/ / Alexander McQueen: biography, photo, cause of death

Alexander McQueen: biography, photo, cause of death

Phrase. Then darkness.Darkness, where strange shadows and bizarre figures are visible. Then comes a terrible and mystical sound. The light game, emotions are heating up, and now ... strange silhouettes begin to appear from the darkness: hoofs on thin legs, horns on the head. Fairy tale? Theater performance or horror movie? No - this is the presentation of the best and most talked about Atlantis Plato collection by a genius and designer named Lee Alexander McQueen.

Design genius

What did not see in his shows:transparent hats with circling moths, shoes where heels replace hoofs, and other oddities that can only be described as shocking or outrageous.

Alexander McQueen

Custom models, mystical outfits,strange shapes - all this conveys the essence and life of a person with the famous name Alexander McQueen. Photos and collections created by him - the only thing left after him. Gorlopan, a bully of the fashion world - this is what the public called him.

Bully english fashion

The only British designer who does not createjust clothes, and real works of art, was Alexander McQueen. The biography of this person should not be considered in our usual details - he was born, studied, worked and died. These are only minor facts that will not help to plunge into the depths of his personality. Alexander McQueen did not like to give an interview, but if this happened, then he demanded from journalists non-standard questions about his work.

We only need to know that he received 4 times.the title of the best designer in England and had a strong emotional connection with his mother. It is impossible to keep silent about the fact that Alexander McQueen had the good fortune to live at a time when the public did not oppress the rights of gay people, since he was gay.

Едва ему исполнилось 16, он бросает школу, чтобы learn to cut suits, and settles in the studio. Soon he dressed the elite of that time: the Prince of Wales, Mikhail Gorbachev, etc. But the nasty manners turned out to be stronger: he wrote obscene words on the prince's jacket, expressing his hatred for the monarchy, after which he was fired.

After graduating from college, he goes to train in the main countries of the fashion world - Italy and Japan, where he creates his first collections.

He loved to shock the audience with his collections, which made the entire room tremble. For example, he expressed hunger in Africa through dresses that were stained with mud and blood.

Alexander McQueen photo

The fashion industry could not leave such a rebel aside, and already in 1996, after leaving the famous French fashion house of John Galliano, Alexander McQueen became an art designer there.

Fees increased every year, he is in demand, famous, fantastic, admired his ideas, but ... there is a tragedy that put everyone in shock.

Love that borders death

Only this phrase can characterize personaland the designer’s creative life. Despite the fact that his shows were shocking, and McQueen himself - closed, his heart was open to two people: a close friend of Isabella and his mother. In 2007, tired of the constant disease, Isabella decides to commit suicide. This news plunged Alexander into shock. But the brunt was ahead. 3 years after the death of Isabella, on February 2, his mom left for another world. Upon learning of this, the designer plunged into a state of deepest depression. Unfortunately, he could not get out of it.

"Thinking about death is necessary - this is also part ofour life. Yes, she is sad, but at the same time so romantic. The cycle comes to an end - everything should end, ”- so Alexander McQueen argued. Death did not make him wait long and knocked on the door. 10 days after the death of the mother.

alexander mcqueen death

February 11, 2010 fashion world mourned the lossgreat rebel and a fantastic designer. Alexander McQueen died! The cause of death became known only a week later - asphyxia (suicide by hanging).

Today, around his shop are always flowers from loyal fans of talent, who still keep him loyal.

Second wind

Alexander McQueen died a few days before the London Fashion Week, and a month later he had to present his new collection in Paris.

Orphaned after the death of its founder HouseFashion McQueen is headed by a student of Alexander, who for many years has been his assistant. She did the impossible: she was able to preserve the traditional cut of Alexander and give the collections a touch of femininity. Sarah Burton deserves the title of the best designer in England, and it is not surprising that Kate Middleton wore a wedding dress from the fashion house McQueen to the wedding ceremony.

Opinions of celebrities about the “bully of English fashion”

According to Donatella Versace, he was an unusual designer whose imagination knew no limits.

Actress Sarah Jessica Parker recalls with special love that every original and extravagant detail of the outfit breathed McQueen. Such as Alexander, will no longer be.

alexander mcqueen cause of death

The most famous couturier Karl Lagerfeld considered the work of Alexander unbanal and exciting. He noticed that his collections sometimes caused death.

The most spectacular show

Unfortunately, the most spectacular was the collection,which Alexander created during his lifetime, but the show was held without his participation. Each outfit has a special place in the fashion world. Sarah Burton presented her nameless collection, and she also gave her the name Angels and Demons. The loyal assistant, who headed the brand, retained all 16 models in the form in which McQueen left them.

Alexander McQueen Biography

One of the most beautiful dresses was a short red silk dress with baroque embroidery of gold and large folds on the hips, similar to theatrical scenes.

In memory of Alexander McQueen

Нью-Йоркский музей «Метрополитен» через год после Death organized an exhibition called "Wild Beauty", where the works of the great designer were presented. The public became so interested that in 3 months more than 650 thousand people visited it.

“Who knows, maybe if you flirt with death for a long time, she begins to attract ...”, wrote Karl Lagerfeld.

The last thread that connected Alexander with this world broke after the death of the mother. Ideas are embodied, thoughts are said, and McQueen decides to take the last step ... beyond the horizon.