/ / Lina Arifulina is a famous actress, producer, director, author of programs

Lina Arifulina is a famous actress, producer, director, author of programs

Lina Arifulina - very famous and popularactress, producer, director, as well as the author of numerous programs. She is an example for imitation, as well as an idol for many women. Lina is a very talented and versatile person, which, of course, helped her to develop and achieve success in many areas.

Lina Arifulina. Biography of women

October 25, 1963 in Moscow was born the futurecelebrity. The girl graduated from music school, and then entered the School named after the October Revolution at the conductor-game faculty. Lina confesses that she proudly remembers that time. She was told that she could not enter the school, because her case was hopeless. Lina Arifulina shares that she was a very purposeful girl and could not leave everything as it is. After an unsuccessful attempt at admission, she came home and signed all the notes for her dad, so that he would press the keys, and Lina would call them. After hard workouts, she made great strides and could call all the musical signs, even when her father put both hands on the piano. Then Arifulina realized that she needed to try again, and she passed the music dictation quickly and "perfectly".

lina arifulina

After the girl graduated from the school, shebegan working in the VPTO "Videofilm" and the theater "Contemporary" music editor. Already in 1979, Lina Arifulina played in the episode of the Soviet cinema critic "Ah, vaudeville, vaudeville".

It is also worth noting that she graduated from the Moscow Conservatory in the class of choral conducting.

Work in show business

It is also important that his first experience in show businessLina Arifulina received when she began to cooperate with Valery Leontiev. A woman convinces that everything begins with a dream. Lina wanted to work with Valery in her early childhood when she watched his concerts. "And I'm working with him," says Arifulina.

It is worth noting that a little later Lina collaborated with Philip Kirkorov, show-ballet "Todes", as well as with other favorites of the public.

lina arifulina photo

She really enjoyed working in France andFinland. The woman admits that there she received a good lesson in discipline. At 10 o'clock in the morning they had to go to the lake, but Arifulina, not knowing the city, arrived at 10.02. Finns told her that they always need to come on time. The woman admits that this situation has helped her a lot, and now, when planning any important things, she tries to come a little earlier than planned time in order not to be late.

Projects and books of Lina

Very popular and famous Lina became afterof how she was the director of the first five seasons of the "Factory of the Stars." After that, the woman wrote a book about her work in this project, which became quite popular and valuable for beginners.

After Arifulina left the first channel, immediately began working on the project "STS lights a star." He also gained considerable popularity.

Personal life by Arifulina

Lina prefers not to divulge her private lifeand not talk about it with reporters. It is only known that Arifulina is raising a daughter. A woman shares that for her the child is the most valuable and valuable thing in life. Lina often says that her daughter dances very well. Perhaps, a great future awaits her too.

lina arifulina biography

Not only a talented person, but also a good personmother is Lina Arifulina. A woman's photo can be found in many famous newspapers and magazines, because her biography is very interesting and diverse. Career and personal life of celebrities are interested in a huge number of fans and fans.

Lina Arifulina's school

Participants in this musical show, whichis held in Russia, there are only children, as well as teenagers. This project is very bright and interesting, because it is developed thanks to young talents. This show is not imbued with intrigues and scandals, because its participants are young children and teenagers, whose view on the show business is not spoiled yet. On the project, participants communicate with each other, find friends and first love. The main rule of this event is the absence of a phonogram. For each performance, participants of the School of Music receive grades on a ten-point scale.

arina school

Lina Arifulina is a creative and talented person. She is the author of many projects that literally blew up the audience and became one of the most popular on television.