/ / Johnny Depp: Filmography and Biography. List of films with Johnny Depp and the main roles

Johnny Depp: filmography and biography. A list of films featuring Johnny Depp and starring

Beautiful, charming, talented, unique- all this is johnny depp. The actor's filmography includes more than two hundred works, and most of the films deserve the highest praise. This man can not be put on a par with his colleagues in the shop, he stands out in any society, he can be seen even in many-sided crowd, because Johnny is not like everyone else, he is different. The actor is not afraid to seem ridiculous or crazy, he does not play a role in public, does not try to seem better than it actually is. In any situation, Depp remains himself, sincere and honest - this is what attracts attention and universal love to him.

Idol of millions

johnny depp filmography

The unique timbre of the voice, peculiarmimicry, interesting gestures and movements - all this compared to other Hollywood stars stands out Johnny Depp. Biography of the actor knows a lot of ups and downs, but still he managed to maintain individuality and leave a bright trace in the hearts of the most capricious and selective film fans. Depp has no bad roles, because he chooses their choice selectively, preferring heroes who are close to him in spirit.

Johnny can't brag a whitetoothHollywood smile, perfect facial features, muscular muscles, but he skillfully turns all his flaws into virtues. His characters attract attention from the first minutes of watching a movie and are no longer released until the end of the film show. The actor is an extraordinary and multifaceted person with a capricious and gentle character who achieves goals in life, but at the same time remains unselfish, kindhearted, a little cynical and proud.

Depp was never an innocent angel, and he of thathe does not hide, but with his vices he does not push people away from him, since he has many virtues. Johnny easily reincarnates into heroes with different characters and fates, adding something from himself. From the Depp's filmography, each viewer can choose for himself the most congenial character, because there are a lot of different and completely different roles in his piggy bank. The actor gives life to his characters, traveling with them around the world, surfing the seas and oceans, loving and hating, his characters can not not like, because they are real, like Johnny Depp himself. The main roles are given to him with ease, and the characters become the favorites of millions.

Childhood actor

John Christopher Depp II was born in the townOsvensboro (Kentucky, USA) June 9, 1963. His father, John Depp, worked as an engineer in a construction company, and his mother, Betty Sue Palmer, was a waitress. The future actor was the youngest child in the family, he has two sisters - Christie and Debbie, as well as brother Dan. Johnny did not at all attract the life of his parents, in his heart he always felt that he was meant for something better, more.

The Depp family constantly moved from one place to another.the place, estimated by the actor, during the time lived with his parents, he changed about 20 houses. As a child, Johnny had no friends, he simply did not have time to make them, since, only having settled down in one town, the family moved to another. At school, he was never a stranger, but he did not feel his boyfriend either. From an early age he was accustomed to nomadic life, his parents were not friendly, so all together they gathered at the festive table just for Christmas. Depp was unusual to observe the families of his classmates, how they communicate with each other, have breakfast, lunch and dinner together, because he did not have all this.

Johnny from his childhood felt abandonedand useless loser. To hide somewhere and not hear the abuse of his parents, he dug a cave in his yard and spent most of his free time there, while fearing that it would collapse. Depp cannot be called exemplary, he was very harmful, did not like to go to school, he could walk on the ledge of the eighth floor. Because of his natural curiosity, at the age of 12 he began to smoke, at 13 he lost his virginity and began to drink alcohol, and at the age of 14 there were no such drugs that the boy would not have tried.

Johnny Depp’s life isn’t fun andcarefree. The actor himself admitted that he felt loved and needed only a couple of times a year. The constant quarrels of parents, and after their divorce, the death of a beloved grandfather - all this affected the mental state of the teenager. Johnny wasn’t a merry fellow; he constantly suffered from ridicule from classmates, teachers ’nagging, so it’s not surprising that he never finished school, although he doesn’t regret it.

wife johnny depp

Passion for music

Johnny seriously began to get involved in music at 14,he persuaded his mother to buy him an electric guitar, stole a self-instruction manual in the supermarket and spent hours in his room, learning the basics of playing the instrument. The guy even went to school with a guitar and spent most of his time in the music class. His first garage group was called Flame, and the second - The Kids. It was “Kids” who were destined to get to Hollywood, they performed in clubs and bars, earning $ 25 a night. Depp seriously thought about the continuation of his musical career, but his group was not doing very well, and soon it fell apart.

The beginning of the actor's way

Performances in bars and restaurants soon ceasedto provide the guys from the group, Johnny himself had to work as a messenger, a loader, a petty trader. After meeting with Nicholas Cage, Johnny Depp changed his attitude to life. The actor's filmography would not have been replenished with works if the new friend had not noticed a particular manner of speaking and moving, Depp's unusual appearance. It was Nick who told Johnny that a good actor would have come out of him. Soon, Depp was invited to audition for the movie “A Nightmare on Elm Street,” the film work was low-budget, but it was necessary to start with something.

