from the beginning to the middle of July. To do this, take healthy adult bulbs with a diameter of about 6 cm. They are washed in running water and treated for about ten minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate (1%) and a weak solution of fufanone, then dried for two days (at a temperature of 23 ° C). Using a sharp, clean knife, the incision is cross-crossed on the bottom of the bulb, while the central bud with the flower arrow must remain untouched on the bottom. Put processed bulbs in one layer (you can use mesh boxes) and sprinkle with chopped charcoal. Boxes are transferred to a dark room, where the air humidity is up to 75%, and the temperature is up to 30 ° C. On hot days bulbs are sprayed with warm water. By the end of September, mother bulbs form many small "babies." But on this hyacinth reproduction only begins.

Let us now consider the processplanting "children" with mother bulbs. This happens in early October. Adult bulbs with "children" are planted up by the Donets on beds with sandy, loose soil, the depth of the holes should be about 8 cm. Do not plant the bulbs close to each other. In June of the next year, the "children" are separated from the mother bulbs, disinfected, sorted and planted again with the beginning of autumn. Only after two, and sometimes three years, young hyacinths please their bright colors.

"Surgical intervention" in the bulb, can carry a viral disease, it will reduce the chance to get a beautiful and healthy hyacinth.

How does the plant propagate more safely?in the second way. It almost does not differ from the first method. The bulbs are also disinfected, then, without any cuts, they are stacked in boxes with the donut upwards. Keep them at a temperature of up to 37 degrees. This temperature stimulates the appearance of new bulbs. Periodically, they need to be treated with warm water. Plant the bulbs in the same way as in the first method.

Growing in the soil hyacinths need fertilizing.They are carried out with the emergence of shoots, with the formation of buds and after flowering. Bulbs are excavated after the leaves die. It is necessary to carefully separate the baby, carry out disinfection and dry the bulbs. Keep them in the attic or in another dry dark place at a temperature of up to 28 degrees.