In this article we will talk about the meaning of the word "cherished", and also give examples of its use.
Definition of term
The covenant is secret, secret, sincere, most expensive. In order to reveal the meaning of the term in more detail, let us consider several examples.
Let's say that all people on earth dream about something.And every person has a secret desire, which, it seems to him, will make him happy. Therefore, he will strive to achieve it. For example, one wants to become independent, another craves for power, the third dreams of a millionth state, and the fourth wants to just be loved.
At the same time, the cherished dream remains a secret and very desirable. This is the essence of the term.
Or give another example: the children on the theme holiday "Treasure of the Pirates" were looking for a treasure trove. Apparently, the word under consideration can be used in different situations.
So, the cherished is stored, dear.Let's say a family decoration with which we have intimate memories. This, for example, can be a ring. This also includes the idiom "cherished talisman". That is something intimate, mysterious, magical, which gives protection and works to attract good luck in business and in life.
Choose synonyms for this word
Sacred, secret, secret, sacredly preserved, reserved, sacramental, inviolable and others.
As you can see, there are a lot of them, as well as similar words. For example, hearty, sweet, precious, desired, intimate, secret.
Let us give some more examples
You can make the following sentences with this term:
- Nina hungrily with her index finger on the globe, trying to find that coveted paradise on the globe.
- Anatoly opened his coat and pulled out from his belt the coveted flask.
- Guests gathered at the table, asked the owner to tighten the cherished song.
- Children in interesting suits selflessly sought the treasured pirate treasure.
- Maria opened her casket with a thin hand and took out a coveted bag from there.
Thus, the covenant is the word that is found in many sentences. It can relate to a dream, a goal, a page, a phrase, etc. There are many such examples.
In conclusion, we give one more definition. The covenant is the word for "sacredly guarded, precious by recollection."
This adjective, in which the stress falls on the second syllable, can act as different members of the sentence.
So, on the examples given, we were able to examine in detail the meaning of this term, and also to touch upon its morphology a little.