Nature inhabited the Earth with different animals andbirds, insects, plants and other living things. Some of them are quite common and numerous, others are very rare and live only in certain corners of the planet. They are called endemics. They are absolutely on every continent. Nor is North America an exception. In this article, we will consider the endemics of North America.

Term meaning
Endemics are recognized as such representativesAnimal or vegetable world, which occur only in a certain place and nowhere else on the planet. As a rule, such exclusiveness was formed over thousands of years of evolution and is often explained by the geographical distance of the continent or its separate part. Endemics, for example, are rich in rain forests in South America, the Galapagos Islands. Some plants and animals living in North America, too, are exceptional species, nowhere else found. Amazing representatives of flora and fauna amaze imagination. Such shapes and sizes can only be invented and created by nature.

Endemic to North America: plants
- Pine Balfour.Its name was given in honor of the botanist from Scotland. The tree reaches a height of 22 meters or more. It is endemic from the state of California, which is divided into two territorial subspecies, growing at a distance of 500 kilometers from each other.
- Elephant tree (pahikormus).It grows in the border zone and Mexico. Its name received an interesting shape and size. Having a height of 4 to 9 meters, it has a barrel thickness equal to half the height. Sprawling tree crowns acquire a bizarre and unearthly shape, giving it high decorative.
- Some species of cacti are also endemics of North America, including the astrophytum of goatroopers, the fraying of De Negri, the echinocereus of Reichenbach and others.
Sequoia - the national treasure of America
Sequoia evergreen has a limited area.It grows on the Pacific coast of the mainland. Its main qualities, which surprise, are the sizes (height - more than 100 meters), the age exceeding one thousand years, and the huge diameter of the trunk. In a certain period these trees were subjected to destructive influence from the side of the person, they were massaciously cut down, some were simply destroyed, for example, cutting through them the passage for cars. Now the evergreen is a national treasure.

Endemic Animals: Examples
- Puma.It is also often called a mountain lion or cougar. It lives in North and South America. A fairly large representative of predators belonging to the cat family. The length of the body varies from 100 to 180 centimeters (along with the tail). You can meet them both in the mountains and in the plain. The population is large enough, but still endangered by the reduction of their habitats and hunting of local residents. Some subspecies are protected at the level of the law.
- Endemic to North America include forestbison. This is the northern subspecies of a fairly common American bison. Despite some external similarity, they also have significant differences. The subspecies has a small number (mainly due to human extermination), in connection with which it is under protection. Its habitat is the taiga forests of Alaska and several other northern states.
- Striped skunk.An animal of very picturesque appearance and very bad character. Very remarkable is the black and white color with two large light bands on the back. Skunk has specific glands that produce an oily liquid. It has an extremely unpleasant, sharp and persistent smell. The skunk sprinkles it in the direction of the enemy in case of danger. His color is also considered a warning. The habitat is large enough, but still the species belongs to the endemic of North America, as it is not found anywhere else in the world.
- The Californian condor.This rare species belongs to the family of American vultures. Its habitat is limited to three states (the mountains of California, Arizona and Utah), and also occurs in Mexico. Its number in the 20th century was reduced to threatening extinction, but fortunately, with the help of special programs it was restored.