/ / Day of memory of victims of road accident: photo, script

Memorial Day for victims of road accidents: photo, script

According to statistics, annually around the world moremillion people die as a result of accidents on the roads. The UN General Assembly decided to introduce a memorable date - the Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims. Let's talk about it in more detail.

When marking

Word Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims- so in English is a mournful holiday, which has no clear calendar date and is celebrated in the third November resurrection - World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims.

Memorial Day for Victims of Road Accidents

The social and cultural role of the memorable date

If such a favorite holiday, like the Daymothers, Valentine's Day and others exist to express love and care to their loved ones, holidays carrying grief are called not only to remember the dead, but also to draw the attention of society to a specific problem.

The Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims has a profound meaning:with the help of shares not indifferent to the situation on the roads people try to attract the attention of city residents, motorists and pedestrians to the problem of injuries and deaths during traffic. Traffic statistics show that injuries resulting from accidents take first place among the causes of death in the age group under 30 years. Most of the dead are pedestrians, bikers and cyclists. According to various sources, the number of victims receiving injuries of varying severity reaches a shocking level of 50 million. Many people remain disabled, bedridden or stroller.

World Day of Remembrance of Victims of Road Accidents

Scenario for an informative lesson in school

Every holiday has a script, a Memorial Day of VictimsThe accident also goes according to its rules. How does this important and sad holiday take place in general education institutions? Memorial Day for the victims of an accident, the scenario of which is always about the same, runs according to the following plan:

  1. To begin with, the teacher reads a poem on the topic of an open lesson and explains the topic of the lesson to the students.
  2. Then the students are given a definitionroad accident and the reasons for which accidents occur on the roads. The teacher talks about when the Day of Remembrance of Road Traffic Victims is held and what is its main goal.

  3. Next, students are shown a video on a given topic.
  4. After watching the video there is a thematic presentation.

Thematic presentation includes the following slides:

  1. The first slide is dedicated to the historical events that took place on this day.
  2. The second slide tells about the date itself in more detail.
  3. The third and fourth slides occupy pictures dedicated to the holiday.
  4. Slides from the fifth to the seventh tell about the UN statistics and are devoted to the General Assembly.
  5. The eighth slide is devoted to facts dangerous to drivers.
  6. The ninth slide takes the classification of accidents on the roads.
  7. The tenth slide - the main factors in a traffic accident.
  8. The eleventh and twelfth slides are types of violations and facts.
  9. The thirteenth slide is devoted to accidents involving children and the main factors in them.
  10. Fourteenth slide - the ranking of places where there is the most traffic accidents involving children.
  11. The fifteenth slide emphasizes that the cause of accidents is often concluded in the desire to arrange a competition and show themselves on the road.
  12. Next is a video for 4 and a half minutes, for example, "Careless taxi driver."
  13. Regional and regional statistics on road accidents involving motorcyclists and scooter drivers.
  14. From the seventeenth to the twenty-fifth slide goesappeal to all schoolchildren to be prudent on the road, to respect drivers of cars, not to run across roads in the wrong places and to red light, and also not to drive the vehicle until reaching adulthood and in a state of intoxication.
  15. Next, students are shown subjects of light reflectors and seat belts for 3-4 minutes.
  16. The lesson ends with a minute of silence.
    Scenario Memorial Day of Victims of Accident

Actions held on this day

Nothing unites people as much as a common grief. On the Day of Remembrance of Road Traffic Victims, actions are held to attract the population to road problems.

So the inhabitants of Podolsk on that day launched thousands of white balls in memory of people killed as a result of accidents.

Another action, held in one of the Russian schools, is "Tape of Memory". Everyone wishing from the first to the eleventh class wore a white ribbon during the day.

In Novosibirsk, schoolchildren and students came up with another symbol of the action - a symbolic figure of a man on the asphalt, painted with chalk.

Memorial Day of Victims of an Accident

Related World Holidays

September 22 is the International Day without a car. The purpose of the holiday is to popularize walks and cycling.