/ A talented actor has a talented daughter. Johnny Depp and Lily Rose Depp

A talented actor has a talented daughter. Johnny Depp and Lily Rose Depp

Daughter of Johnny Depp Lily to her eighteen yearshas become quite independent and noticeable media persona. She acted in films, her photos adorn the covers of magazines, she actively participates in public life.


daughter johnny depp

Ни для кого не секрет, что у главного пирата The Caribbean has a beautiful daughter. Johnny Depp can rightfully be proud of the young and talented younger shift. The girl, whose name sounds completely like Lily Rose Melody Depp, was born in the spring of 1999 in the capital of world fashion - Paris. She has French citizenship, but she lives and works in two countries - the USA and France. Mom and Dad Lily are celebrities in both countries. Her mother is French by birth, actress and singer with an easily recognizable tender voice, Vanessa Paradis, and her father is a world famous and famous Hollywood actor Johnny Depp.

The couple still have a son, Jack, his full nameJohn Christopher Jack Depp the Third, he was born in 2002 in the United States of America and while he tries to keep his parents in the shadow, that is, he does everything quite differently from their daughter.

Johnny Depp is a very loving and caring father,even after leaving the family to a young starlet Amber Heard, he continued to communicate with the children and take care of their upbringing. And although the children did not get along with Amber, they were still often seen in the company of their father, and when the scandal broke out in which Hurd accused Depp of assault, Lily Rose, Jack and even former civilian wife Vanessa Paradis sided with Johnny, defending him .

A family

Daughter Johnny Depp photo

Since childhood, Lily got used to traveling, sohow her mom's career developed in France, and her fathers - in Hollywood. Therefore, the Paradis-Depp family constantly traveled between Europe and America. Her parents lived in a happy, albeit unregistered marriage for fourteen years. 1999 was very productive for Lily's father, as this year he received two full gifts - a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and a daughter. Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis gave their children an excellent education and upbringing. Indeed, despite the wealth and fame of their parents, Lily Rose and Jack do not have a hint of stardom or arrogance.


His popularity is the daughter of Johnny Depp, whose photoNow they are decorating gloss covers much more often than photos of famous parents, gradually conquering. She began with the work of a fashion model by Karl Lagerfeld. The venerable couturier is delighted with the tender, revealing beauty of Lily Rose. Her first appearance in cinema can be called a horror film "Tusk", in which she had a small cameo role of a girl with a gas station. But Lily was able to demonstrate her talent and the directors took note of it.

Затем последовали съемки в комедийном триллере "Yoganutye", in the musical biographical drama "The Dancer" and in the detective melodrama with the elements of fantasy Planetarium, where she was invited by Natalie Portman, independently coordinating participation in the film of young talent with director Rebecca Zlotovski. Not a bad start to a career for a young girl. And now Lily is the face of the classic fragrance of the house "Chanel", taking over the baton from her mother. Vanessa Paradis has long represented the Chanel brand and their flavors.

daughter johnny depp lily

Personal life

This year, Lily Rose Depp will becomefull age Perhaps it is for this reason that she has ceased to conceal her young man from the public. He is a professional fashion model and model Ash Steimest, who is eight years older than his girlfriend, already divorced and is the father of a little girl. However, this circumstance does not bother Lily and her mother, and they often go shopping together. Any father will worry about his daughter, Johnny Depp is also not an exception, probably, that’s why he is the only one from the family who hasn’t personally known the gentleman Lily Rose.