/ / Where do dandelions grow? Common dandelion: description

Where do dandelions grow? Dandelion: description

Every spring, in April-May, depending onclimatic conditions, bright yellow flowers delight the eye, filling all the meadows, glades, urban and summer green areas, parks, gardens. In just a few days, whole fields of dandelions appear around us. They look very nice - juicy, bright green and yellow colors give an unusual fresh combination and good mood. But these plants can not be collected in a bouquet, as they very quickly fade. Although bright flowers often attract the attention of kids who are happy to collect them. Girls precisely on flowers dandelions learn to weave wreaths.


What an amazing plant - dandelion? This is a perennial. It belongs to the family of the Astrov, or hard-to-color. There are a lot of dandelions in the world, and they are very diverse.

where dandelions grow
There are more than 1000 species in the world. Some of them are very small and are listed in the Red Book, as they face extinction.

Where does the flower grow?

In the European part, mostly dandelion growscommon, which, unlike the others, is widespread. This species in Russia alone has about one hundred species. Places where dandelions grow can be found almost all over the planet. Due to their unpretentiousness, they grow in moderately cold climatic conditions, and in subtropical. That is why they are on different hemispheres of the earth. But especially many of these colors in the Eurasian part of the planet. It is here that you can see the whole field of dandelions.

dandelion fields
Wild growing in Russia and CIS countriesdandelion, which is trying to fight like a weed. Although in the USA, Italy, Great Britain, China and some other countries, it is specially grown. In these countries there are huge fields where dandelions grow. There they are carefully looked after as a useful, edible plant.

What is the root system of a dandelion? Why is Russia struggling with this plant?

The leaves of the dandelion appear in the first year in the form of a rosette, thus forming a very developed, branched root system. It can reach 50 centimeters in length.

It is for this reason that if this happens onsummer cottage, the gardener is added work. Since the plant interferes with the growth of cultural plantings. Where dandelions grow, if they are not completely eliminated, garden crops will die. Even if the weed is mowed or dug, it can reappear. This is due to the fact that even when mown and undermined, seeds can ripen and spread by wind. In addition, processes from the root are also able to produce new shoots.

dandelion leaves
Gardeners, gardeners and field growers have developed a wholesystem to combat dandelions and other weeds. Some field farmers are struggling with them by peeling. Others use the method of early autumn plowing. Still others refer to the method of early clean fumes. Sometimes perennial forage grasses, such as clover, are planted on purpose.

Gardeners are advised to promptly weed and deeply cut the roots, immediately discarding the remnants away from the garden plot.

Urban landscapers should timelytrim the roots or reseed the whole lawn. In some places, they simply cut the grass regularly. In cities, dandelions are constantly mowed also because some people have fluffy seeds causing allergic reactions.


In the second year dandelion stalks appear.Dandelion stem - long, hollow inside. Subsequently, a bright yellow flower appears on it, which is then inseminated. Some types of dandelions have a purple or purple flower, as well as white inflorescences with a yellow middle.

dandelion ordinary
Seeds are arranged in round baskets,so that the seeds take the form of a fluffy ball, which is easily amenable to the wind and spreads the seeds. Dandelion - one of the few plants that can bloom for a very long time, from May to late autumn.

Why is it called medicinal? Dandelion Properties

Despite the fact that this plant is consideredweed, it has some benefits. No wonder dandelion ordinary is also called medicinal. It has long been used as a folk remedy for many ailments. But only when collecting them you need to carefully select a place where dandelions grow. Do not pick a plant along the roads in the city, near industrial facilities. It is better to do this in ecologically clean areas.

dandelion plant
Dandelions are used for the prevention and treatmentblood diseases, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, skin diseases, such as diuretic, diuretic, antispasmodic, sedative, hypnotic and diaphoretic. Dandelion is used as a choleretic. Also, the plant is recommended as a treatment for chronic liver disease.

Для лечения используют корни и молодые листья dandelion, as well as flowers. All this is collected in May and June. Roots can be dug out both in the spring, and in the fall. Accepted for medicinal purposes, the plant in the form of decoctions and infusions. Dandelion juice is used to treat skin diseases and get rid of warts. In addition, there is a very interesting recipe, which is called "Elixir of the Sun." To do this, dandelion flowers and sugar are folded in layers in a jar, carefully pressed, squeezing the juice. Then this juice is drunk on a teaspoon or added to tea. In some European countries, fresh dandelion flowers are simply chewed to cure diseases.

Dandelion tea: indications and contraindications

People who take care of their health oftenuse dandelion as a tea. To do this, small roots and cut leaves pour boiling water, insist for 15 minutes. It is recommended to drink such tea in the morning and evening for four to six weeks. Only in the case of prolonged use can you feel the healing effect. Dandelion tea is an excellent diuretic, slag-cleansing agent. It is believed that it helps to remove stones and sand from the gallbladder, but not in the acute stage.

dandelion stalk
And of course, people who have stones ingall bladder, drinking dandelion tea can only be under the supervision of a doctor, otherwise there may be complications. Therefore, do not forget that the use of dandelion inside and there are some contraindications. Do not eat or use dandelion as a medicine for people prone to diarrhea. In addition, it is contraindicated to take orally suffering from gastritis and gastric ulcer.


Dandelions are used not only in folk medicine, but also in official medicine. Extracts of this extraordinary plant are part of the medications diuretic, choleretic properties.


As mentioned above, in some countrieslove to eat dandelions in food. In China, they are added to completely different dishes. In France, Italy, America, dandelions are a delicacy from which salads are made, and in Great Britain they even make wine. During the years of military deficiency in European countries, a substitute resembling coffee was made from the roots of a plant. In some countries, dandelions are made from syrups and even jam.

dandelion species
В России салат из одуванчиков употребляют occasionally, for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes only. When making dandelion salad, the main thing is to follow a few rules. Leaves are used as food. Salad should be prepared in May or June, when the plants are still young and fresh. The leaves of dandelions are finely cut and kept for 30 minutes in salted water to remove bitterness. Then seasonings are added to the dandelion greens, can be combined with boiled eggs or grated carrots. The old plant is not good for food.

В корнях некоторых видов одуванчиков содержится rubber. In the USA, the plant is cultivated precisely for the purpose of its extraction and the manufacture of cheap rubber. How much is this possible and how much raw material is needed for this? These questions are only at the stage of study.