/ / The film "Grandmother of easy virtue": actors and roles

The film "Grandmother of easy virtue": actors and roles

In the film "Grandmother of Light Behavior" actorswonderfully coped with the project of the Russian film director and screenwriter Marius Vaysberg. The idea of ​​creating a film belongs to the Russian showman and comedian Alexander Revwe, who played two roles in the tape simultaneously.

The plot of the tape

According to the plot of the film "Grandmother of Easy Behavior"actor Alexander Revva, known to many spectators also under the pseudonym Arthur Pirozhkov, plays the role of a scam artist Sasha, as well as his aunt - Alexandra Pavlovna Fishman.

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Rogue Sasha nicknamed Transformer earnsto life by twisting incredible scams one by one, reincarnating in dozens of different characters. Without much effort, the comedy actor "Grandmother of Light" can portray both a charismatic macho and a painful old woman. But one of the carried out adventures leads to the fact that the main character starts to hunt bad guys.

Sasha has an idea that hecan confuse traces and escape from persecution. Only for this purpose it is necessary for him to get used to the image of the elderly aunt, who went to a nursing home. The hero of Alexander Revva perfectly copes with this idea and without any problems joins the local company of the elderly.

Alexander Revva - master of transformations

When the script of the film "Grandmother of the lung" was readybehavior, "actor Alexander Revva, together with film director Marius Weissberg, for a long time thought about what would be the" image of my grandmother undercover. " At first it was an old woman of 70-80 years, after which the woman is a little younger, but also aged. However, they could not find a bright key image. And here, as the main character tells - they were rescued by his mother. At the moment the woman is 64 years old, but for domestic energy is not more than 30 years. It was this image that was embodied in the cinema.

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There was Alexandra Pavlovna Fishman, colorfulwoman is slightly older than 50 years. A cheerful, active, who is just beginning. Invented fancy curls could complement the image of an incendiary and stylish aunt, making her a bit like an American singer and actress Barbara Streisand.

By the way, the main character's mother also played a part in the comedy, starring in the role of Aunt Revva. This was the first role of a woman, with whom, in the opinion of the film crew, she coped wonderfully.

"The Grandmother of Easy Behavior": actors and roles

The company Alexander Revwe on the setwas a popular Russian singer and actress Natalia Ionova, more known to the audience under the name Glukoza. In the film "The Grandmother of Easy Behavior", the roles for the actors are chosen quite organically. Natalia showed herself as a kind and feminine nurse, who falls in love with the hero of Sasha Revva without a memory. According to the director of the tape, this is the first, but not the last, role of Glucose, where she showed herself as a wonderful actress and a bright personality.

the grandmother of easy acting actors and roles

In addition to Glucose, Philip Kirkorov was involved in the comic tape. The singer played the star-studded jury, who evaluates the musical performance presented by the guests from the nursing home.

Also played a role in the "Grandmother of Easy Behavior"actor Yevgeny Gerchakov, who is famous for his brilliant play at the Theater of the Moon and the Theater at the Nikitsky Gate. The actress Elena Valyushkina, who became famous due to her role in the film "Black Lightning" and the comedy "Gorky", was noted. And also Marina Fedunkiv, who became popular after participating in the TV show Comedy Woman.

Where did the shooting take place?

The comedy was filmed in a sanatorium of one of the federalministries, which is located in the Moscow estate near Moscow. For many years in the premises provided there was practically no repair, so the spirit of the old days was felt on the territory of the estate.

During the filming, as the filmmaker claimstape, periodically there were some difficulties, because, in addition to filming, the sanatorium continued to function. To create a film was strictly on schedule, and it was quite inconvenient, since the movie is a creative process that does not tolerate a framework.

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Interesting Facts

The act of putting on an actor in the film "The Grandmother of Light" for reincarnation into the image of an old woman took about 4 hours every day.

Another interesting fact:Despite the fact that the premiere of the film took place only in mid-August 2017, the tape was the only Russian project that paid off already in the summer.

For Vladimir Tolokonnikov, an actor from the "Grandmother of Light", who played the role of Bessonov, this tape was one of the last works.

Opinion of critics

According to film critics, the picture can be compared witha classic Hollywood comedy "In Jazz Only Girls" or with equally famous tapes "Tootsie", where a man throughout the film poses as a woman. By the way, the actors in the "Grandmother of Light Behavior" once mention the famous production with disguises.

However, the director himself believes that the pictureIt turned out to be quite interesting and exciting, hiding in itself a whole palette of genres. A comedy film in which the viewer has to empathize over the touching story of love, watch out for criminal gangsters, marveling at the stunts and the action taken.

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According to Marius Weisberg, presentedthe film is a kind of story about the second chance that appears in a petty scam. The film shot shows that it's never too late to change and embark on the right path, especially if sincere feelings are born in life and support real friends, even if they are elderly people from a nursing home.