/ / Yellowstone Volcano: the location of the supervolcano, how great the threat of eruption

Yellowstone volcano: the location of the supervolcano, how great the threat of eruption

There are 1532 volcanoes on our planet, however, these data are approximate and no one knows the exact answer. In the Pacific Ring of Fire, they number the most.

The leader in the number of volcanoes is the United States.180 giants are located on the territory of this state. The scientific world is also aware of the existence of 20 supervolcanoes on Earth. Their eruption can lead to serious climate change on the planet. The most famous is Yellowstone Volcano.

The term "supervolcano"

This term first appeared in 2000.The BBC channel broadcast the horizon documentary popular science tape, where the notion of supervolcano was used. This name implied a powerful eruption, which reached 8 points on a volcanic scale.

The main difference between supervolcano and stratovolcanoes is the absence of a pronounced cone. To date, the largest and most ripe for eruption is Yellowstone Volcano.

sectioned supervolcano


Всемирно известный супервулкан находится на US territory. The size of its caldera is impressive - 55 km to 72 km. Many will be interested to know more precisely where the Yellowstone Volcano is located. Its caldera is located in the northwestern part of Wyoming. It occupies a vast area of ​​Yellowstone National Park. Caldera dimensions were determined during the research process that took place in the 1960s and 1970s. A scientist from the US Geological Survey Robert Christiansen found out that the volcano occupies a third of the natural reserve.

Supervolcano eruption

В последнее время ученых беспокоит вопрос – когда the Yellowstone volcano will explode, and their fears are not groundless. The pressure in the magma chamber increases, and in recent months seismic activity has increased in the area of ​​the National Park. In February alone, over 10 days, more than 200 powerful aftershocks were recorded.

According to scientists, the Yellowstone Volcano has erupted at least three times:

  1. Первый случай датируется 2,1 млн лет назад.After this cataclysm, the caldera of Island Park was formed and tuff deposits called Hacleberry Ridge formed. It is assumed that this eruption led to the disintegration of mountain ranges, and the height of emissions reached 50 km. Approximately more than a quarter of the North American continent was covered with volcanic ash.
  2. The second time Supervolcano erupted 1.3 million years ago. He threw more than 280 km3 of volcanic rocks out of his bowels. As a result of the eruption, one of the largest calderas was formed - Henris-Fork.
  3. Third time Yellowstone volcano erupted 640thousand years ago, this time its activity was two times lower than during the first eruption. A natural cataclysm led to the formation of the Lava Creek tuff formations. The third eruption was the cause of the subsidence of the cone, in place of which a huge hollow was formed, the diameter of which is 150 km.
when yellowstone volcano explodes

Currently a state of Yellowstonevolcano bothers many scientists. At the moment, they estimate the possibility of an eruption as 0.00014% per year. However, these assumptions are based on data from the calculations of the time intervals that passed between the eruptions of supervolcano.

But as recent observations showmade in the area of ​​the National Park, the processes of geological nature are irregular, so it is impossible to determine exactly when the Yellowstone volcano will explode.

The highest geyser awakened

March 15, 2018 geyser eruption occurredSteamboat, who slept since 2014. It is considered the highest active geyser. The eruption happened around 19:30. This phenomenon was observed by dozens of people who said that the emissions of hot vapors were accompanied by a roar, as if booming ship or locomotive. Small tremors were also felt.

where is yellowstone volcano

According to historical reports geyser eruptionoccurs at intervals of 1 time in 50 years. Although during this cycle, he may throw out steam of steam much more often. The geyser itself is located in a zone that is very popular among tourists. It is called the Gates Norris Pool. The last eruptions occurred in 2013, and then in 2014. A whole series of short periods of activity from 1989 to 1991 was also observed. Previously, he erupted only in 1911 and 1961.

Scientists believe that changes in the frequencyGeyser activity is closely related to the Yellowstone Volcano, the size of which is impressive. In the place where it is located, there are intense fluctuations in the crust, caused by the promotion of magma.

Impact area and consequences

Размер вулкана составляет 55 на 72 км.Therefore, it is not surprising that the probability of its eruption scares many. The explosion of supervolcano threatens not only the destruction of the United States, but also the whole of humanity. The planet will suffer enormous damage in the environmental field. According to scientists, the consequences will be terrible:

  • air temperature will decrease by about 21 degrees;
  • whole populations of flora and fauna will be destroyed;
  • die at least 87 thousand people.
yellowstone volcano sizes

Scientists make regular observations ofseismic and volcanic activity in this region. A sleeping volcano is increasingly demonstrating readiness for an eruption. In October 2017, black smoke was observed, which really scared the local population. Interestingly, the smoke poured from the famous geyser "Old Clerk".

Это явление действительно странное.In the normal state, the geyser threw away steam and hot water to the height of a nine-story building. The frequency of eruptions 45-125 minutes. However, this time, instead of water and vapor, black smoke came out of the geyser. There is no explanation for this phenomenon. Most likely, there was a fire of organic matter, which rose to the surface of the soil.

Warning measures

To prevent a possible eruption of supervolcano, the US government funds programs led by NASA.

state of yellowstone volcano

Geothermal construction is plannedpower plants, so that it will be possible to reduce the pressure of the magmatic bubble. In order not to provoke an eruption by accidental ingress of gases into the cavities of rocks, they want to apply the horizontal method of drilling. It is planned to allocate more than 3.5 billion US dollars for this project.