/ / Relief and mineral resources of North America

Relief and minerals of North America

The continent of North America covers a significantregion. In size, it is the third in the world. Due to this, the relief and minerals of North America are very diverse. This will be discussed further ...

Geographical position

The continent is located in the northern and western terrestrialhemispheres. It is washed by the waters of the Pacific and Atlantic, the Arctic Ocean, represented by many bays and seas. From South America, the continent separates the Isthmus of Panama, in the west with Eurasia it is divided by the Bering Strait.

minerals of North America

The continental part of North America isthe territory of 20.36 million square meters. km. The islands of the mainland include Greenland, the West Indies, the Canadian Arctic Archipelago and others. From north to south, the continent is 7,326 kilometers long, from the west to the east - 4,700 kilometers.

The territory of the continent is located in almost allgeographical belts. The USA and Canada together with the Bahamas, Bermuda and Greenland make up the North American region. The southern part, which is located in the tropical latitudes, is part of the Central America region.


Relief and minerals of North Americastriking variety. The surface of the continent is represented by contrasts - here there are mountains and canyons, plains and hills. Plains occupy most of the territory, on both sides they are surrounded by mountains. The height of the plains can vary within a few hundred meters, which makes the relief quite wavy.

In the northern part is the LaurentianElevation, fringed in the south by a chain of large lakes. The influence of the glacier provided a smooth form of rocks and hills, the formation of basins. To the south are the hilly Central Plains, and immediately behind them the Mississippi Lowland.

relief and minerals of North America

In the Western part there are the Great Plains -the foothills of the Cordillera. They reach up to 1500 meters in height. Cordilleras are the most folded zone, the highest altitude is the peak of McKinley in 6193 meters. Their eastern part is the Rocky Mountains (up to 4200 m) and the Cascade Mountains.

In the east are the Appalachians,medium-altitude hills with individual high massifs up to 2000 meters. In the south of the mainland there are the Mexican and the Atlantic lowlands, not exceeding two hundred meters. Near the coast they are represented by bars, terraces, lagoons, spits.

Geotectonic structure

The mainland is the North AmericanThe platform, most of which is occupied by the Canadian shield, formed in the early Precambrian. Its edges are omitted, here there are deposits of lead, nickel, gold, cobalt ores and other minerals of North America.

minerals of north america table

From the east, the Appalachian Mountains are superimposed on the Canadian shield.In these fold-blocky mountains there are processes of destruction. Blurred areas turned into valleys, and more resistant rocks remained in the form of elevations.

In the western part of the continent is locatedCordillera region of medium folding, formed by the collision of tectonic plates. This process continues even now. The formation of the Cordillera was also influenced by the glacier. Therefore, both sedimentary and magmatic minerals of North America are located in this region.

The great plains are located on the border of the platformand the Cordillera. They are formed by marine and continental sedimentary rocks. The Central Plains have a similar origin. In their southeastern part, karst rocks emerge, creating deep labyrinths - Mammoth caves. Sedimentary rocks formed and the Mexican lowland.

North America: minerals (briefly)

The geological structure is of paramount importanceimportance for the formation of certain mineral resources. Thanks to a special structure, the minerals of North America are found practically throughout the continent.

 north america minerals short

In the area of ​​the Canadian shield are significantdeposits of uranium and iron ores, molybdenum, nickel, copper. In the coastal lowlands, as well as in the Cordilleras and Alaska, there are reserves of fossil fuels. Here, minerals of North America are mined as oil and natural gas.

In the central areas and hollows of Appalachiathere are deposits of coal. In the Cordilleras there are various sedimentary and magmatic minerals, for example, gold, ores of non-ferrous metals, mercury. Large deposits of phosphorites are located on a peninsula called Florida.

Minerals of North America: table

For better perception, we decided to compose all the information and present it in the form of a table, which is presented below.

Form of relief

Types of minerals


The Laurentian Upland

metal ores

iron, copper, silver, zinc, titanium, nickel, vanadium, uranium, polymetallic, cobalt, gold, platinum

Central Plains


natural gas, coal, oil

metal ores

Molybdenum, uranium ores, polymetallic zinc, gold


fluorite, barite, sulfur

Great Plains


natural gas, coal, oil


potassium salts



natural gas, coal, oil

metal ores

iron, titanium, lithium, copper, molybdenum


borates, phosphorites

Rocky Mountains


brown coal

metal ores

copper, polymetallic, mercury, silver, tungsten, molybdenum, gold,

Appalachian Mountains

metal ores

polymetallic, iron, zinc, beryllium, lithium, thorium


asbestos, talc, mica, fluorite

Mississippi Lowland


oil, natural gas

metal ores

lead, zinc



The Mexican and the Atlantic Lowlands


natural gas, coal, oil

metal ores

titanium, zirconium


phosphorites, sulfur, talc


Mainland North America is located in the northern andwestern hemispheres of our planet. Its geographical position, natural conditions and geological structure influenced the formation of mineral resources.

major minerals of North America

The main minerals of North America -these are nonferrous metal ores, non-metallic ores and combustible minerals. Among them are natural gas, oil, coal, phosphorites, uranium, lead, zinc, nickel, silver ores, gold, platinum and others.

Due to the large number and diversity of resources, the two main states on the mainland are able to provide for themselves and not depend on other countries.