/ / Hot Spots. Map of the hot spots of the planet

Hot Spots. Map of the world's hot spots

Today it may seem that all the terrible warsremained in the distant past. But this is not the case. Despite the fact that, according to studies, in the 21st century, as a result of military actions, far fewer people die than in past centuries, hot spots appear in different regions of our planet. Armed conflicts, military crises - probably, humanity will never lay down arms.

Горячие точки планеты – это словно старые раны, which all can not heal. For some time, conflicts ebb, but then flare up again and again, bringing pain and suffering to humanity. The International Crisis Group has named the hot spots regions on our planet that are threatening the world right now.


journalists in hot spots
The conflict occurred between the "Islamic StateIraq and the Levant ”(ISIL) and government forces, as well as other religious and ethnic groups in the country. So, the terrorists of IGILA declared that they were going to create an Islamic state - caliphate in the territories of Syria and Iraq. Of course, the current government opposed.

However, at the moment to confront the militantssucceeds. Hot war points are breaking out across the country, and the ISIS caliphate is expanding its borders. Today it is a huge territory from the borders of Baghdad to the Syrian city of Aleppo. The forces of the current government were able to free only two major cities from the terrorists - Ujah and Tikrit.

The difficult situation of the country took advantage ofAutonomy of Iraqi Kurdistan. During the offensive operations of ISIL, the Kurds seized power over several large oil-producing areas. And today they announced the holding of a referendum and secession from Iraq.

Gaza Strip

Сектор Газа входит в список горячих точек уже long. The conflicts between Israel and the Palestinian group Hamas have been heating up over and over again for decades. The main reason is the reluctance of the parties to listen to each other's arguments.

Так, Израиль начал военную операцию для того, to destroy the infrastructure of underground tunnels and warehouses with stocks of Palestinian weapons in order to prevent terrorists from attacking Israeli territory. Hamas demands to remove the economic blockade of the Gaza Strip and release the prisoners.

The immediate cause of the fighting,who have now unfolded in the Gaza Strip, was the death of three Israeli teenagers, and in response to this - the killing of a Palestinian. And on July 17, 2014, regular hostilities began: tanks drove, missiles flew.

Already several times during this time the parties were goingto conclude a truce, but all attempts to reach an agreement did not lead to anything. Projectiles still explode, people die, and journalists in hot spots take such pictures that it’s scary to watch ...


hot Spots
The military conflict in Syria broke out afterhow the authorities harshly suppressed opposition demonstrations that broke out under the auspices of the "Arab Spring". The clashes of the government army under the command of Bashar al-Assad and the coalition of the armed forces of Syria led to a very real war. It affected almost the entire country: about 1,500 groups (“Front en-Nusra”, ISIL and others) joined the military actions, more than 100 thousand citizens took up arms. The strongest and most dangerous were the radical Islamists.

Hot spots are scattered throughout the country today.After all, Syria is under the control of a variety of terrorist gangs. Most of the country today is controlled by government troops. The north of the state is completely captured by ISIS fighters. Although in some places the Kurds still try to win back the territory. Not far from the capital, militants of an organized group called the Islamic Front intensified. And in the city of Aleppo, there is a shootout between the military forces of Assad and the moderate opposition.

South Sudan

The country is divided into two opposing tribalUnion - Nuer and Dinky. Nuera are the predominant population of the state, they also include the current president. Dinky - the second largest among the peoples of South Sudan.

The conflict broke out after the presidentSudan announced to the public that his assistant, the vice-president, was trying to provoke a coup d'état in the country. Immediately after his speech, riots, protest actions and numerous arrests began in the country. Complete devastation and disorganization resulted in a real military conflict.

Today, the country's oil-producing areas are hot.points. They are ruled by rebels led by a disgraced vice president. This negatively affected the economic component of Sudan. The civilian population of the country suffered greatly: more than ten thousand victims, about seven hundred thousand were forced to become refugees. In order to somehow resolve this conflict, the UN sent its peacekeeping contingent to South Sudan, which was supposed to serve as a defense for the civilian population.

hot spots of the planet

Весной 2014 года воинствующие союзы пытались come to any compromise. However, the leader of the rebels openly admitted that he had long lost power over the rebels. In addition, peace talks were prevented by the Ugandan troops on the side of the President of Sudan.


On the territory of the country since 2002Islamic terrorist organization called "Boko Haram." The main goal that they pursue is the establishment of Sharia law throughout Nigeria. However, the authorities and the majority of citizens are against this “proposal”, since Muslims in the country do not constitute a majority.

Since its inception, the group has significantlyexpanded its influence, well armed and began to openly kill Christians, as well as those Muslims who are loyal to them. Terrorists commit terrorist acts every day and publicly execute people. In addition, they periodically take hostages. So, in April 2014, the Islamists were more than two hundred schoolgirls in captivity. They hold them for ransom, as well as prostitution and sale into slavery.

The government of the country has repeatedly tried to agreewith the terrorists, but no negotiations happened. Today, entire regions of the country are under the authority of the group. And the authorities are not able to cope with the situation. The President of Nigeria requested financial assistance from the world community in order to increase the combat capability of the country's army, which is currently losing to extremists.

Sahel Region

The crisis began in 2012, whenhostilities taking place in Libya, on the territory of Mali massively poured Tuareg. In the northern part of the country, they formed a state called Azawad. However, less than a year later a military coup broke out in the self-proclaimed power. Taking advantage of the situation, France sent its troops into Mali to help fight the Tuaregs and the radical Islamists who control the area. In general, today the Sahel has become a stronghold of the slave trade, drug trafficking, arms sales and prostitution.

