/ / Various aphorisms about the child

Various aphorisms about the child

Children, as you know, is our future.They are associated with a large number of different quotes and utterances. They concern all aspects of a child's life, as well as the relationship of children and adults. There are aphorisms about love for children, their upbringing, funny expressions, phrases about children with deep meaning. In this article we will consider the various sayings associated with the "colors of life". No wonder that's what children are called because they give meaning to our existence, they give us a sea of ​​joy and happiness.

Aphorisms are funny

A lot of funny cases are associated with the children.Almost every mother can tell about her child an incredible number of funny stories. Children in general are very spontaneous creatures. They see the world in their own way and broadcast their knowledge to others. On the topic of children there are a lot of funny aphorisms. For example:

  • The fallen asleep child is not only cute, but at last!
    aphorisms about the child
  • The child is the only thing in the dwelling, which must be washed by hand.
  • Even the most sad room is enlivened by quite ordinary children, who are neatly placed at its corners.
    aphorisms are funny

Funny aphorisms about children can not be anyoneleave without a smile, because they clearly notice all the nuances from the life of little men who delight and amuse us every day. Funny aphorisms are humor that helps to feel the joy of being. Because children are the main source of it, which never runs out.

Aphorisms about love

Of course, the theme of love for childreninexhaustible. For their children, parents are ready for almost anything, because, as a rule, they do not worship souls. It was invented a huge number of different expressions, which are devoted to the love of children. Practically all the aphorisms about the child are imbued with this feeling. And in another way can not be, because not to love these lovely defenseless creatures can only insensitive and stale people.

Here are some aphorisms about the love of the child:

  • A child is a love that has become visible.
  • Love is not necessarily children, but children are necessarily love.
    aphorisms about children with meaning
  • Without children, one could not so love humanity.

These and other aphorisms about the child express that happiness, which can not be acquired for any money, because the child's love is priceless.


It is not enough to give a start in life to a little man.Of course, giving birth to a healthy baby is very important. However, it is equally important to raise a standing person from him, to instill in him the right moral principles, so that in the future one could be proud of his child. A lot of works are dedicated to the upbringing of children, there are a lot of winged expressions and citations of great people on this subject.

An example of wise sayings concerning the upbringing of children:

  • Fools are stupid, blind people are blind - those who have not raised children.
  • In the upbringing of children, the most important thing is that they do not notice it.
  • The best way to raise good children is to make them happy.

The most important thing in the process of raising children is to remember that the child is a sponge, which absorbs everything that he sees around him.

Aphorisms about children with meaning

Words are very valuable,which carry a certain meaning and make you think: are we right about our children? Sometimes we can and be mistaken, not being able to look at ourselves from the outside. Sometimes we lose objectivity and make some mistakes, which it is desirable to correct on time, then not to regret the lost time. The sooner we correct our behavior - the more chances to raise their children worthy members of society.

Here are some aphorisms about the child, pushing for deep reflection.

  • "Most of all a child needs your lovejust when he least deserves it. " This aphorism says that children always need love, regardless of whether they deserve it or not. Sometimes a child does bad things on purpose to attract attention. This behavior signals that the little person just does not have enough of your love.
  • "Do not make a child of an idol:otherwise, when he grows up, he will demand victims. " This aphorism says that, despite all your love for your child, you need to educate him in severity. If you just pamper your child - you can not wait for good.


aphorisms about love for children

The theme of the birth and upbringing of children is trulyinexhaustible. How long humanity will exist on Earth - this question will not lose its severity for so long. With the children a sea of ​​happy moments is connected, but also no less troubles, worries and doubts. Aphorisms about the child, which contain undeniable facts about the lives of children, their relationships with adults, and wise advice for all occasions, help us to understand whether we are doing the right things for our children. And some of the winged phrases, perhaps, will push us to certain reflections and make us think about our behavior.