/ What is the Red Book of Kazakhstan?

What is the "Red Book of Kazakhstan"?

Flora and fauna of Kazakhstan are very rich.But man causes harmful harm to nature. This affects primarily animals and plants. A large number of species of living creatures is on the verge of extinction. For example, saiga, which for forty years was considered the main game animal, although not yet listed in the Red Book, but already has the status of a vulnerable species. At the moment, to restore the saiga population, the government of Kazakhstan is making great efforts and investing a lot.


"So what is the" Red Book of Kazakhstan "?" - you ask. It is a collection of various information about plants and animals that are on the verge of extinction due to human intervention.

the red book of Kazakhstan

In 1948, the Commission of the IUCN (International Unionnature protection and natural resources), the Red Data Book was introduced. To create it, it took many years of work to collect all the information on endangered species of animals and plants.

Species of animals and birds

All kinds of animals that are listed in the Red Book fall into five categories:

  • I. Disappearing species.
  • II. Rare species.
  • III. Reducing numbers of species.
  • IV. Little-studied species, i.e., undetermined.
  • V. Restored. These are the species that were successfully saved, and they are no longer in danger.

Edition lists

Lists from the categories of the Red Book are printed onpaper of different colors. Species from the first point (disappearing) - on the red sheets, from the second (rare) - on the yellow, from the third (cutting) - on the whites, from the fourth (undetermined) - in gray, and from the fifth (reconstructed) - on the green ones.

red book of kazakhstan plants

All animals of the Red Book of Kazakhstanthreatened by any danger, are under the protection of the state. Even the country where one of the species listed in this book lives, is obliged to protect it, and has a great responsibility to all people for the safety of this animal, which is the treasure of nature.

fauna of kazakhstan

If a species disappears in the Republic of Kazakhstananimals or birds, they are necessarily recorded in the directory, which is called the "Red Book of Kazakhstan." Plants, which are also threatened with imminent disappearance, are also recorded in this publication. This is done in order to have time to help restore the endangered species.

For large animals specialclosed reserves, where species of animals are threatened with extinction. Usually it's females and males, they create habitual habitats for them, where they begin to multiply, and thus replenish their appearance.

Representatives of the Red Book

Here is a list of several families of animals and birds listed in the Red Book of this republic.

  • Families Hawkeye, Falcon, Duck, Zaplievye and others.
  • Ungulates (gazelle, kulan, argali, deer).
  • Predatory (snow leopards, bears, barchan cats, manulas).
  • Rodents (beavers, marmots, jerboas).
  • Waterfowl (long-livered hedgehog, desman).
  • Waterfowl (pelicans, swans, flamingos, storks).
  • Steppe inhabitants (falcons, eagles, cranes, bustards).

This list is by no means all, it includes reptiles and fish, various plants and flowers - such as peonies, crocuses, Iridodiktium Kolpakovskogo, a real shoe, Yatishnik helmet.

animals of the red book of Kazakhstan

The Red Book of Kazakhstan, unfortunately,every year, replenished with new animals, plants and birds that need human help in restoring their species. The first lists were compiled in 1963 by a commission, which included scientists from around the world. Currently, there are such books in many states.

The Red Book of Kazakhstan was created by a prominentscientist zoologist Sludsky. His works were devoted to the protection of animals of this republic. The introduction of some living creature in the Red Book is a very bad sign, this encourages taking appropriate measures to protect nature and its inhabitants.

Let's sum up the results

Flora of Kazakhstan has about six thousandspecies of plants, not counting the five hundred that were accidentally brought. Water vegetation is the poorest in the republic. A lot of trees are on the verge of extinction.

The Red Book of Kazakhstan has more than four hundred species of flowers and plants. In the republic, whole programs are being created to conserve nature and wildlife.
There is another problem that local authorities try to solve. This is the restoration of the lists of those plants, insects, birds and animals that were not included in the Red Book of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

It is necessary to do this so that future generationshad at least an idea of ​​the animals that had disappeared and were exterminated by man. After all, as we all know, it is the person who is to blame for these tragedies. Nature must be protected, and poachers illegally hunt animals and fish that are already listed in the Red Data Books of many countries. There are laws prohibiting the capture of animals in the reserves. Therefore, think about before doing this or that action, which can harm nature.