/ / Shape change: how a caterpillar turns into butterflies

Shape change: as the caterpillar turns into butterflies

Fascinating beauty and mystery of appearancea beautiful butterfly, as if from a dead sarcophagus - cocoon, captures the minds of many people. The birth of a new creature is always a spectacle, but when it goes through 3 stages of change for this, it causes genuine interest in the process. Modern equipment allows you to trace how the caterpillar turns into butterflies.

A bit of history

The history of the appearance of butterflies has its roots in the Jurassic period of the Mesozoic era. It was at this time that the most developed flower plants, which caused the appearance of lepidopteran insects.

Known species of butterflies found in amber, the Paleogene era. They are few

how the caterpillar turns into butterflies
differ from modern species of these insects, therefore, as the caterpillar turns into a butterfly today, it also happened millions of years ago.

Today, butterflies are the most numerous insect species, they number about 160,000 species, and live throughout the entire planet except Antarctica.

The first and second stages of butterfly development

The life cycle of this beautiful insectis dedicated to finding a mate, mate and lay eggs. Each species of butterflies has its own period of transformation from a caterpillar into an adult insect, as long as it can last for three years.

Butterflies lay eggs not anyhow where, but specificallypicks up a secluded leaflet where they will be safe. Moreover, in their instinct there are plant species that are suitable for this. A caterpillar hatching from an egg that is not “on its own” leaflet can pick and choose.

After the caterpillar gnaws an egg andgets out, all her actions are food. She begins with the sheet on which she was born, and then goes on. When the population of caterpillars increases dramatically, they can cause irreparable harm to forests, fruit trees, and even crops.

how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly

During the existence in the body of the caterpillar insectrapidly gaining weight, so several times sheds tight skin. After the last molt, most often the fourth or fifth, the caterpillar begins to prepare for “hibernation” in a cocoon. Some of them have only a few days to thoroughly refresh themselves, gain strength and nutrients, and pack themselves in a cocoon.

Cocoon life

To survive the period of "inaction" anddefenseless, the caterpillars find a suitable leaf, branch or trunk of a tree, to which one can imperceptibly “stick” with durable silk thread, which they secrete from the abdomen.

In order to understand how a caterpillar turns into butterflies, it is necessary to penetrate into its ability to correctly prepare oneself for this.

Sticking to the selected surface, the caterpillarhangs on a silk thread and begins to wrap itself around the calf. This happens gradually, but what is important, when wrapping, the caterpillar gives to its cocoon a look similar to a leaf, a bud or a stem of the plant chosen by it.

caterpillar turns into a butterfly clip art

The similarity is so obvious that only a very observant eye can detect a cocoon on its surface. This is done so that the defenseless caterpillar is not found and not eaten.

Как гусеница превращается в бабочку внутри кокона can be seen only by making special surveys in the laboratory. This process is so slow and secretive that it is impossible to observe it in nature.

The reserves that the caterpillar has managed to set aside in its body are quite enough for the strength to metamorphose it into a butterfly.

The publication

The mystery of how the caterpillar turns into butterflies makes scientists every time study, shoot and record this moment for inquisitive children and adults.

Usually, the moment of birth of a beautiful insectoccurs at sunrise, when it is still hot, and dew lies on the plants. The cocoon literally bursts like a ripe fruit, and a new creature is gradually selected from it, this caterpillar turns into a butterfly, the pictures clearly show it.

how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly for kids

At first, the butterfly is very weak, its wings are crumpled and nothave elasticity and strength, so it clings to the stem, leaf or branch, to "relax", straighten and dry the wings. As they straighten and dry out, they become more dense and resilient. Sometimes a butterfly requires a couple of hours.

After the caterpillar turns into butterflies,her priorities change in life. If at the larval stage the main need for its existence was food, now the purpose of the insect is to continue its genus and start the cycle from the beginning. The first thing a new creature does is find a partner for fertilization.

Interest in butterflies

Butterflies are deservedly recognized as one of the most beautiful insect species on the planet. Their amazing transformation from crawling and ever-chewing caterpillars into winged beauties especially fascinates children.

Filmed documentaries and cartoonson the theme “How a caterpillar turns into a butterfly” for children. Perhaps this is a great way to wake the child genuine interest in the world around him.

Starting from the interest in butterflies, children, subsequently, show interest in other types of fauna and flora. Thus, the child is familiarized with the planet on which he lives, and its inhabitants.