/ / What plants are listed in the Red Book of Russia: names and descriptions

What plants are listed in the Red Book of Russia: names and descriptions

The Red Book of Russia is a unique edition, inwhich contains a list of rare and endangered plants, fungi, insects, birds and animals. It must be studied in school so that the younger generation will know how to preserve and increase the natural wealth for future generations.

general characteristics

Red books are different:national, international and regional. The first attempts to unite in one edition all the endangered representatives of the flora and fauna of humanity made 50 years ago. In 1963, the first, still very poor list was released. They decided to call it red, since it is this color that signals the important thing that needs to be highlighted and highlighted.

what plants are listed in the red book of Russia
When our state gained independence,It has its own list of endangered species of flora and fauna - the Red Book of Russia. What plants and animals entered there, you can see in the copy for 2001. This is the last full edition, updated and improved. As for the volume dedicated to flora, it was updated in 2008.

It is known that at the end of 2015 there will be a newThe Red Book of Russia. This was announced recently by Sergey Donskoy, Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology. According to him, leading specialists of the country are working on its content, who cross out obsolete samples from the list and enter new copies.

Medicinal plants of the Red Book of Russia

There are a lot of them here.Using such plants in traditional medicine, a person mindlessly destroys living specimens in nature. Often, pulling the stem from the root, he does not allow him to sprout again next spring. At the same time it is known that many inhabitants of the outback are engaged in gathering. They do not care so much about their own health as they make a profitable business out of this: herbs are sold to pharmaceutical companies or procurement organizations. For example, only in the Omsk region, about 110 thousand people are robbed of medicinal plants. In fact, these are all village men and women of working age.

What plants are listed in the Red Book of Russia?From medicinal it is, first of all, ordinary ginseng, Rhodiola rosea, forest pine, belladonna, or belladonna, autumn crocus, and others. Such plants for medical needs are often grown on fields specially created for this purpose. From here they are then disrupted by professional biologists, while observing all the rules of collection.


Rare plants of the Red Book of Russia areunder the constant care and protection of the state. Among them, and ginseng - a real miracle of the world of flora. In many countries, it is considered a cure for all ailments, even from the Latin language the name of the plant is translated as "panacea."

rare plants of the red book of Russia
The most valuable thing in ginseng is its root.In length, it often reaches 15 centimeters. Numerous branches grow from it, taking on an often bizarre form. It is believed that the use of ginseng root will not only be able to get rid of diseases, but also preserve vitality and youth, even among the elderly.

Like all plants of the Red Book of Russia, the descriptionwhich you find on the pages of the latest edition, ginseng does not grow throughout the territory of our country. He is more to the land of the Far East, Khabarovsk and Primorsky Krai. It is interesting that in nature its appearance is associated with the intervention of the Gods. In China, they are sure that it is the lightning strike to the source that causes the water to go underground, and in its place, the root of life, blessed by higher powers, grows.


Also known as belladonna.Belladonna and ginseng are not only medicinal, but also forest plants of the Red Book of Russia. The first is found in the grassy form at the edges, the second is in the form of a bush and is sometimes located even in the very depths of the leafy thicket. The fruit is a cherry-sized dark blue berry. They can not be eaten, as they are very poisonous. After swallowing a few berries, even an adult gets a severe form of poisoning, not to mention children.

forest plants of the red book of Russia
Belladonna is common in the South and Centralregions of Russia. Her healing properties have unraveled our ancestors. In ancient times, women squeezed juice out of the berries and buried it in their eyes. It dilated the pupils, the look became clear and brilliant. If the juice was rubbed into the skin of the face, then the cheeks from this became ruddy, the skin looked healthy. Belladonna is listed in the Red Book as a valuable pharmacological material. Additionally, it is grown in the Krasnodar Territory in specially created farms.


Какие растения занесены в Красную книгу России?Know that these are not only herbaceous specimens, like ginseng, and artisanal ones, like belladonna. There are trees among them. For example, pine. There are many varieties of it, five of them are protected by the state: European cedar, grave, chalk, eldar and pitsunda.

 Red book of Russia: what plants
В России сосна обычно встречается в хвойных лесах:near peat bogs, on the slopes of the mountains and on their very tops. He likes a different climate: both temperate in botanical gardens and hard, at an altitude of about two thousand meters. Pine cones are especially valued in pine. Their seeds, which are also called nuts, contain a lot of nutrients, vitamins, oils and acids.