Джонни Депп в молодости не отличался особой courage, so terribly nervous before casting on his first role. Together with Nicholas, they prepared for two days, practiced dialogue, practically without being distracted by food and sleep. The guy did not really hope for his success and mentally prepared for defeat. The samples turned out to be a little strange, only five applicants came to them, who were put in a row. Then the director of the film called her daughter and asked who she would like to see in the role of Glen. The girl chose Johnny.

Depp starred in the film for 6 weeks and received forshooting 7200 dollars. For him, it was incredible luck, the newly-made actor could not even imagine that they could pay well for such work. After the debut in the world of cinema, the rock band finally collapsed, because Johnny Depp completely switched to acting. At the beginning of his journey, he starred in several disgusting films, which the actor does not even want to include in his filmography, but they still gave him the necessary experience and confidence in his genius.

For a long time left without a job, Johnny Depp.Filmography at the beginning of an acting career is not replete with serious work. There was a time when a man doubted the correctness of the chosen path and thought about changing his profession, but then he was offered to play in the film “Platoon”, and it was this picture that gave impetus to the further development of the actor. This was followed by participation in the television series 21 Jump Street, which was for the actor a bone in the throat. After that, Johnny for a long time could not come to himself, starring in mediocre commercials.

children johnny depp

Fruitful collaboration with Tim Burton

The end of the 80s was heavy, it seemed, fromprolonged stagnation will not be able to break free Johnny Depp. The filmography, perhaps, would not have replenished with delightful films, if it were not for the fateful meeting of the actor with Tim Burton. Quite by chance, Johnny got a script with a story about an unhappy guy with scissors instead of hands. The actor was so impressed with this creation that he even wept. The man who invented the script seemed to him a genius. Depp really wanted to play a major role, but even had no idea what he would be interested in the director.

When meeting the actor was struck by how muchThey have in common with Burton. Men imbued with sympathy, learned a soul mate in each other. The role of Edward claimed the popular, highly paid actors with whom Depp could not fight. He had to wait several weeks in anticipation of a miracle, during this time he rehearsed the role, memorized the dialogues. Johnny had finally lost faith when they called him and announced that he was Edward Scissorhands.

Then came the joint work on the film."Ed Wood", Depp agreed to act in it, even without having understood the role, because he completely trusted taste, vision, sense of humor of Burton. In 1999, the actor received an offer to play in the film "Sleepy Hollow". In this film, he was able to perfectly express himself, carefully considering the character of his hero. Then two geniuses came together in the films “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” and “The Bride's Corpse” and were generously rewarded for their work. Films with the participation of Johnny Depp possess originality and have individuality.

В 2007 году была роль в мюзикле «Суини Тодд, Demon Barber of Fleet Street, the actor had not only to learn how to handle a razor safely, but also to sing. For his role as barber, Johnny was nominated for an Oscar. Then there was the work on Alice in Wonderland, in which Depp played the Mad Hatter, very similar to himself. In 2012, he played the extravagant Barnabas Collins in Dark Shadows.

Tandem Depp-Burton is unique in its kind, thesetwo comfortable in each other's company. Johnny has repeatedly admitted that he understands Tim perfectly, the director needs to say a set of words, look somehow, make a certain gesture, and the actor understands him perfectly. All their collaborations are interesting, unusual and very successful. In the films of Burton, Depp is not filmed for the sake of money, but for the sake of pleasure, the role in the films of this director for him is like a breath of pure water.

johnny depp biography

Johnny Depp best roles

A huge number of interesting, exciting,Unusual film works with impressive box office can boast an actor. Johnny Depp on the set of all the films is laid out at 100%, so his characters are vivid and memorable. But there are still particularly successful films, thanks to which the actor took off to Olympus, became the universal favorite, highly paid celebrity, worthy of respect. Such works include all the films made by Tim Burton, the irrepressible imagination of the director and the inspired work of the actor did their job - the cinema with Johnny Depp in the title role had to be enjoyed by the audience.

To successful films also should include:“At the last moment”, “Donnie Brasco”, “The Ninth Gate”, “Chocolate”, “The Secret Window”. Yet no work can match the success of the Pirates of the Caribbean, who made Captain Jack Sparrow the universal favorite and idol of both children and adults. All parts of this film were warmly received by the audience and brought unprecedented fame to the actor. The best works include “Rum diary”, “Tourist”, “Rango”, “Lone Ranger”. All films with Johnny Depp are interesting, lively, bright, unique, so millions of fans around the world are looking forward to new works of this genius.