Military feuds eventually led to large-scalehunger. According to the UN, more than eleven million people in the region are sitting without food, and if the situation is not resolved, by the end of 2014 this figure will increase by another seven million. However, no changes for the better are yet to be expected: military operations between the government, the French, the Tuaregs and the terrorists are in full swing throughout Mali. And this despite the fact that the Azawad state is no more.


hot war points
In Mexico, more than a decade has been goingconfrontation between local drug cartels. The authorities never touched them, as they were completely corrupt. And it was no secret to anyone. However, when Felipe Calderon was elected president of the country in 2006, everything changed. The new head of the country decided to change the existing situation once and for all and sent an army to one of the states in order to deal with crime and restore law and order. This did not lead to anything good. The confrontation of government soldiers and bandits ended in a war in which the whole country ended up.

For eight years since the beginning of the conflictdrug cartels gained power, power, and greatly expanded their boundaries. If earlier they fought among themselves for the quantity and quality of drug products, today they argue for highways, ports and coastal cities. Under the control of the mafia were the markets for arms, prostitution, counterfeit goods. Government troops are clearly losing this fight. And the reason for this is corruption. It comes to the fact that many of the military just go over to the side of the drug cartels. In some regions of the country, local residents also came out against the mafia: they organized militia groups. By this, people want to show that they neither trust the authorities nor the local police.

Hot spots of Central Asia

Tensions in the region creates Afghanistan, wars inwhich has not subsided for many decades, as well as Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, which got involved in territorial disputes with each other. Another reason for the ongoing conflicts in the region is the main drug traffic in the Eastern Hemisphere. Because of him, local criminal gangs constantly collide.

Казалось, что после того, как американцы убрали from Afghanistan, its military, in the country finally came calm. However, it did not last long. After the presidential elections, there were a lot of discontented people who refused to recognize the vote as legitimate. Taking advantage of the situation in the country, the Taliban terrorist organization began to seize the capital of Afghanistan.

hot spot regions
In the winter of 2014, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan got involvedinto territorial divisions, which was accompanied by military operations in the border areas. Tajikistan stated that Kyrgyzstan violated existing borders. In turn, the government of Kyrgyzstan accused them of the same. Since the collapse of the USSR, conflicts have periodically arisen between these countries over the existing designation of borders, but there is no clear division. Uzbekistan also intervened in the dispute, presenting its claims. The question is the same: the authorities of the country do not agree with the borders that were formed after the collapse of the USSR. States have repeatedly tried to somehow resolve the situation, but they did not come to an agreement and a concrete solution of the issue. At the moment, the atmosphere in the region is extremely heated and at any time can result in military actions.

China and countries of the region

Сегодня Парасельские острова – это горячие точки the planets. The beginning of the conflict was laid by the fact that the Chinese suspended the development of oil wells near the archipelago. This did not please Vietnam and the Philippines, which sent their troops to Hanoi. To show the Chinese their attitude to the situation, the military of both countries played an indicative football match in the Spratly archipelago. By this they provoked the wrath of Beijing: Chinese warships appeared near the disputed islands. There was no fighting on the part of Beijing. However, Vietnam claims that warships with the Chinese flag have already sunk more than one fishing vessel. Reciprocal recriminations and accusations can at any time lead to the fact that the missiles will fly.

map of the hot spots of the planet

Hot spots of Ukraine

The crisis in Ukraine began in November 2013.After the peninsula of Crimea retired to the Russian Federation in March, it intensified. Dissatisfied with the situation in the state, pro-Russian activists formed in the east of Ukraine Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics. The government, headed by the new president Poroshenko, directed an army against the separatists. The fighting unfolded in the territory of Donbass (map of hot spots below).

hot spot map

In the summer of 2014 over the territory of Donbass,controlled by the separatists, the liner crashed from Malaysia. 298 people died. The Ukrainian government declared guilty of this tragedy of the militants of the DPR and LNR, as well as the Russian side, allegedly supplying the rebels with weapons and air defense systems with which the liner was shot down. However, in the DPR and LPR, they abandoned their involvement in the catastrophe. Russia also stated that it has nothing to do with the conflict within Ukraine and the death of the ship.

5 сентября было подписано Минское соглашение о truce, which resulted in active hostilities in the country ceased. However, in some areas (for example, the airport of Donetsk), shelling and explosions continue to this day.

Hot spots of Russia

Today in the RussianFederation hostilities are not conducted, and there are no hot spots. However, since the collapse of the Soviet Union, conflicts have repeatedly erupted on the territory of our country. So, the most hot spots of Russia of this decade are undoubtedly Chechnya, the North Caucasus and South Ossetia.

hot spots russia
До 2009 года Чечня была постоянным местом боевых Action: first, the first Chechen war (from 1994 to 1996), then the second Chechen war (from 1999 to 2009). In August 2008, the Georgian-Ossetian conflict occurred, in which Russian troops also took part. The fighting began on August 8, and five days later ended with the signing of a peace treaty.

Today, the Russian soldier has two waysget into hot spots: army and contract service. According to the amendments to the Regulation governing the procedure for military service, conscripts can be sent to hot spots after four months of preparation (previously, this period was six months).

Under the contract, you can get to the hot spot,concluding an agreement with the country. This contract is drawn up only on a voluntary basis and for a specific period, which a citizen is obliged to serve. Service contract attracts many, because this can be a lot of money. Amounts vary by region. For example, in Kosovo pay from 36 thousand per month, and in Tajikistan - much less. Big money could be earned for risk in Chechnya.

Прежде чем подписать контракт, добровольцы должны get a tough selection: starting with computer testing on the website of the Ministry of Defense and ending with a full examination of the state of health, psyche, verification of personal data, law-abiding and loyalty.