/ / Actress Lyudmila Makarova: biography, personal life. Top Movies

Actress Lyudmila Makarova: biography, personal life. Top Movies

Lyudmila Makarova - a talented actress, onceadmitted that her romance with cinema never took place. Indeed, the world knows this amazing woman primarily for her theatrical roles. However, many of her works in cinema deserve attention. Lyudmila passed away in May 2014, but the memory of her continues to live in the hearts of the fans. What are the creative achievements of the star, what is known about her life behind the scenes?

Lyudmila Makarova: childhood

The future actress was born inSt. Petersburg, which was then called Petrograd. There was a joyful event in October 1921. In childhood, a talented girl dreamed about the future of the great ballerina. Unfortunately, this dream could not be realized because the child had a disease of the feet.

Lyudmila Makarova

Желая отвлечь любимую дочку, мать отдала ее в drama circle, which functioned at the House of teachers. Lyudmila Makarova enthusiastically discovered the world of theater, the teachers of the circle noted her artistic talent. It is not surprising that after graduation she decided to become an actress.

First successes

The future star became a student studio workingat the Bolshoi Drama Theater, in 1938. At the beginning of the training, the teachers, conquered by the talent of the girl, offered her to become a member of the theater troupe. At first, it was listed as an auxiliary, in 1941 it was finally approved mainly.

Интересно, что первая роль, которую Людмила Makarova played on the "adult" stage, assumed her transformation into a boy. The debut for the novice actress was the play "Kuban", staged by Boris Babochkin. The plot of the production was borrowed from Victor Rothko’s play that was popular in those years.

First love

Efim Kopelyan became the first man in whomwas destined to fall in love with such a wonderful actress like Lyudmila Makarova. Young people met in the theater of the Big Drama Theater, where they both performed. The first meeting helped them understand that they were literally born for each other. Nevertheless, over the next two years, Luda and Yefim just met.

Lyudmila Makarova actress

One of Makarov's favorite memories is alwaysIt was how Kopelyan originally offered her to marry him. One day, the actor simply ordered his lover to take a passport and drive to the registry office located on Fontanka. The marriage took place in May 1941. In 1948, Luda and Efim had a long-awaited child, the parents chose the name of their son before his birth - Kirill. Interestingly, he also achieved success in the acting profession.

Years of War

Lyudmila Makarova - an actress whose life is hardlycan be called cloudless. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, her beloved husband went to the front as a volunteer. The BDT theater troupe was transported to Kirov, however Luda did not join her team, because she did not want to leave the city where she was born.

Lyudmila Makarova biography

Lyudmila, not imagining life without a scene,temporarily settled in the Baltic Front Theater, whose performances raised the morale of the inhabitants of Leningrad. In this theater, the actress played until the end of hostilities, then the BDT re-entered her life. Efim's husband returned from the front, life began to improve.

Интересно, что именно на тяжелые послевоенные The years marked the peak of the popularity of a talented actress. It was not easy to get to the performances, which played Makarova, because of the huge number of people who want to see her. Lyudmila easily changed the images embodied on the stage. A caring mother, a frivolous mistress, a war heroine - there were no such roles with which she could not cope.

Shooting at the cinema

What film gave such a national recognitionwonderful actress like Lyudmila Makarova. The biography of the prima donna states that the glory fell upon her after the release of the TV play "Hanum", in which the woman was assigned one of the central roles. Lyudmila looked inimitably in the image of a sharp matchmaker who is trying to arrange the happiness of lovers. Few people know that before the shooting of the drama, the actress was practically not made up.

lyudmila makarova personal life

Theater actress - so throughoutlife positioned itself Lyudmila Makarova. Films in which she occasionally played small roles were hardly remembered by a star. Nevertheless, the prima donna always marked the picture “Stepan Kolchugin”, in which she really enjoyed shooting. She simply rejected most of the directors' proposals. But fans got the opportunity to see a star in such tapes as “The Mystery of the Snow Queen”, “The street is full of surprise”, “Fathers and children”, “Two captains”.


Up to the last day of my life I was risingto the stage of the native BDT Lyudmila Makarova. Personal life was relegated to the background by the actress, when in 1975 her beloved husband was gone. In 2005, we had to endure another tragedy - the only son who did not even have time to celebrate his 50th anniversary died. Work helped her survive all the misfortunes.

Lyudmila left this world at the age of 92,It happened in May 2014. The grave of the BDT star is located at the Volkov cemetery, where it was buried with honors. All the actors of her theater came to see off her colleague on the last journey.