The healing properties of the pine fruit was discovered inXVIII century. They were brewed, made from them alcohol tinctures and ointments. It was believed that the "pine nuts" can not only return youth, but also the lost male power. Nowadays, milk, made on the basis of cones, helps with diseases of the bladder and kidneys.

Flowers in the Red Book of Russia

Unfortunately, in this edition appear not onlysimple plants, bushes and trees, and flowers. People pick snowdrops in the forests, not paying attention that they are endangered. Just for the sake of profit and short-term pleasure from a flowering branch, they destroy whole glades of rare specimens.

 plants of the red book of Russia description
Due to human greed and lack of culture soonthe pearl of any lake - an elegant water lily - will disappear from the face of the earth. All less often you can see bells, irises, peonies in the field or in the forest. Mankind risks losing irrevocably many types of spring flowers: a wood anemone, a lungwort, a European bathing suit.

Therefore, many of them the state took underown protection and brutally suppress any violations in this area. It is known that in Moscow and other Russian cities it is forbidden to collect flowers in forest-park zones. Herbs need to learn to take care of since childhood, so that in the future our planet will not lose its main treasures.

Water lily

Ecology lessons should be held in every schoolso that children from an early age know which plants are listed in the Red Book of Russia. Perhaps this way it will be possible to save some species from complete extinction, including the beautiful water queen - the water lily. Every year the number of this flower decreases exponentially.

Red book of Russia water lily plants
They bloom for a long time, almost all the warm timeYear - from May to August. In the morning, with the first rays of the sun, the bud opens. In the evening, he firmly closes the petals. A spectacular sight can be seen at dawn: from the depths of the lake flowers appear on their leaf boats and open to a new day. The mankind may soon forever lose this wonderful phenomenon, therefore the Red Book of Russia (plants) has sheltered the flower on its pages.

Кувшинка - не только красивый представитель flora, it still has magical properties. At least, our ancestors believed in that. They believed that it revives strength in a person in order to defeat the enemy, and also protects and protects him from troubles, envy and sorrows. If a scoundrel with dirty thoughts and a dark soul touched her, the water lily could even destroy him. Believers wore a dried flower as a charm, putting it in a bottle.


The list of plants of the Red Book of Russia includes andthis beautiful and delicate flower. He loves the soil near the reservoirs, on the forest edges, especially coniferous, on rocky slopes. You can meet him in the Irkutsk Region, Buryatia, Altai and Krasnoyarsk Territories. Violet notched propagated by seeds. They are formed not every year, so this flower was on the verge of extinction.

На очаровательное растение обратили внимание ещё ancient Greeks. In this country, she was under the auspices of Persephone, abducted by Hades into the realm of the dead. Since then, the flower is a symbol of dying and reviving nature.

 medicinal plants of the red book of Russia
Nowadays, population numbers are drasticallyshrunk. The features of the biological, which lead to the extinction, had a hand in humanity. Mastering new spaces for the development of tourism and agriculture, it destroys the entire plantation of the plant. As a result, we lose one of the most beautiful purple flowers on the planet.

Lily of the valley

Rare plants of the Red Book of Russia includeyour list and this name. An amazing flower, a real miracle of nature, was protected by environmentalists because of its mass destruction by people. Legend tells that the lilies of the valley were formed from the endless stream of tears of the girl behind the groom. Falling on the grass, they turned into white little buds.

list of plants of the red book of Russia
Lilies of the valley grow in the European part of Russia,they are also found in the forests of the Caucasus and the Far East. At the same time the plant prefers shady places. In height reaches 20-25 centimeters. After the buds bloom, green berries are formed in their places, which eventually turn red. Lilies of the valley are poisonous. Despite this, they are actively used in the treatment of heart disease, ophthalmological ailments, neurosis and depression. They are often pulled out with roots in large quantities. Therefore, together with other representatives of the flora, this flower is very vulnerable and needs protection.

Зная теперь, какие растения занесены в Красную the book of Russia, you will pay more attention to their value. Telling this information to your children, you will teach them to love the world around them, to preserve it and increase it.