/ / Betty White: "The Ideal Granny of Film and Television"

Betty White: "The Perfect Granny of Film and Television"

Betty White - American actress, starcomedy shows, TV presenter, talented writer and six-time winner of an Emmy Award. This woman deserves the title of hero in the field of art, because she has worked there for more than seventy years. “Golden Girls”, “The Show of the 70s”, “Santa Barbara”, “Downpour” - if these dust-covered names are familiar to someone, then the iconic Betty, who crossed the ninety-year mark, is also familiar.

Betty White


The actress was born on January 17, 1922 in the suburbsChicago. In economically difficult times for America, the White family had to move to Los Angeles. The girl was trained in Beverly Hills. Having been educated, the girl felt an irresistible craving for art. In her youth, Betty White worked on TV, was also a model and played on the theater stage.

During World War II decidedjoin the voluntary movement of American women. For some period, creative activity has faded into the background. Potential recovered with a new force, only when the war ended. The woman began working on radio and television, and then completely created the nominal project "Betty White Show."

Young Betty White

Formation and early work

Further, the spun star was waiting for His Majesty.Hollywood. Here she created comedy projects, which subsequently had a tremendous success. She starred in the TV show "Life with Elizabeth", which not only brought a nomination for "Emmy", but also made Betty White almost the first actress who dared to openly and professionally make fun of the whole world on TV.

In the 50s, the talented comedian herself wasinvolved in the creation of successful projects. She led her "Betty White Show" and released the comedy film "Date with Angels," appeared in the serial "The Steel Hour of the United States." Now everyone recognized her everywhere. Career bar began to rise inexorably.

Young Betty White

Peak of popularity

In the period of greatest popularity, the actress workedin the TV shows "Millionaire", "Station Yubochkino", "Strange couple" and many others. The project "Mary Tyler Moore" was a real breakthrough - he gave the woman the best role and awarded the double award of the Emmy Award. Participation in comedy films and television projects has become for the star not only a profession, but also a way of life. In 1983 she was named the "Best host of the show."

"Golden Girls" - a special page infilmography of Betty White. This is a series about four elderly ladies who are forced to live without men and do it easily and with humor. In addition to the innumerable motion pictures, cult TV series and popular TV shows, Betty was also involved in voice acting. Her voice can be heard in the episodes of "The Simpsons", "Griffin", "The Wild Thornbury Family" and not only.

Personal life

In early photos, Betty White looksstunningly. It is not surprising that the perky beauty had a great success with the male sex. She has been married three times. In 1945, a young volunteer girl, apparently, was particularly attracted to military romance. Her chosen one for the first husband was the pilot Dick Barker. However, this union could not stand the test of time, the couple divorced.

In 1947, Lane Allen became the second husband of the actress.The new lover was involved with filmmaking and worked in Hollywood. The marriage was weak, and two years later, the husband and wife decided to separate. In 1963, life brought Betty with a colleague in the shop. Charming TV presenter Allen Ladden took the heart of the comedic star when she came to his program. In 1981, Allen died of stomach cancer. After the tragedy, the actress never married again.

Betty with her husband Allen

Last works

In the 2000s, the actress in many projects playedherself, she was invited to various shows, for example, to Oprah Winfrey. Also comprehensively developed, Betty received episodic roles in new popular projects (“30 shocks”, “My name is Earl”), shone in the foreground in “Boston Lawyers”. In 2009, noted in the movie "Offer". It also played Sandra Bullock.

A year later, the honored artist was honoredthe title of the largest host of the show "Saturday Night Live". Betty White has acquired the status of a truly cult person. Young actors considered it an honor to work side by side with her in some projects, because as a child they laughed at her jokes on TV.

Betty White

Other activities and achievements

After the death of the main, and also incrediblefamous actresses of the series "Golden Girls", Betty began to rivet just incredible attention from the media and cinema guilds. Thanks to more than seventy years of continuous participation in the film industry, it was called the "Ideal grandmother of cinema and television."

The merits of the actress are not limited to the areascreen activity. She is an active zoodefender (Betty is the president of a fairly well-known acting community in America that deals with animal welfare issues) and the organizer of a charitable foundation. She is also the author of several books on pet themes, the life of Princess Diana and her own long-term career on TV.

Young Betty White surrounded by pets
Betty White - an icon not only the old time, butand new. After dozens of years, she did not lose the thirst for life, sparkling humor and external attractiveness. This is one of the most unique elderly actresses who fully deserved all their awards and international recognition.