/ / Nuthatch common: description, habitat, reproduction

Nuthatch: description, habitats, reproduction

The driver, or nuthatch, is small.nuthatch family, which is widespread in North Africa, Asia and Europe. It can be found in central Russia, as well as in Siberia. It nests in mixed, coniferous and deciduous forests, in gardens and parks of settlements. The nuthatch in search of food with dexterity moves along the branches and trunks of trees, often even upside down.

common nuthatch


This is a small mobile bird, reaching 14.5cm long, with a weight of 25 g and a wingspan of 27 cm; with a big head, a dense constitution and an almost imperceptible, short neck. Plumage thick, fluffy. The color varies depending on the habitat, while the upper part of the body always has different shades of gray-blue. In Western Asia, Western Europe, and also in the Caucasus, has a ginger belly and white chin with neck. In the north, its bottom is white with red sides, moreover, with a chestnut underharp with white streaks.

Nuthatch, pictures of the imagewhich are presented in this article, living in the eastern part of China, has a fully red bottom. Far Eastern species have white breast feathers. There are always white spots on the tail feathers. From the beginning of the beak to the back of the head there is a dark horizontal strip. The beak is sharp, straight and long, gray. At its base there are rigid bristles directed forward. The wings are rounded, short, have ten wing feathers. Short, straight tail. The legs are strong, gray-brown, with tenacious long claws, perfectly adapted to active climbing trees. Females and males do not differ in appearance from each other, only the male is slightly larger.

nuthatch ordinary photo


In the forest part of Palearctic (the main part of Asia,Europe, as well as North Africa) is a common nuthatch. The bird, whose photo is presented in this article, is found almost everywhere in Europe. On the territory of our country from the north, the range is limited by the coast of the White Sea, the lower reaches of the Ob and the village of Ust-Tsilm; from the south - Saratov, Voronezh regions, Kokchetav, South Ural, Barnaul and Omsk. Outside of our country lives in Korea, China, Taiwan and the Japanese islands; lives in the south in Iran, Israel, Indochina and the Himalayan mountains. In Africa you can meet in Morocco.


Nuthatch ordinary inhabits coniferous forests,mixed and deciduous, while choosing areas with a large number of old and tall trees, in which he is looking for food. Also willingly settles in parks and gardens with woody vegetation. In the southern regions and in Western Europe, prefers broad-leaved forests dominated by hornbeam, oak, and beech.

bird nuthatch

Nuthatch reaches in the northforest-tundra, in the southern part there are zones of steppes in which they nest in forest belts and tugai forests. In the Far East and Siberia, where coniferous forests mostly grow, most of them live in taiga with a lot of larch or cedar. It is known that the fragmentation of forest massifs, often leading to a reduction in the number of different species, does not affect the reproduction of the nuthatch.

Nuthatch common (photo can be seen in thisarticle) leads a sedentary life, and, as a rule, he adheres to one place, if not disturbed. In the middle taiga and in the north of the range, birds migrate to the south in winter. At this time of year, they may join other birds (mainly tits), but do not form flocks themselves. Territorial bird, guards its plot all year round.

nuthatch ordinary bird photo


In birds, the beginning of the breeding season directlyDepends on latitude. For example, in central Russia they begin to nest in April, while in the northern regions - only in May. Birds are monogamous (only one female falls on one male); Couples for the rest of their lives are saved.

Nuthatch their hollows are immured with clay, while leaving only a small letkov.

nuthatch common pictures


Nuthatch common, photos of which are posted inthis article, with the beginning of brooding, ceases, becoming unobtrusive. The female incubates, while she leaves the nest only in case of danger, having previously covered the laying with litter. Incubation lasts about two weeks. Next chicks hatch, which are covered with a long sparse fluff on the back, shoulders and head. Both parents care for them, bringing them food up to 350 times a day. The chicks are on the wing after 25 days, although they are fed by their parents for another 1-2 weeks and then scatter.

The main number of young birds to the endSummer picks up an individual plot, but with the choice of a partner and a nesting area, they are finally determined only next spring. Birds in the wild live for about eleven years.

common nuthatch


Bird nuthatch common nests in hollowsbut, unlike the same woodpeckers, they are not able to gouge hollow themselves, therefore, they use old nests or occupy natural voids in the trees. The hollow is selected at a distance of 4-8 meters above the ground. Also occupy the houses made by artificial means. Often, if the hole is large enough, they cover it with clay to protect it from various predators, periodically mixing it with manure, leaving only a small notch with a diameter of up to 35 mm. From time to time clay is plastered both in the hollow itself and in nearby areas.

The hollow inside is lined with small scales of a thin upper layer of bark, sometimes with pieces of leaves. Laying lush - the eggs in it almost completely immersed.