/ / Wreckers At The Cottage - The Crisp Listrs

Pests At The Cottage - The Crisping Leaflet

The Bird's Leaflet belongs to the familyLeafbreaker is a pest of grapes. The 12mm butterfly has a marble wing pattern alternating with greenish, lead and yellowish hues. Eggs have a yellowish tint, transparent, elongated shape. The caterpillars are often green, sometimes also olive in color with golden shields on the head. The half centimeter pest caterpillar has an olive-brown body color. As a rule, a bunch of leaflets is going through three generations.

Insect pupae winter in cracks in the barkplants or in the soil at the base of the trunk. In spring, when the air temperature reaches the 14-degree mark, the pest years begin, the duration of which is about a month. The life of the female insect is approximately 4 days, during which time the sheet-worm is able to lay out hundreds of eggs. Caterpillars from eggs come out about 10 days after laying out. The first generation of caterpillars chooses flowers, young ovaries and plant buds as a means of feeding. Caterpillars of the second and third generations begin to feed on berries, in the process of feeding they envelop them with cobwebs, as a result of which the plants begin to rot in rainy weather. Thus, a bunch of leafs is capable of destroying up to half the crop.

Leaves are most susceptible to attacking grape varieties with a dense bunch, for example, Riesling or Biruintsa. This is not the only grape pest.

In the fight against such pests helpsspraying the vineyard with insecticides such as sumicidin, sevine, cydial, fusalon, cymbush, tokution, ekamet, flufenoxuron, parathion. Perhaps mixing such drugs with fungicides and associated use against fungal parasites. Usually the need for such treatments is only necessary for the second generation of pest larvae. Approximately one month before harvesting, the treatment should be stopped. In the fight with a grasses leaflet, it is possible to use the bait trap method. It consists in hanging plastic bottles filled with wine (from grape marc). The number of butterflies caught in such a trap is primarily influenced by the humidity of the air. So, in dry weather, when the need for moisture increases, so does the capture of such a pest. Light traps are another measure to control leaflet management. However, a similar method is used to catch primarily males, which in fact do not determine the course of egg laying. A good way to get rid of such pests is to spray the product with the help of biologics. The most effective in this case, the use of the drug called "Bacilus Tours'."