Depp's bad habits

Almost all fans of eccentric JackSparrows know that the actor who played the cunning and adventurous pirate is far from the right way of life. How many packs of cigarettes he smoked, types of drugs tried, bottles of alcoholic drinks drank by everyone’s favorite Johnny Depp. Biography of the actor is not silent about the fact that bad habits he appeared at a young age. According to Depp himself, he smoked, drank, dabbled in drugs, not because he wanted to prove something to anyone, but out of curiosity.

johnny depp starring
By narcotic guy quickly lost interestbecause I understood - they will not lead to good. But I did not quit smoking. 30 cigarettes a day for Johnny was the norm, only with the birth of his daughter, he forced himself to reduce their number. With regard to alcohol, the actor can not be attributed to alcoholics who are addicted to the green snake, but still, when from all sides plagued by trouble, Depp can afford to get drunk.

Tattoos johnny

Johnny Depp's tattoos are not discussed by his fans.less than a filmography or personal life. Passion for tattoos of the actor appeared at a young age, he could independently cut something on his body with a knife. The man compares the skin with paper, and the caps - with the text written on it. All significant events in the life of the actor found a tattoo in his body. The greatest number of pictures and inscriptions made Jonathan Shaw, a cosmetologist from New York.

In total, Johnny has 11 tattoos:

  1. On the right bicep there is a portrait of a Cherokee Indian, because the actor’s grandfather and grandmother were from this tribe.
  2. An inverted triangle is pinned on the left bicep.
  3. On the same left bicep, Johnny perpetuated the memory of his mother by making a tattoo of Betty Sue.
  4. Between the thumb and forefinger on the left hand is the number 3.
  5. In many roles, Depp had to put a wide ring on his right index finger to hide three small rectangles.
  6. On the right bicep, you can read the Wino forever, although earlier there it was written Winona forever in honor of the former lover.
  7. On the right forearm, namely its internal part, there is a symbol from the “Brave”.
  8. The birth of a daughter is a significant event for Johnny, in whose honor he made the inscription Lily-Rose.
  9. After the birth of his son, a tattoo with the name Jack and a soaring bird appeared on his right forearm.
  10. On the right ankle, its inner part, there is a small unknown symbol.
  11. On the lower part of the leg, on the outside, there is a tattoo of a skull and crossed bones with the signature Death is Certain.

movie with johnny depp

The personal life of the actor

В 20 лет Джонни Депп решил жениться, его Lori Ann Ellison, 25, became the chosen one. The guy wanted to start a family, have children and live a full life. Perhaps the factor was that the actor himself did not receive parental love and care in childhood, so he could not wait to correct the mistakes of his father and mother. But at 22 he was already divorced, because he chose the wrong person for marriage. Johnny Depp's first wife was not bad, but they had different views on life. The couple remained friends.

Затем были отношения с актрисой Шерилин Фенн, они then converged, then parted. The novel lasted two years, after which the couple finally broke up. Depp still speaks well of Cherylin. In 1989, at the premiere of the film “Great Fireballs,” the actor met Winona Ryder. He considered this meeting a gift from heaven, but the paparazzi constantly interfered with lovers, throwing mud at them, knocking their heads together, inventing fables. The actor really wanted to start a family and maintain a warm relationship with this woman, but they still had to leave.

From the depths of loneliness Depp wrested model KateMoss, the relationship was not cloudless, but still this woman forced Johnny to reconsider her life, to give up abusing bad habits. The couple broke up when it came to children - the actor wanted them, but his chosen one at that time cared only about his career. Then there was a fateful journey to Paris, where a Hollywood star met Vanessa Paradis. Relations developed with lightning speed, and after three months the actor learned that he would soon become a father.

Johnny Depp's wife did not keep him nearas a child, he wanted it. The actor's dream came true - he had a family. May 27, 1999 was born little Lily-Rose, and April 9, 2002 - son Jack. The children of Johnny Depp brought him back to life, gave him an extra push, inspiration, so the actor’s first decade of the new century is the most productive and successful. Life with Paradi can not be called cloudless, but after each quarrel, the couple quickly reconciled. The children of Johnny Depp were the main reason. But on June 19, 2012, the family fell apart.

johnny depp roles
На съемках «Ромового дневника» актер познакомился with charming Amber Heard. Their relationship is very complicated, the couple met and dispersed several times, but still Depp managed to lure into her networks a flighty beauty and was already actively preparing for the wedding.

Interesting Facts

  1. In 2003, the actor received the title of the sexiest man of the year according to People magazine.
  2. As a child, Johnny called him Deep (crazy).
  3. The actor has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
  4. In 2004, Depp bought one of the Bahamas.
  5. The actor collects insects and weapons, loves to draw.