/ Names and types of herbs. Types of lawn grasses

Names and types of herbs. Types of lawn grasses

Flowers and herbs in the modern world are used invarious spheres. Lawn landscaping, treatment, decoration of compositions - in all this grass is applied. But for each task and need, certain types are used. In order that plants do not cause damage to health, it is very important to know the existing types of grasses, names. Only in this way will man protect himself from poisonous plants.

types of herbs

Varieties of lawn grass

For the improvement of the adjacent territory, you canuse almost 15 species of plants. Professionals recommend the use of grass grass varieties of grass origin. In some countries it is customary to use grass that is forage use. But a person can not in this case get the expected result in the form of an ideally beautiful and smooth relief.

The last few years, state institutionsconducted a thorough complex biomorphological evaluation. It concerned a large number of populations and varietal plant samples. Experts have tried to identify the types of lawn grass and their suitability for creating a beautiful green area.

types of lawn grasses

Classes of lawn grass

For many years scientists of all countries of the world have tried to determine the main types of herbs. The names are listed in the list of lawn plants, there are more than thirty of them.

  • Grass of the highest quality - varieties thatform grass for lawn purposes. This is bluegrass, fescue is red and multifaceted, fine bentgrass, ryegrass for pasture. Are used for decorative and sports lawn.
  • Grass stands of satisfactory quality.If you take appropriate care of them, you can get good grass. This includes the ordinary comb, ryegrass multicuspid, common bluegrass, sheep and furrowed fescue.
  • Varieties that form a grassunsatisfactory quality. These are mainly tall and coarse types of grasses: high ryegrass, fescue, wheat grass, timothy grass, and also a hedgehog. During growth, they often form hummocky bushes that look unpresentable against the background of other valuable plants.

species of herbs

Medicinal herbs: features of use

Since ancient times in Russia are useda variety of plants that help treat bites, burns, bruises, inflammation. The entire plant world is a unique treasure of natural and useful medicinal raw materials. Several hundred years ago, plants of medicinal origin were the only means that helped to cope with a large number of ailments.

Today, all types of medicinal herbs areAn integral part of the raw materials with which medicines are produced. The total number of plants on the territory of the Russian Federation reaches almost twenty thousand. Most of them to this day has not been fully studied and investigated by specialists. Even today, a fairly active study of the unknown grass is conducted. Scientists have already been able to identify more than 300 varieties of medicinal plants that previously had no name and classification. They are allowed for further use in pharmaceutics.

types of herbs

Where does the healing herb grow?

It is known that 45% of medicines havevegetable origin. Modern drugs can be used to treat and prevent a large number of diseases. Most often, doctors appoint them in disorders of the nervous system, violations of the liver, gastrointestinal tract and pancreas.

Different types of herbs today can be used fortreatment of minor ailments and serious ailments, and also have a tremendous impact on the human body. They can be used not only in the field of traditional medicine. Workers of the chemical industry, botany, pharmacists and pharmacologists were able to open and introduce a large number of herbs into medical practice. They are the ones who, thanks to their unique properties, have been able to replace a variety of chemical preparations. We list these types of herbs for those who want to have excellent health:

  1. Motherwort.
  2. Thermopsis.
  3. Dandelion.
  4. Burdock.
  5. Plantain.
  6. Sorrel is a horse.
  7. Immortelle.
  8. Cottonweed.

    different types of grass

Of course, this is not a complete list. Many other plants also have a beneficial effect on the human body.

How to take medicinal herbs correctly?

It must be remembered that any medicine fromimproper use can become a poison. Plants and herbs have a powerful effect. If the dosage is incorrectly calculated, then it is possible to face life-threatening situations. To avoid trouble, you need to know all the properties of plants. Some types of herbs can be poisonous, and this must be understood.

Also, do not overlook such moments,as a correct collection time and knowledge about the flowering period. Experts have repeatedly talked about the need for proper harvesting of medicinal plants. Everyone should take into account their own individual intolerance of a particular species.

types of perennial grasses

Before using any medicinala remedy based on healing herbs, you need to consult with your doctor. He will determine if a person has a disease that can be treated with herbs, and will make an opinion as to whether the broth will not harm the health.

Perennial plants

The following types of perennial grasses can be distinguished:

  • Alfalfa. It is the best plant, which is intended for sowing only in its pure form, as well as in mixture with other varieties of perennial grass.
  • Sainfoin. It is a perennial plant that belongs to the family of legumes. Hay and ordinary green mass are widely used for livestock. Thanks to the sainfoin, the animals do not have tympanitis.
  • Donnik. It is a two-year bean culture.But scientists were able to determine even annual forms. Great interest to it is caused by excellent indicators of yield, resistance to drying, and the absence of the need to select suitable soil.
  • Zhitnyak. Widely distributed in arid terrain.Many people know about it as a drought-resistant culture that yields excellent harvests of seeds and hay. Also do not forget about the excellent winter hardiness.
  • Bonfire boneless. It is a perennial plant of winter type. Most often it grows in the conditions of the chernozem zone and shows excellent yields. It grows mainly in arid steppes.

types of annual grasses

Annual Plants

Specialists identify the main types of annual grasses:

  • Spring Vetch. It is the most popular bean plant. Animals prefer to use its green mass, hay, as well as high-nutrient grain.
  • Sudan grass. It is classified as a sort of sorghum, a family of cereals.Most often, the plant is cultivated for hay and green forage. It is worth noting that fresh grass has high nutritional values, so animals like to eat it.
  • Panic. It is a valuable fodder crop, whichbelong to a group of pro-cereal plants. It does not require a specific climate, unlike the Sudanese grass. The mogar perfectly tolerates a lack of heat and spring drought.

How to properly process the soil for planting an annual or perennial plant

Different types of grasses require a person to betillage. It is necessary to thoroughly clean it from weeds before planting. It is not superfluous to steam treatment to accumulate and retain moisture in the soil. Only in this way can the earth be protected from the appearance of erosion and thereby destroy all kinds of weeds.

In the summer, it is necessary to conduct soil tillage, after which it must be leveled by harrowing or packing. With such care, the grass will grow for many years.