/ / Types and kind of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and their purpose

The types and types of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and their purpose

Каждому гражданину полезно знать, какие there are types and branches of the armed forces of the Russian Federation. It will not be superfluous to represent what their purpose is. This is necessary at least in order not to be mistaken by naming them in the conversation.

What is the division of the armed forces?

They were formed depending on wherecombat operations take place: at sea or on land, in the sky or in space. In this regard, and allocate types of troops of the Russian Federation. Their list is as follows: land and air forces, strategic missile forces and the navy. Each of them is a complex structure formed from special types of troops, which have a different purpose. All these types of troops differ in type of weapons. Training of military personnel in each of them has its own specifics.

types and types of troops of the armed forces of the Russian Federation

The first type: ground forces

He is the base of the army and is the mostnumerous. Its purpose is to conduct combat operations on land, hence the name. No other types of troops of the Russian Federation can compare with this, since it is distinguished by its versatile composition. It is characterized by great power of the strike. Land - these are the types of troops of the Russian Federation (photo presented in the article), which have excellent maneuverability and independence. In addition, they can act both separately and together with others. Their mission is to repel the invasion of the enemy, to gain a foothold in positions, to attack enemy units.

Today, these types of ground forces of the Russian Federation are distinguished:

  • mobile motorized rifle, tank and lightning-fast missile troops, artillery and air defense, military command and control;
  • special forces, such as reconnaissance and communications, technical support and engineering units, protection units against radiation, chemical and biological attack, rear logistics institutions.

types of troops of the Russian Federation

What are motorized rifle and tank troops?

These are the types of Russian troops that can performdifferent combat missions. From the breakthrough of the enemy defense and offensive to a long and lasting consolidation on the captured lines. A special place in these matters stands out for tanks. Since their actions on the main directions of defense and offensive are characterized by maneuverability and speed of achieving the goal.

Motorized rifle units are distinguished by the fact thatcan act both independently and with the support of other armed forces of the Russian Federation. The types of troops that are currently being considered are able to withstand weapons with any degree of defeat, up to and including nuclear attacks.

But that's not all.The considered types and types of troops of the armed forces of the Russian Federation are equipped with weapons capable of causing significant damage to the enemy. For example, motorized rifle troops have automatic guns, artillery and anti-aircraft complexes at their disposal. They have combat vehicles and armored personnel carriers that allow them to move into the thick of battle.

type and types of troops of the Russian Federation

What are rocket troops and air defense intended for?

The first are to performnuclear and fire strikes against enemy positions. With the help of missiles and artillery, you can hit the enemy in an all-arms battle, and also cause damage in corps and front-line operations.

An important role in these matters is played by artillery, which is widely represented in units with anti-tank purposes, using mortars, cannons and howitzers.

Family and types of troops of the Russian Federation associated with air defense, arethe main burden in the destruction of the enemy in the air. The purpose of these units is to shoot down enemy aircraft and drones. Their structure includes units that use anti-aircraft missiles and anti-aircraft artillery. Not the last place is occupied by radio engineering units, which ensure proper communication. The air defense troops perform an important function of covering the ground forces against possible air attacks of the enemy. This is expressed in the fight against the enemy troops on its way and at the time of their disembarkation. And before that, they are obliged to conduct reconnaissance by radar in order to promptly notify about a possible attack.

All types of troops

The role of the Airborne Forces and engineering troops

A special place is given to the airborne troops.They combine all the best that the previously mentioned types of the RF Armed Forces can give. The combat arms as part of the Airborne Forces are equipped with artillery and anti-aircraft missiles. At their disposal are airborne combat vehicles and armored personnel carriers. Moreover, a special technique was created that allows parachutes to parachute a variety of goods in any weather on an arbitrary terrain. It does not matter the time of day and the height of the aircraft.

The tasks of the Airborne Forces are most often actions in the rear.the enemy, aimed at breaking his balance. With their help, the enemy's nuclear weapons are destroyed, strategic points and objects are captured, as well as control bodies. They perform the task of making an imbalance in the work of the enemy's rear.

Инженерные — это такие виды и рода войск РФ, who produce exploration areas. Their task is the construction of barriers, and if necessary, their destruction. They are clearing the territories, preparing the terrain for maneuvers. Establish the crossing with which to overcome water obstacles. The forces of engineering troops organize water supply points.

types of troops of the Russian Federation

The second type: Navy

These types and branches of the armed forces of the Russian Federationdesigned to conduct combat operations and protect the territorial interests of the country on the water surface. The Navy also has the ability to deliver nuclear strikes on strategic enemy targets. His task also includes the destruction of enemy forces on the high seas and at coastal bases. The Navy is designed to disrupt enemy communications during wartime and to protect its own shipments. The fleet is able to provide serious support to ground forces during joint operations.

The Russian Navy today has in its composition suchfleets: Northern, Baltic, Black Sea, Pacific and Caspian. Each of them includes the following types of troops: submarine and surface forces, naval aviation and infantry, coastal missile and artillery units, and service and material support units.

The purpose of each branch of the Navy

Те, что расположены на суше, призваны оборонять coast and objects that are on the shore and have great importance. And without timely and complete maintenance of the base, the Navy will not be able to exist for a long time.

Надводные силы образованы из кораблей и катеров, which have a different focus from rocket and anti-submarine to torpedo and landing. Their mission is to search for and defeat enemy submarines and their ships. With their help, the landing of the amphibious assault, as well as the detection and neutralization of sea mines.

Units with submarines, in additionthat enemy submarines are discovered, they hit ground enemy objects. And they can act both independently and in combination with other troops of the Russian Federation.

Naval aviation consists of vehicles thatcan perform a missile or anti-submarine function. In addition, aviation performs reconnaissance missions. Aircraft of the naval forces serve to destroy the enemy’s surface fleet both on the ocean and at the bases. It is also of considerable importance for covering the Russian fleet during combat operations.

types of Russian troops photo

The third type: Air Force

These are the most mobile and maneuverable types and types.troops of the armed forces of the Russian Federation. Their main task is to ensure security and protect the territorial interests of the country in the air. In addition, they are designed to protect the administrative, industrial and economic centers of Russia. Their mission is to protect other troops and ensure the success of operations. With their help, carried out aerial reconnaissance, landing and the destruction of enemy positions.

The air force is armed with combat and combat training aircraft, helicopters, transport and special equipment. In addition, they have anti-aircraft guns and special-purpose military equipment at their disposal.

There are such types of aviation: long-range and versatile front-line, transport and military. In addition to them, there are two more types of anti-aircraft forces: anti-aircraft and radio.

types of troops RF list

What is the purpose of each of the Air Force branches?

The purpose of the military transport aviation is to deliver cargo and troops to the landing site. Moreover, foodstuffs with medicines and military equipment can act as cargo.

Long-range aviation is the main striking force of the Air Force. Because it is able to hit any target with great efficiency.

Frontal aviation is divided into bomber andassault, reconnaissance and fighter. The first two provide air support to ground forces during any combat operations, from defense to attack. The third type of aviation produces intelligence that meets the interests of Russia. The latter exists for the destruction of enemy aircraft in the air.

The fourth type: strategic rocket forces

Formed specifically for action inconditions of nuclear war. They have at their disposal automated missile systems that are highly accurate. And this is despite the enormous flight range possible between two continents. To date, the kind and types of troops of the Russian Federation are very mobile and complementary. And some of them are changing. For example, space forces are formed from rocket troops. They became the basis for a new type of troops - space.